//------------------------------// // The Other Side // Story: Free from the Chains that Bind // by Sillyponyme //------------------------------// Diamond Tiara had been taken home to gather herself. She had to lay low for a bit, no doubt that once the word of princess Twilights death got out, everypony around the world would know who did it. Maybe she could find a way around that, if she could, no that wouldn’t, would it? Yes, if she had the time. Before Diamond Tiara could finish her thoughts, a knock came to the door. “Who is it?” Diamond asked sweetly. “We have some unfortunate news for you Diamond Tiara.” It had been one of her followers that had followed the order to kill Twilight and the others. “I really don’t care to know about anything at the moment, I’m busy.” Diamond continued her thoughts until she heard what her follower had said. She couldn’t blame two of them for coming to tell her the bad news but surely she had heard wrong. Diamond rubbed her ear in thinking that she must have misheard. “Tell me that you didn’t just say that you failed to kill the royal pain. Please tell me that I heard you wrong.” After hearing nothing but silence, she asked again. “Fleetfoot, tell me you didn’t say what I thought you just said.” Fleetfoot apologized and then took off in a hurry. Diamond Tiara was about to explode when she realized how much trouble she was in. “Is Fleetfoot still out there?” “No, she left.” “Good, I don’t want her to know that I sent a former royal guard after her.” Diamond opened the door to the home and focused on the former guard. “I don’t think I understand.” The pony once wore golden armor, now he wore black to cover his entire body. “What I said was go kill her before I decide to get rid of you as well for failing me.” The pony saluted and gave chase to Fleetfoot. Diamond shut the door and began pacing back and forth. What could she do now, she couldn’t stay in Equestria but where else could she go? Diamond paced nervously trying to find an easy solution to her problem. She couldn’t stay and there was no where in this world that she wouldn’t be captured and sent to Celestia. What could she do, she couldn’t stay and she couldn’t go or could she? “Yes, that is the solution, how could I forget?” Diamond Tiara knew what she had to do and where she had to go. She grabbed a few things for her trip and headed for the train station surrounded by loyal ponies. As luck would have it, Twilight gave chase to Diamond Tiara. “Diamond Tiara, stop this now and-” Twilight was cut off by the pony she was talking to. “Or what Princess, in case you haven’t noticed, I have more allies than you can handle.” From behind homes and trees came arrows in Twilights direction. Diamond Tiara reached the train station, climbed on and just in time too, the train was just bout to leave. Twilight was getting closer to her by the second and the only reason the princess hadn’t caught Diamond Tiara earlier was because Twilight had to focus on keeping a shield around herself. “So long Princess, you won’t be seeing me for a while.” Diamond Tiara ran up to the Engineer. “Start the train now or so help me.” The train started and threw Diamond Tiara onto the ground. This would have ticked her off but she was in a hurry. “Does this train go to the Crystal empire?” “I will make it our first stop just don’t hurt me.” The Stallion coward before the mare before him. “You are pathetic; good and hurry up.” Diamond Tiara walked away and took a seat in the next train car. She smiled and looked out the window. She was very pleased with herself and nothing would ruin that except Twilight of course but she wasn’t anywhere close to her. The train moved along at high speeds, everything that went by the train was a blur. “Once on the other side, I’ll have time to recover from my injuries.” She looked at her reflection in the window. She was a mess and it was all because of that traitor Silver Spoon. “If she ruins this for me, she will pay.” Hours went by and the train finally arrived in the Crystal Empire. Guards could be seen everywhere but she knew the guards well enough. She calmly walked by each guard giving them all knowing looks. The guards were scared of her and it pleased her but with this many guards around, Princess Cadance and Prince Shining Armor must know that she would be coming here. It didn’t matter though, Diamond Tiara was going to walk right past them and they wouldn’t even know it. One guard that blocked the entrance to the castle smiled nervously. “Hello, I assume you’re here for the mirror?” Diamond Tiara groaned impatiently at the guard. “Of course I am you idiot, I wouldn’t be here otherwise.” The guard saluted the mare and took her into the castle, past doorways, and avoided any run ins that could have been a problem, which were few, until they reached the room. The two walked in and Diamond Tiara dismissed the guard. The guard ran off in a hurry. “This is it, I’ll hide out for a while and then return.” With that said, she hopped through the mirror just as Cadance and some guards came running in. When Diamond Tiara appeared on the other side, a group of people were there waiting for her. Five of them were clearly the elements and two of them were herself and Silver Spoon but the last one with red and yellow hair was unfamiliar to her. “I see I have a welcoming committee.” Diamond Tiara smiled as she tried to stand. It was a bit awkward but she managed it. She was here once before to study the humans and acquire more servants. “You must be the trouble maker that Princess Twilight warned us about, grab her girls.” Apple Jack and Rainbow Dash tried to grab Diamond Tiara but a bullet flew past them. The group turned and raised their hands. “Smart girls, now stay here while I take care of business.” Diamond was helped up by someone dressed in black. Once they were gone, the group lowered their hands. “So that was the other me right?” The human Diamond Tiara asked and all but Silver Spoon nodded.