Then We'll Run

by maxxxxxx


The small shop was a wonder, it felt like a cross between Rarity's boutique and an armory. Intricate and beautiful pieces of metal work hung on the walls like an art exhibit. Blades, armor and accessories decorated every corner. Everything was made from high quality, lustrous metals, all imbued with the signature metal that the store's took it's namesake; cobalt. Twilight and Rainbow Dash could not help but wonder, with mouths agape, at the works the shop displayed. Neither had seen anything quite like this shop. Their entrancement was brought to an end as the door slammed shut behind them, it's hard wooden echo blaring through the store. As Rainbow came back to her senses she turned to high alert, her ears pricked and her eyes focused. Suddenly, the sound of hard and heavy hooves trotted towards them, descending from a back room. By the pattern, she guessed whom ever it was, was coming from a room upstairs.

This is it, Will they recognize us? We go lucky getting here but we didn't exactly stop and chat with anypony. What should I do if they turn us in? C- can I really attack somepony who just lost their family? For Twilight... I have to, I'll keep her safe, no matter what. There's only one way out of here, if we leave running or flying out the front door that will give us away and we'll have to run from an entire town. Twilight looks exhausted, there's no way she'll be able to teleport us far enough. If it comes down to it, we'll have to stand our ground here and finish things as quickly as possible, for better or worse.

The hooves were almost thundering, their beat sending vibrations through the hard wooden floor. Twilight could imagine they belonged to a large and imposing earth pony, though the pony's identity was only her second greatest fear. Anxiety swelled with her as the shadow of the stranger cast on the wall, behind the threshold of an open doorway that lead to the stairs. Her heart raced with doubt, fear and foreboding. Her wide eyes flitting back and forth between her marefriend and the shadow. What's going to happen? What should we do? I know Dash said she had to do this but... this is really bad. The situation is extremely volatile for us, if they recognize us and decide to turn us in... I don't think we'll have any other option but to... Please, please don't let it come to that!

The next moment, the owner of the shadow stepped into view, the arrival shattering their expectations. Instead of a burly stallion, the hoof beat belonged to a rugged, middle aged unicorn mare with gunmetal grey fur and steely blue eyes, her mane was a short and curly blonde. She was well muscled and her hooves were rough and worked like Applejack's. She wore a thick and heavy leather apron held together with iron rivets along it's hem. It was well worn, with scorch marks and scratches all over it's surface. She looked pleasant enough, her smile seemed that of an eager sales pony happy to have a customer. As she approached, her smile, much to the couples dread, began to fade, as well her canter gave into a slow and cautious trot. She came to a stop a considerable distance from the pair and stood at an angle, giving her a good position to either run from, or defend. With a darting glace around the room, she spoke.

“Can I help you all?” Her tone was suspicious at best, and accusing at worst. Twilight and Rainbow were equally caught off guard by the mare's caution. Unnerved, Rainbow stepped as casually as she could between Twilight and the mare.

“Y-yes, we're looking for the owner...” Dash trailed off, unsure of what to say or. I'm almost positive that that's her, should I just come out and say it? If we make her defensive it'll be harder to talk to her but if we just come out with it she might be more likely to turn us in. What should I do?

“Who's asking?” She hissed snidely, glaring at Dash. Rainbow could almost feel the mare's eyes burning into her and a sense of panic and urgency took hold. Her body felt hot and her heart raced, pounding in her chest and ears. She could just feel that the situation was on the verge of catastrophically going wrong as the mare began to inch away towards the heavily armed wall. Her senses became incredibly alert as adrenaline surged. Rainbow could hear mumbles and hooves just outside the door, the small town was wide awake and everypony was outside. If she screamed, nopony would miss it. I have to do something now!

“I am. My name...” she paused as she shed her disguise, revealing her distinct vivid rainbow mane, “is Rainbow Dash.”

