Sometimes, there are truths inside of myths.

by Makolic

ZB-308 orbit drone

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Data analyzes.

Planet 98-G6-N877 (Equestria)
Data access...
Opening file...

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Summary accessed...

Finding files 308...C/orbit...

File online...

Energy anomaly discovered...
Accessing data...

Data online...
Twin energies have been connected outside the orbit of the planet. These energies reach to the moon and sun. Data also analyze that the mass points are being used as leverage to turn the planet. The planet seems to be rotating the opposite direction of the other planets. Speed's have been varied between 847.6 mph/1396.3 kph to 1958 mph/ 3151.1 kph. This seems to have a damaging affect on the atmosphere... Comparing data...

Data unlocked...

The planet seems to be losing .829% of it's atmosphere per 10 years. This loss, will kill the atmosphere in 4985 years. Placing data on class 8 priority. This may need to be ratified in the near future... Warning... Warning... Unknown anomaly detected... Accessing data...

There are six planets within the solar system. Two planets are rocky with no atmosphere... Data corrupted... One gas giant it's com... Data corrupted... Warning Class one military priority... Solar winds are being redirected towards plne.... Data.... One planet has trace atmosphere and unknown energy outputs... Data accessing redirecting.... The planet seems to be redirecting the solar radiation towar... teo... gkd...
Strange energies may suggest military base setting.... Ac.. Dat.. &*&#....

Planet atmosphere loss has been increased... 1.02% atmosphere loss every 2 years... New data suggest atmosphere death shall happen with in 756 years. This has been moved to Class 0 military and civilian priority. This new data, may suggest shield will be needed immediately. The planet may suffer from un-usual weather patterns and death of crops. Atmosphere may thin and make it harder for the inhabitants to breath within 16 years. Atmosphere loss may result in death of inhabitants in 89 years. Suggest correction immediately.

Accessing probe...
Probe data online...

Probe operational at 42% sending unit back for repair... Requesting watch for engine failure. Solar radiation damage detected. 5 of 67 hard-drives damaged. 4-8 processers offline. Atmosphere reentry suggested at 87% success...

Data shutting down...

A young recruit was sitting at the monitor with one eyebrow raised. His brown eyes shining behind his glasses. As he waited for anymore data. As he sat back he released a sigh, that seemed to be a mix of annoyance and worry. As he opened his mouth, allowing a childish voice sound out.

"Oh boy, this isn't good... I hope they don't take this out of my paycheck."