Dawn's Twilight

by NightsongWrites

Chapter 7- The Gathering

Trixie let out a loud oof as she and Luna teleported into Princess Celestia’s chambers: the later with a prim grace belying her anxiety, while the former hit the ground at a roll, coming to a rest on the carpeted ground face-first, hind hooves wiggling in the air.
“Ow,” the Great and Humiliated Trixie mumbled half-heartedly, struggling back to her hooves.
Only to fall instantly to her stomach in terror as four brightly armored Solar Guards slammed their way through the door, muskets lowered and horns gleaming with bright light. Numbly, the faint idea of being skewered by one crossed Trixie’s mind, and she shuddered in intense fear, and not a little nausea. Thankfully, being with the Princess of the Night seemed to have its advantages, as the alert guards quickly bowed, the relief on their faces palpable.
“Stay thy petty words, Captain!” Luna snapped tensely, breaths coming in panicked snorts, “Where is my Sister? Has she been wounded?”
The Guard Captain seemed to take the snap in stride, even smiling a bit as he bowed again.
“Her Majesty was unharmed, and the assassin was slain by one of your Rangers, my Princess,” he replied quickly, stepping out of the way of the door, “She is in the Royal Medical Chambers with Princess Sparkle and her friends.”
He had barely finished the sentence before Luna strode past, Trixie giving a small squeak as one of the Guard’s wings snapped out to block her path… and squeaked again when Luna flash-teleported her to the Royal’s side.
“She is with me,” Luna snapped simply, and Trixie couldn’t help but smile.
Friends with two Princesses? She could roll with that. As they walked through the Castle, Trixie noticed nervously that it all had a very tense air to it. Batponies fluttered in the rafters, and the pricks and ripples of wards could be felt all around. Peering down one hall, Trixie was momentarily stunned by a phalanx of zebra in bronze and red-painted armor and curved blades marching out of a glimmering portal, joining delegations of several other races: Dragons in pony disguise, dour Buffaloe, worried Deer, and whispering Griffons. What in all of Equestria was going on?
They found Celestia in the Royal Medical Chambers as promised, standing watch with a sad little smile over a group of ponies. It took Trixie a moment to recognize them, and what she saw shocked the showmare to her core. Rainbow Dash, the passionate, fiery member of the friends, was sobbing openly into Twilight’s chest, one hoof weakly pounding against her chest, hardly hard enough to cause any damage at all.
“D-don’t you… e-ever bucking do that a-again, damnit,” she was whimpering, glaring half-heartedly at Twilight through black, swollen eyes, “D-don’t you d-dare sacrifice yourself f-for us. W-we all go down t-together, or c-come out together! Do you got me? DO YOU-”
Twilight Sparkle, her muzzle and chest burned with odd, grotesque designs and looking far thinner than last she saw her, lunged forward to pull Rainbow Dash into a fierce hug, giving a few sobs herself. The emotional level of the room was high, and Trixie could see that none of Twilight’s friends looked very well-off. Fluttershy was stretched out on a cot, trembling and crying softly, wings wrapped in bandages and stained a deep red in several circular pieces. Pinkie Pie, her insane hairstyle far tamer and straighter than normal, was settled beside her crying friend, forelegs wrapped around her waist in a tight hug. Rarity, her mane unkempt for once, had her head bowed, lips moving in what seemed a prayer. Applejack, her back legs supported by a sturdy wheelcart, stood as a silent vigil over all her friends, baleful glare the only thing keeping the nervous doctor and his nurses away.
“W-who… did this?” Trixie whispered faintly, almost surprised to find herself shaking as she sat back on her haunches, unable to tear her eyes away from the scene.
“Caribou,” Luna hissed, voice sharper than any blade could ever be.

From the United Equestrian Times.

From the lips of our beloved Diarchs, Celestia and Luna, Princesses of Equestria. On this day, the Caribou Nation of the northern frost wastes have declared unprovoked war on the ponies of Equestria; the ponies of the Crystal Empire; the ponies and our zebra cousins of Zebrica; the dragons of our illustrious allies, the Dragon Duchies; the ponies and buffalo of the United Buffalo Tribes, and the sorrowful deer and ponies of the Cervine Nation.With the shattering of the peace by the despicable attack on our Princess Twilight Sparkle, the Elements of Harmony, and her entourage, they have shown all ponies that they are cowards. With the attempted, and utterly failed assassination attempts on our crowns that left all assassins slain, they have shown their weakness. Today, our readers, we have been challenged and, as loathe as we are to commit ourselves to a cause that requires death, are we going to show weakness in return? No. This writer says no; we will not show weakness. We will band together, we will unite, and we will punish the foul currs that DARE harm a hair on the manes of our Diarchs!
For Equestria!
For Princess Sparkle!
For Golden Quill, Royal Diplomat
For Little Blossom, foal and farmpony of Heldon’s Crossing
For all those who have, and will fall, in this struggle!

From the Desk of Princess Luna Aetherias Celene, Warmistress of Equestria

From this day forth, the Office of Sky-Sailing will be accepting applications for positions of war in our expanding fleet. Pay is four hundred bits per term of service, along with any spoils of war acquired. What may not be considered spoils will be discussed by recruiters.
Our nation, now more than ever, needs capable and hearty ponies to defend Her. We will show these Caribou whom they have messed with.

From the Desk of Princess Twilight Sparkle
I am immensely proud to welcome the opening of the Sparkle School for Talented Ponies in Ponyville. For a long time I have planned and studied for when this School could be opened, to reach ponies of all tribes and all ages. Magic flows through us all, and it is only through capable study that will discover what makes us all special. For as ponies, we are special. Each and every one of us will have a cutie mark, but more than that, we have a spark of life, of passion, of creation, of… magic. And that is something no enemy can take away from us.
Enrollment starts June 13th.