Twilight's jaw dropped. She couldn't fathom the massive gamble Rainbow had just taken. She slowly backed up to the front door, placing her hoof at it's base so no unfortunate pony would enter and see them. At the same time, she began pooling her magic, readying it for a fight. Neither Twilight nor Rainbow knew what to expect as the mare stopped her retreat and stared at them, looking over their every aspect with harsh and judging eyes. A mix of burning anger cautious fear permeated her gaze before it gradually softened.

“I know who you are. Why are you here?” she said sternly. Her defensive pose had given way as she now stood facing the fugitives head on although still keeping her distance. Twilight nearly gave a sigh of relief though she knew the danger had far from passed. She kept her place by the door, her hearing trained outside of the small shop. They were surrounded by enemies, and they could be caught at any moment. Her eyes darted between Rainbow and the mare as tension built in the air. She hasn't turned us in yet. Be careful Rainbow, one wrong word and we may need to leave in a hurry.

“Are you Cobalt Prose's mother?” Rainbow stiffened her body and hardened her gaze, looking right into the eyes of the mare. Dash's eyes narrowed as she tried to match her imposing and intimidating presence. Her muscles were tensed as fear was replaced with anticipation, ready to spring into action at a moments notice. She would do whatever she had to to protect her love. That was a powerful drive and she hoped that it came across in her body language, she would do anything to protect what was most important to her, and that made her dangerous. Dash could only pray that it wouldn't come to that. Hope began to spring up as the mare in question relaxed her body and eyes.

“I guess we need to talk...” Before she gave another word her horn lit up with a dull grey aura and a small wooden drawer beside her opened up and a metal ring with two keys jingled as they floated into her magical grasp. Nudging the drawer closed with her flank she trotted towards Rainbow and Twilight, though her eyes rested on the door behind them. Twilight stepped aside, joining Dash as they backed away from the door, both apprehensive as they imagined what she might do. Just as easily as she could lock the door and provide them momentary safety, she could even more easily open it and shout for help to the entire town of Appleloosa. Sweat rolled down Dash's brow as she watched helplessly for the mare to show her decision. When she reached the door and slowly levitated the key into it's hole, with a clunk, the lock shut, closing them into the small but, for now, secure shop. Slowly, she turned around, staring right at Twilight.

“My name is Cobalt Crucible, Cobalt Prose is my son. Come on, there's a better place to talk upstairs.” Without awaiting a response, Cobalt made her way to the stairs she had descended only minutes ago. Not once did she look back at Twilight or Rainbow who shared an uncertain glance before Twilight followed with Dash close behind. As they moved up the stairs, Twilight found that even these walls were displays, though, instead of weapons and armor, photographs lined the hallway that lead to the second floor. Pictures of a happy family, a mother and father and their children, a foal filly and an older colt. Various snapshots of good times and fond memories lined wall to wall. Tears welled up in Twilight's eyes as she lingered over one picture, the colt, Cobalt Prose holding the foal, his little sister. He looked so happy, their mother and presumably father in the background with the proudest smiles. A happy family... A loving brother and sister and proud parents. What does my mother think of me now? Or my father? What about Rainbow's family? My brother hates me now, and for what? B-because a mare makes me happy instead of a stallion? How many lives are being destroyed because of this? Applejack, the entire Apple family in Ponyville, and Pinkie and the Cakes, all of them... Why does it have to be this way! I just love her! Why!? Why is that so evil? Why do so many lives have to be torn apart? I- I didn't do anything wrong. I didn't, none of them did. We don't deserve this. I love Rainbow Dash... why is that bad?

“Twilight? Are you okay?” Dash whispered softly, pulling her tail into hers, carefully concealing her loving gesture in the presence of Cobalt Crucible out of fear of her turning on them. Twilight couldn't do the same as she wrapped her tail around her marefriend's and held it tight as she turned from the heart rending photograph. Her eyes were brimming with tears. Rainbow could see so much heartache in eyes, it took all her will to hold her self back from embracing her. It'll only get worse if Cobalt betrays us, just hold it in, just a little longer... for her sake. Twilight's lip quivered as she tried to speak.

