Off the Record

by The King of Hearts

The Littlest Adventure in Town

The Littlest Adventure in Town

Alex had rested atop the hill for longer than he was able to comprehend. He had watched the town come to life, as ponies went to work, school, or out about regular business. He even watched the rainbow mare for a little while, as she went around kicking all the clouds above town, clearing the sky for everyone to enjoy the sunlight. It was a pretty cool job, he had to admit.

After some more time passed, he stood up from his place, and looked around the outside of the town.

Ponyville had many different sides to it, from a sprawling forest, to a massive mountain, reaching higher than any other in the region. Beyond those things, were a few farms scattered here and there, and eventually a massive castle on the side of a mountain. If Celestia’s memories were any help to him, that was Canterlot. A place she and her sister built together, more than a thousand years ago.

The castle had been destroyed by various incidents he couldn’t quite recall, and it had been rebuilt stronger each time.

Closing his eyes, he delved further in to the memories of the princess, in hopes of learning the geography of Equestria. However, nothing too specific came to mind. Just a few names here and there. Manehattan, Las Pegasus, Vanhoover.

Geez. Those were all names of places from earth, but with horse-twists on the names. There muct have been some kind of commonality between the two worlds he wasn’t aware of, for these places to exist.

Suddenly, a branch snapped just behind him, causing Alex to turn and face the source of the noise.

“Oh! My goodness… I’m sorry, I didn’t know anypony was up here.” A yellow Pegasus said, backing up bashfully.

“Oh, you’re Fluttershy, right?” Alex asked her, approaching her with a smile, “Sorry, I didn’t know this was your spot.”

“Oh, not at all!” She shook her head, backing away from him, “I won’t bother you. I was just coming up here to relax.”

“I’ve had my turn, I insist.” Alex shook his head, as she continued backing away.

“I’ll go, don’t worry,” She said, as her pace increased.

Alex huffed. He wasn’t about to lose. Oh no.

“I’m done!” He shouted, bolting down the hill past her, “Have fun!”

Fluttershy opened her mouth to tell him to come back, but understood that he wasn’t going to be coming back. He had been having such a nice time too… and here she was ruining that for him. She felt so guilty for that.

Watching him run in to town, she was at least happy to see him having better control of his legs. He was running already!


Indeed Alex was running, as he powered through the town, passing ponies of every color and shape. None of them paid him much mind, as he made his way in the general direction of the library.

“Hey Alex!” A voice called, forcing him to turn and look at the bounding pink pony following behind him, “Where ya’ goin’?”

“I don’t know!” He shouted back to her over the wind ripping past him, “Just running!”

“Well good for you!” Pinkie beamed, “You sure learned how to use those legs fast!”

Alex looked to his legs, and realized that she was right. He was moving them without even thinking about it, as if his natural instinct had kicked in.

But, the more he thought about his legs, the more he considered their movement, as each one moved over the other, progressing him further and further. But, this kind of concentration on his movement led to one thing.

He overthought, and wound up tumbling over himself.

Pinkie went wide eyed as Alex fumbled for a few extra feet, trying to slow himself down, before he ran head first in to a cart of cabbage, destroying it completely.

“My cabbages!” The old stallion called, lifting one of the many ripped apart veggies above his head, “Everywhere I go! My cart is destroyed!”

Alex had no idea what he was referring to, but felt immeasurably bad for doing this to the poor old man.

“Ohmygosh!” Pinkie said, finally arriving at the crash site, “Here! Take this for the damage.”

Tossing him a sizable sack of bits, his mood instantly changed from sad, to very happy.

“Ugh,” Alex mumbled, rolling on to his back and wincing at the pain he was now experiencing, “Looks like pain is about the same in this world, huh?”

“Sorry, Alex,” Pinkie said dejectedly, “I guess it’s my fault you fell, huh?”

“Well, kinda,” Alex said, standing himself up and ignoring the pain as best he could to spare her now hurt feelings, “But where did you get that money?”

“I show ponies good times!’ Pinkie answered, shocked that he didn’t know that yet.

Alex narrowed his eyes.

She showed them good times.

“So… Like… what’s a good time?” Alex asked, tilting his head.

“Well, sometimes I get a big group of ponies, and we just go crazy!” She answered giddily, not truly answering his question.

“So like, a normal party?” Alex asked, needing more clarification, “Or like, an orgy?”

Pinkie gave him a determined look as she tried to think of the definition of that world. It wasn’t one she was familiar with.

“What’s that mean?” She asked innocently, making Alex blush.

“Well, it’s like a party… but, way more fun!” Alex laughed nervously, beating around the bush significantly.

“Oh!” Pinkie nodded, and smiled brightly, “Then it’s definitely an orgy!”

From her simply massive amount of innocence at this point, Alex had to assume that it wasn’t a sex party. Just a normal one.

“You probably shouldn’t say—“

“Whoops! Would you look at the time?” Pinkie exclaimed, gasping as she bounced past him, “I have an orgy to throw, and we have no apples!”

