Off the Record

by The King of Hearts

Magic 101

Magic 101

Alex sat in the library, twiddling his hooves… Or whatever you would call the motion of fiddling with your hands, in this world, as he waited for Twilight to finally come down from her room, so she could give him a rundown on their plan to teach him proper magic. As insane as it sounded to him.

Already on the table was a small selection of books with the words ‘beginners’ and ‘newbies’ covering them. He was aware that he was, for lack of a better term, shit at magic. If there were different belts, like in karate, his belt would be the shit belt.

Opening the first book, he was pleasantly surprised to see several colorful pictures in the book, each one trying illustrate how magic would be cast. He didn’t even find it insulting that all of the pictures featured children.

Step one: Breathe deeply.

Easy! Breathe in, breathe out!

Step two: Concentrate.

Okay! Not breasts right now. He was concentrating!

Step Three: Clean your room, and be nice to your parents!

Alex frowned, how old were the horses reading these books? Three? Well… maybe the thick cardboard pages of this small square book should have been an indicator. Did Twilight really think he needed something so rudimentary?

Shrugging, he was about move on to the next book, when he heard the door upstairs open up, as Twilight trotted in to view.

“Are you ready to start?” She asked politely, making her way down the stairs and joining him at the table, “Oh! I see you’ve started reading! What have you learned so far?”

“Does cleaning my room really help with my magic?” He asked, earning a smirk from Twilight.

“Sorry,” She laughed, “That was my book when I was just a kid.”

“Did it work?” Alex asked.

“Not at all,” She smiled, shaking her head, “I think it actually made things worse, because I was so busy cleaning everything.

“Okay,” Alex chuckled, “So, if cleaning isn’t the key, how am I supposed to use this stuff?”

“Well, just so you feel better, nopony can do it their first day, or even their first week,” Twilight explained, “After a couple of months, you’ll start being able to levitate very small things, and alter matter in tiny ways as well.”

Nodding, Alex tried his best to listen, but found some conflicting thoughts stumble through his mind. He had no idea what they meant, but had a small idea where they came from.

“So, the basic idea of magic, is to channel your inner powers, and use them to manipulate the world around you, from making things float, to well, teleporting from this world, to yours.”

Twilight continued her explanation of magic, as a small breeze started blowing on her mane. It went unnoticed by her at first, but the odd movement of a few strands of hair started to give her an itch. And, when she reached up to scratch it, the breeze was then blocked by her hoof. This was something she did notice.

“Is the door open?” Twilight asked, looking past Alex to the closed door of the library, “Or a window?”

Alex didn’t answer her. He was in some kind of trance.

Twilight stood from her place, and did a lap around the table, realizing that the source of the wind hadn’t been from a door, or a window. It had been coming from Alex.

Walking beside him, she tapped his shoulder in an attempt to get his attention. But, when she did, he was pulled out of whatever world he was in, and wound up sending a blast of air from his horn, blowing every book off the table, and into the air.

“Alex, how were you just doing that?” Twilight asked, as he looked to her with confusion in his eyes, “I only know one pony in all of Equestria that can manipulate the wind like that.”

Alex’s mouth hung open an inch, as he processed the question slowly through his mind.

Only one pony in all of Equestria could use this magic.

And he knew which pony that was.

“I’ve only seen Princess Celestia be able to do something like that,” Twilight said quietly.

“Is it hard magic to do?” Alex asked, wondering how wind could be so complicated, especially when he was able to cast it without even thinking about it.

“Moving the air itself is one of the easiest things to do, but only because it’s a byproduct of other spells,” Twilight explained, “When you shoot fire out of your horn, air moves around it naturally.”

“You can shoot fire?!” Alex asked excitedly, only to be ignored as she continued.

“But moving wind itself, like you just did, is almost impossible,” Twilight continued, slightly annoyed that he wasn’t more pleased with his accomplishment.

“Why is it so hard?” Alex asked, still lost over how wind could be so hard to conjure, “It sounds so easy!”

“When you do that, you’re not just moving air,” Twilight explained in a huff, “You created it!”

That one sounded a lot harder to do.

“I need to speak to Princess Celestia about this right away!” Twilight said, moving her head in a small circle, “See what else you can do while I’m gone!”

In a blinding light, Twilight vanished from her place in front of him, leaving him to assume that’s he had teleported to see Celestia.

“I wonder what she’ll tell her,” Alex mumbled.


“Princess!” Twilight called, running in to the throne room, and interrupting the conversation Celestia was currently having with one of her advisors, “I need to speak with you about Alex right away!”

Celestia knew Twilight very well, and she knew that this conversation would be coming the moment Alex peered inside of her mind. He took in a lot more from her than he knew right now. It would become evident to him in the next couple of weeks just how much he took from her.

“Alex can use your air magic!” Twilight exclaimed, as Celestia feigned shock to her.

“Well that is quite the surprise, Twilight,” Celestia said, “However, do you remember what I told you about humans the other day? They can have amazing powers inside of them.”

“But he was useless!” Twilight argued, “A thoroughly bad human!”

“I guess he surprised us,” She chuckled, having no intention of revealing the truth to her, “Why don’t you relax here for a while? It sounds like you’ve had a busy morning.”

“Actually, I only taught him magic for about two minutes,” Twilight said, hoping Celestia wouldn’t be upset with her for doing so little work before rushing to talk to her about this sudden turn of event.

“Well, it was your first lesson, and I think you’ve earned a break.” Celestia winked, gesturing for her advisor to leave the room, “I’ll get us some cake.”

“You know Princess… I’m a bigger fan of pie,” Twilight said quietly.

“You’re not a princess yet, Twilight,” Celestia chuckled, “We’ll be having cake.”

“Yet?” Twilight asked, recoiling for a moment.

“Come.” She said simply, “Some black forest sounds lovely.”


Alex sat in silence.

He hoped Twilight was coming back soon.

It had already been three hours.




He had to pee again.