“Are you two coming or are you going to gawk at the wall?” Crucible interjected in aggravation, throwing an annoyed glare at the couple from the top of the stairs. Twilight closed her mouth and lowered her head with a bleak look. Dash glared back up at the impatient mare.

“We're coming. Come on Twi, It'll be okay.” Dash felt helpless at the meager consolation their situation allowed. With a weak nod from Twilight, they continued up the stairs, joining Cobalt Crucible in a narrow hallway. There were many fewer pictures on the walls, instead, crude metal works and parchment cramped with words, framed in orate metal that matched the skill of the ones in the main shop dotted the walls. Branching out from the hall were five rooms, two of which the doors were closed. Twilight could only imagine one of the closed off rooms belonged to their son. With a swift motion of her head, she gestured to them to follow her down the hall. At the end, she made a left turn into a room, once again, Rainbow and Twilight shared a nervous glance, unsure of what may come next. The option of leaving was far behind them, knowing this, they followed into the room.

“So, What do you have to say?” Cobalt said as Dash and Twilight crossed the threshold into the room. It was a bedroom, a large and comfortable looking bed was tucked into the corner, beside it on the opposing wall was a desk with papers strewn about and a half filled inkwell. Besides the disheveled desk, the room was immaculate and, unlike the rest of the home, there wasn't a single picture, paper or craft adorning the bare walls. After a moment of taking in what little there was to see in the bedroom, Rainbow's attention came back to the question posed. Bringing her eyes up and meeting Cobalt's, she found the mare had a complex expression, a mix of anger and frustration but also curiosity. Hoping that the hint of curiosity would be enough to avoid a disaster, Rainbow began her answer.

“Your son, Cobalt Prose, his prison cell was next to mine after me and Twilight got taken by the royal guards. He asked me, if I ever got out, to bring you a message. He told me to tell you to leave Equestria, without him. It's not safe anymore.”

“And why should I believe a couple of traitors?” Her voice was calm and collected, but even her tone betrayed her curiosity. Still, the anger in her eyes was giving way to sadness and regret.

“Why would we come all the way here, putting ourselves in danger just to lie to you? Look, we're leaving Equestria, your son was right, it's not safe here, maybe it never was. You should do the same.” Rainbow Dash was trying to keep a calm demeanor, but her heart was still racing. She knew she had no proof, and that Cobalt had every right to be cautious after what happened to her family. Rainbow could only wait anxiously as she glanced between her and Twilight, taking her time in responding, her poker face was impeccable. After a long moment of silence, her visage again softened.

“My son, my little colt, In a prison, locked up along side traitors like you...”

“We aren't traitors, Celestia is the one who is to blame! Rainbow and I have done nothing wrong!” Twilight blurted out, her her voice came off as earnest and pleading, but her face was almost contorted in anger, her brow scrunched and her eyes narrowed. She was huffing as she stepped beside her marefriend to face the metallurgist.

“Oh really? So you didn't attempt to kill Princess Celestia?” she asked with a cocked brow.

“No! We would never!” Twilight stomped her hoof against the floor for finality.

“And you didn't assault the royal guard?”

“T-that was...” Twilight's certainty and fire began to crumble away. “They attacked us, it was- we didn't have a choice and-”

“And you aren't homosexuals? The two of you, mares, together as a mare and a stallion?” She interjected, stepping forward. As she advanced, Twilight retreated, keeping close to Rainbow Dash's side.

It's just like everywhere else... No pony accepts us. What are we doing wrong? It- it can't be us can it? We aren't the ones who are wrong right? I- I just love Rainbow Dash. Why does it matter what gender we are? I doesn't feel wrong, it doesn't feel bad, It just feels like love. I want to leave. I want to find a place where we can be together without fear. Why?! Why can't we just be-

“It's true! I'm in love with her! I'm in love with Twilight Sparkle. It doesn't matter that she's a mare!” Rainbow entwined her tail around Twilight's and pulled her tight against her side with her wing making Twilight gasp in surprise. “I love her more than anything and if that's a crime then I'm guilty and proud of it!”

