One for the records

by Wearyevilsoul

Chapter One

It was a glorious day for equestria, recent advances in medicine have gotten rid of every disease known to pony kind. Of course, every scientist who helped work on the cures were throwing a party. Why wouldn't they? They worked very hard, and deserved a good party after saving countless amounts of lives. Plus, they even came out with advanced antibiotics. The upside of these antibiotics is that they are cheap. Meaning that if your poor, you can take these antibiotics and slow the disease down a lot more than normal. Even then, the cures only cost a couple bits to make, so you could afford to be cured if you were infected with some form of disease. It took a brilliant team of ponies to crack the DNA strands of these diseases. However, there was one oddball in the scientific team. Her name being Derpy, no pony expected her to actually be smart at something. They all made fun of her because of her eyes, and how she talked, and even how she flied, but none the less, she was brilliant when it came to diseases. Leading the research, she amazed every pony with her works in the disease field. Still, some ponies were skeptical of her skills. She couldn't be that good, she was Derpy! Derpy wasn't good at anything except for delivering mail, even then she wasn't all that good at it, but no, Derpy was the best damn scientist equestria has ever seen. However, the party wasn't just because they have cured all diseases known to pony kind, but because today was Derpy's retirement day. She thought that she had severed her purpose, and just wanted to go and live a normal life. Derpy was filled with excitement, thinking that she had done it by herself. Derpy tended to do this a lot, however her colleges normally gave her a dose of reality. Looking out the window at ponyville, Derpy thought to herself "What am i going to do with my life?" She had no clue what destiny had in store for her, and she liked that.

"Alright every pony! Gather round, i want to make a toast to Derpy!" Exclaimed one of the scientists. All the ponies gathered around him, and he took a couple of seconds to gather his thoughts.

"Derpy, you've really made a difference in the medical field. Even though most of us were laughing at you when you first arrived, you were the most important pony out of all of us. You alone managed to figure out the patterns of mutations in the common cold, and for that, we all thank you." Said the scientist. After the toast was over, the party quickly ended as well. The only two ponies remaining being Derpy and her boss

"Derpy... uh, i just wanted to give you my thanks." Said her boss

"Well... whys that?" Replied Derpy, looking at him confused.

"You've been one of the best researchers in this whole team, THE best in fact. While its true that i didn't want to hire you at first. Im glad I did" Said her boss

"Oh... well um... thanks" Replied Derpy, as she slowly trotted away

"Oh! Derpy!"

"Yes?" She replied

"Live a good life, and I'll see you on the other side." He said back, smiling and waving goodbye to her.