Alex was about to press the definition of the word, but she was gone too fast. And, to be honest, he thought it was kinda hilarious.

“Sorry there Pinkie,” Alex said to himself, looking around for the cart owner, who had apparently ran off with all of that money Pinkie had given him, “Well, I’m taking this buddy.”

Cabbage wasn’t his favorite thing to eat, but it was about a million times better than hay.

So, chowing down on the slightly dirt-covered shreds of cabbage, Alex filled himself up to an almost stuffed point. The more he ate here, the later he would have to worry about eating again.


Trotting down the road, Alex could see the Library once again, as he walked past the Carousel Boutique.

However, before he was fully able to head home, he heard a voice calling from inside building.

“Spike! Could you grab that fabric for me?” Rarity’s very recognizable voice called form inside the building.

Heading over, Alex figured seeing the two of them would round out his trip in town.

Poking his head in to the building, he was surprised to see so many dressed presented in the main section of the store. Rarity really had some talent for making four legged clothing. Maybe he should ask her for something, so he didn’t always feel so naked.

But, it would probably just serve as a reminder that everyone else was naked, when he was in clothing. Which would lead to the dreadful pony-boner. No good there. Too big to hide.

Spike ran across the main room, before stopping when he made eye contact with Alex.

“Hey man!” Spike smiled, walking up to him, still holding the supplies in his arms, “Where were you this morning?”

“Went out for a walk,” Alex shrugged, “Lost track of time I guess. Did I miss breakfast?”

“Sure did!” Spike nodded, “Oatmeal with crushed up gems!”

Alex grimaced.

“Well, you can always have the apple cinnamon I guess,” Spike shrugged, as he headed back toward Rarity, “What were you doing out so early?”

“Exploring, enjoying the sights,” Alex answered, walking along behind the dragon, “What are you doing here?”

“Helping out Rarity!” Spike answered with a bright smile, “I’m hoping she’ll like me more if I help her out a bunch!”

Alex nodded, loving the enthusiasm the little dragon was showing.

“Hey, uh… Alex,” Spike said awkwardly, looking around to make sure nopony could hear him, “What would you say is the best way to attract a girl?”

“Oh, that’s easy,” Alex nodded, remembering some advice from a movie he had seen recently, “Learn how to use your tongue.”

Spike gave him a confused look, as Alex instantly regretted the very grown-up advice he had just given.

“What do you mean, tongue?” Spike asked, having no clue what he was on about.

“Uh, jus- just have a silver tongue I mean,” Alex laughed nervously, “And be confident! Chicks dig confidence.”

“Do you really think talking to her will net me some points?” Spike asked hopefully.

“Of course it will!” Alex nodded with a smile.

“What are you two boys talking about?” Rarity asked sweetly, as she walked out from the room to grab her fabric from the now tardy dragon.

“Oh nothing,” Spike shook his head, “Alex was just talking to me about using my tongue on girls.”

Rarity glanced to the white alicorn with a dark look, “Oh did he now?”

“A silver tongue, Spike!” Alex laughed nervously, backing away from the currently horrifying mare, “Talking!”

“Oh, right!” Spike nodded, not realizing the trouble he was getting Alex in, “Talking is key!”

“Well,” Rarity sighed happily, looking back to the dragon, “That’s all I need from you for today I’m afraid, so why not head home for the day? I’m sure Twilight could use your help unpacking her things!”

Spike sighed audibly, telling the two other ponies in the room what he thought of leaving Rarity’s presence.

“Come on, Spike,” Alex laughed, walking over and scooping the dragon up on to his back, as he had seen Twilight do a couple of times, “I’ll get you home.”

“Well, okay…” Spike said dejectedly, “I’ll see you tomorrow Rarity!”

“Of course, darling,” She smiled, as he stared back at her longingly, “Have a nice day now.”

Alex wasn’t able to speak to Spike much on the way back to the library, as he was obviously preoccupied with thoughts of Rarity.

“How long have you known that mare?” Alex asked him, hoping for more than a single word response.

“A few days,” Spike shrugged, not taking his eyes off of the boutique.

“And you’re already running over there at nine in the morning to help her out with work?” Alex asked, shocked at the dedication Spike was willing to lay down at the drop of a hat.

“Love works in mysterious ways, Alex,” Spike exhaled, still in his euphoric state.

“Well, let’s get you back to Twilight,” Alex said to himself, rapidly approaching the library.

“Oh!” Spike announced suddenly, turning to face Alex, “She wanted to see you, so she could start teaching you magic!”

“Really?” Alex asked in surprise, not realizing that she wanted to start with that so quickly, “Well… this will certainly be interesting.”

Trotting inside of the library, Alex didn’t even consider the leg-up he now had in the magic department.

And while he didn’t know it just yet, when he absorbed the memories of Princess Celestia, he picked up a few other things as well.

magical things.

X-Files theme.