The room was silent, both Cobalt Crucible and Twilight seemed stunned by Dash's declaration. A warm and happy feeling spread through Twilight's chest as she looked up at Rainbow with a content smile and a light blush. Her fear vanished as she stepped forward until her head was resting on Dash's. She's right, we don't need to be ashamed, we didn't do anything wrong. Twilight thought fondly. Suddenly, an outburst of laughter erupted from Cobalt. She propped herself against her bed as she nearly toppled over, her other hoof on her chest.

“Ha! Is this what our world is coming to? Children in jail a proud homosexuals? Damn! This is too much!”

Twilight and Rainbow opened their mouths, but they couldn't think of anything to say as they stared bewildered at the mare, almost certain she had gone mad. After exchanging confused glances they looked back to Cobalt who was still trapped in a fit of laughter.

“Are you... okay?” Twilight ventured.

“Oh yes, I'm just dandy! Hah, a couple of deviant fugitives are in my home telling me I'm not safe? Things must be pretty bad! My son told you to tell me to leave him behind and get out while I can? Wow, just wow! Where did we go wrong?”

“Um...” Twilight and Rainbow hummed fretfully, both growing more certain that she had lost her mind.

“Oh, don't pay any mind to me, It's just this whole situation, it's like one of my husbands crazy rants. I expected one day he would step on the wrong toes and get himself into some trouble, but my Prose, my son being arrested along side him, he said someday it could come to that, but to think he's really in some prison somewhere, it's almost unbelievable.”

“But you do believe us... don't you?” Dash said, feeling thoroughly confused and more than a little worried at being at the mercy of this seemingly unstable mare. Suddenly, her demeanor pulled a one-eighty as her she went from crazed laughed to an expression as cold and hard as steel.

“No, I don't believe you, I don't have to, I know it's true. My little boy is in jail, and even I can't get him out. You two manage to escape, you were even in the cell right next to him. You seek me out, you found me and yet, my son isn't with you. Why are you free while my son rots in prison?”

“I wanted to take him with!” Dash burst out, stepping forward leaving Twilight behind her. Her eyes were glistening with regret and guilt. Tears were building in Dash's eyes as she remembered her brief time with the colt, he was brave and strong. The child cared more about his family than himself. And I left him. “I tried, I begged Princess Luna to free him to but she wouldn't, and... he wouldn't leave without his father. He... he told me he wanted to be with his dad.”

“Now that I can believe.” Cobalt Crucible's cold expression softened with a wistful smile. “He always looked up to his dad. His father's name was Loose Leaf but he went by his pen name more often, even in front of his kids. He used the name Seventh Quill, because he comes from a long line of writers, he's the seventh generation writer, hence the name.”

“Wait! You're husband was Seventh Quill?!” Twilight said slack jawed.

“Twi, you know him?”

“He's a prominent investigative journalist and author. He runs his own newspaper but he also does segments for other big papers. He's exposed discrimination in big industries in Manehattan, illegal bootleggers running moonshine in Dodge Junction, abuses of power by Royalty in Canterlot, the list goes on and on. It's no wonder Celestia took after calling out his reaction to my leaving the throne and questioning her real motives for leading me to become a princess in the first place.”

“Exactly. My husband always made it his crusade to expose the truth, not matter the risk. Since we've been together he's had three attempts on his his life. He's a brave stallion, it's not a surprise that it rubbed off on Prose. I knew one day something like this would happen, but I didn't know it would cost me my son. I was naive.”

“How did you know we were telling the truth? There's been no mention of your husband's arrest in the papers. You couldn't have known we were in the same prison as Cobalt Prose,” Twilight questioned. She knew casting any doubts on their story could be dangerous but it didn't seem right somehow. Where did she learn about her son's incarceration? If she's really being coerced to tell us these things by Celestia or my brother, then we've just walked right into a trap!

