Dangan RomPonya

by Serenade-Stereo

Day 8: Chapter 1

Day 8: Now you see me....

*Ding dong, Bing bong!*

"Ahem! This is a school announcement! It is now 7am, Night-time is officially over! Let's make this day a great one everyone!"

Serenade slowly awoke and sat up in his bed. He paused. There was something different in his room. The guitar was still there, the furniture was still there. He reached for his jeans.


There was nothing. It was his clothes that he wasn't wearing, that's what had disappeared! But didn't he lock his door last night? He ran over and checked. It was unlocked.

"Dammit!" He yelled at himself. Someone in the school was pranking him like this? He didn't much time to think about, there was a knock at the door. Serenade gulped and he peered around the edge of the door when he opened it. It was Grimdark.

"Hey...you're usually one of the first there, what's taking ya' so long?" He asked

"W-well...someone stole my clothes in the middle of the night so I don't have any pants..." Serenade explained. Grimdark stood silent for a few seconds before a crooked grin appeared on his face.

"You're kidding...right?" Serenade shook his head. "Pfft...." He started to laugh. "Wow, you got hit harder than a lot of us! Maybe even top!"

"What do you mean?"

"Everyone had something stolen from their rooms last night, but with you...it just went to a whole new level!"

"I-it's not funny!"

"It's pretty funny actually. But if you need pants I'll see what I can do...give me a minute" Grimdark heads off back to the cafeteria. Serenade shuts his door and sits on his bed, waiting for Grimdark's return.

Everyone's had something stolen from them? Would that mean Monokuma was trying to give another motive? This one is really weak compared to the others though so maybe someone is lying about it....I hate the thought of that but...it's not impossible He sat on his bed until there was another knock at the door. Instead of just Grimdark this time though, Hammer was accompanying him.

"Seems like Hammer is closest to your size. Here" He passes through a pair of grey cargo pants.

"They may not be your style but it's better than nothing, right?" Hammer said

"I guess..." Serenade shut his door and puts the pants on before getting his luckily not stolen socks and shoes and heading out the door to join Grimdark and Hammer.

"I have to wonder who the heck would steal all this..." Grimdark folded his arms.

"They stole the thing I was working on! Do you even realize what that means?!" Hammer yelled clearly distraught by what happened.

"No, because you refuse to tell any of us what the machine actually was..." Grimdark sighs. "They stole my fucking medals. Those are proof of my work in the army and they fucking took them!"

"Needless to say, the one that did this is gonna be hurting a whole lot when they're found out..." Hammer says.

"Well, let's head to the cafeteria for now and see what everyone else has to say..." Serenade suggests

"Umm...I'm not sure if that's the best idea..." Grimdark tells him "Everyone's accusing each other of the thefts so it's a huge riot"

"Well, we should at least try to calm them down..." Serenade says

"Fine...but we aren't going in unless you can calm them all down..." Grimdark says as they head to the cafeteria. Serenade goes in alone, as soon as he opens the cafeteria doors, his ears are attacked by a series of loud comments and accusations that can't be made out.

"I bet it was you, you bitch!" That one was most likely to have been Beau.

"I smash you to pieces if I find you, I swear!" That had to have been Punch.

"I'll have to cut you down a notch!" That was either Samurai or Nimbus. "If I don't then the hellfire will!" Nimbus, had to be Nimbus.

"Um...g-guys?" Serenade tried to grab their attention but to no avail. "Guys!" Still, they ignored him. Serenade sighed and stood up on one of the tables. "GUYS!!!" He yelled out, finally grabbing the attention of everyone in the room. "Thank you..."

"Did you have something stolen to?!" Punch asks immediately.

"Yeah...but I don't think it was one of us...I think this might be Monokuma's new motive..."

"What? Our stolen possessions? What's a lot weaker than the rest..." Beau comments

"But it isn't impossible, Ms Love.." Orion says

"Nope! It's impossible, one of you guys stole something from everyone else!" Monokuma says appearing out of nowhere as per usual. "As for who...I'm not gonna say!"

"So one of us really did take one belonging of each of us?" Samurai asks

"Well not everyone...they didn't steal from themselves!"

"Alright, who was it?!" Punch yelled "Fess up before I find out myself, then I'll beat twice as hard when I do..."

"Just...try not to kill them..." Nimbus says "We don't need another class trial because of this"

"He's right, once we find out who did it, we can let Punch hit them for a maximum of seven times because eight would probably kill them" Samurai says

"One could kill them..." Olive folds her arms.

"We should start by creating a list of all of the stolen items, then if any of us happen to come across one, we can take it to their rightful owner..." Orion suggests

"This is based on the assumption that some items were dropped by the culprit" Beau says and is given a nod from Orion.

"Well? Monokuma, would you be so kind as to-"

"Already made a list, toots!" Monokuma cuts her off as he pulls out a piece of paper and sticks it on the wall.

Stolen Items! Return to owner if found!

Serenade- Change of clothes + other pants
Orion- Old charm
Grimdark- Army Medallions
B- Spell book
Samurai- Practice sword
Nimbus- 67 shurikens
Hammer- Secret machine
Olive- Photo
Punch- Diary
Beau- left shoe

Wait a second... "Beau only lost her shoe? That's what she's so annoyed about?" Serenade looks at her

"Don't give me that look, I have my reasons for needing it back..." She simply states

"Oh yes...you very much do Ms...'Super High School Level Model'..." Monokuma says before disappearing.

"Hmph! Whatever...I'll find that stuff by myself...!" Beau leaves.

I guess that girl will do anything without questions from anyone. The others start to scatter around the building as usual and Serenade heads back to his room for a small rest. An envelope slips under his doorway after around three minutes of being back. He opens it up to find a note and a Monokuma medallion inside.

'Just to say you're awesome!' That had have been Samurai...his handwriting was surprisingly good. Serenade walked out the room and headed to the shop room and slotted the medal into the Monomono machine. It made a *Clunk* noise and a blue medallion dropped out. Wait...

A medallion...? Didn't Grimdark...? He looked closely into the Monomono machine...it was true, there were a few medallions inside the machine, this must have been what happened to Grimdark's medals...did Samurai already find them inside and want Serenade to take the glory of finding them? It was likely...or was it the culprit...? Either he knew something.

He was paying a visit to Grimdark...