“How did I know?” Crucible chuckled. “That's easy, for every enemy my husband has made, he's made at least one friend, many of them are in high places. He has friend's in every news organization, the local guards of many cities and towns and even allies in the royal palace. He's always said that the pen is mightier than the sword, and a network of the right ponies is mightier than an army.”

“A network...” Rainbow whispered to herself as she thought of what little support they had. Pinkie and Applejack were all we had, but what about them? We may be alone but they weren't. The entire Apple family sticks together and takes care of each other and Pinkie has a friend in almost every corner of Equestria. We may have no support but them, but through them we may have all of their friends and family, they don't need to like us, they just need to like them to be on our side. Maybe we have a network...maybe we aren't alone.

“I've taken his words to heart, my network is nothing to scoff at either. Who do you think arms the royal guard? I'm the main supplier for Canterlot! I armed the guards that took my husband and child, the same ones that are hunting you now. I've also trained almost all of the best blacksmiths in the country myself. I have a network, if things get too bad, I'm prepared.”

“So, are you going to leave Equestria then?” Twilight said, feeling more sure that betrayal was unlikely. “As skilled as you are any country would be happy to have you.”

“I'll leave soon, but I'm trying to use my leverage to get my son back first. I don't care how noble he thinks he's being, I wont leave him behind. I'll try to save my husband as well, but I don't have high hopes for that one.”

“You aren't planning on using us as leverage are you?” Dash deadpanned, carefully trying to keep her face unreadable despite her fear. Twilight head whipped back to her marefriend as she heard the risky question. Even Crucible seemed caught off guard as her eyes widened in surprise until an unsettling grin spread across her face.

“You're still wondering if I'm going to help you or hurt you? It seems obvious right? I want my family back from Celestia and Celestia wants you, so why shouldn't I trade the disgusting deviants for my innocent son? Here's the thing, I don't trust Celestia, even if she gives my son and my husband back this time, as soon as Loose Leaf questions her again I'll have no way to stop her, besides, my son and husband wouldn't think too highly of me if I just gave you up like that. What's more, perhaps you'll somehow pull together your own little network of deviant sympathizers and other homosexuals like the Apple family, then maybe I can use you to protect my family. It's an investment on my part to not give you up.”

“So you'll help us?” Twilight said hopefully. Dash watched anxiously as Crucible seemed to ponder her answer despite the certainty she just displayed, her eyes drifting up to her ceiling as she thought. Rainbow held her breath, daring not to make a sound as she agonizingly awaited the answer. Suddenly she looked back down to them, seeming to have up her mind.

“You can have the room by the stairs on the left. I don't want to see any kissing and no weird sex in my house and above all stay away from my daughter.”

“What?!” Dash huffed in outrage. “What's that supposed to-”

“Thank you so much for your kindness.” Twilight cut Rainbow off with a nudge as she spoke.

“You two better be gone by sunrise tomorrow, I can't risk you being here longer than that. Till then, you both look like you could use a bath, it's across the hall. I have to tend the shop so nopony get suspicious, under no circumstances can you come downstairs, got it?!”

“We understand. Thank you.” Twilight responded diplomatically as Crucible began walking towards the door. As she reached the threshold she motioned with a flick of her tail for Twilight and Rainbow Dash to follow. Quickly obliging they all left the room as the door slammed behind them. Down the hall they went until they reached the door on the left by the stairs, their room until tomorrow morning. A grey aura enveloped the know and the plain white painted door creaked open.

“Don't make me regret this now.” With those last words she descended the stairs to her shop leaving Twilight and Rainbow alone. The moment she was out of sight they shared a heavy sigh of relief. Looking up at each other, they found they were both smiling, and the warm smile quickly evolved into a lighthearted giggle. Dash threw her wing over Twilight's back.

“We're safe right now, it feels like it's been forever since I could say that. Come on, let's enjoy it.” Dash pressed herself against Twilight and, after a soft peck on her cheek, they walked into their temporary room. Feeling more than completely exhausted, they both collapsed the moment their bodies hit the soft, warm bed. Together, they drifted off to sleep in each others embrace with a rare sense of security.