Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

Bionic eye

The death of a character is coming up soon... Oh yeah, almost forgot: Warning! Spoiler!

Oops, to late XD

But yes, someone will die soon. And yes, the first scene is setting up for another fight scene. Bigger and much worst than all the others.

This chapter will start it off. Well, set up the fighting scene. The sorrow is later.

This chapter is kinda speedy, but that's for a good reason. If I did what I planned, this chapter would have been the fighting scene. And that wouldn't have worked for me. So, a rushed chapter is better than a rushed into plot line, huh? Also, Lance gets his bionic eye in this chapter. Why? Because he can XD

Chapter 102

"But master! You can't actually believe you can take them all on!"

"*Sigh* Do you think I'm weak? Do you think I don't have a plan? Do you?!"

"*Gulp* No master, sorry master. But think about it, you're going up against more than twenty... bronies?"

"Yes, I know. I also know that a lot of them can not fight. Besides, that's why I'm bringing the Darkness along. They've agreed to help, as long as I leave Darkest Bleak alive for them."

"Even so, you're just a normal pony! The body you've possessed is weak!"

"I've already planned for that. Thanks to those bronies and their corrupted minds, I was able to build a new form purely based off their fears."

"You have?"

"Yes. And I must say, it's quiet frightening, even for me. But, it'll get the job done."

"Can I see it, master?"

"Yes, I'll show you Red Storm, but only because I must get use to it. I'm getting my revenge very soon."

Red Storm nodded and backed away as his master, the Nightmare, changed from a normal pony to a terrifying wolf like creature that stood on its hind legs.

"*Gulp* Master?"

"My revenge will be complete with this new body! Storm! Send him the warning."

"Why are we sending him a warning?"

"Because, I want him to be ready for me. It won't be any fun if I just slaughter all of them one by one."

"Ah, I see master. I will get right on it!"

"Good. I will begin step one of my plan."

Canterlot, Barehoof's and Dana's house

I stopped outside of the house and looked over to were my house use to stand. Right now, they were rebuilding it, and they already had most of the first floor rebuilt.

Mark looked over at it also, "Huh, wonder who's house that will be."

"Mine." I said while chuckling, "My house use to stand there... but was destroyed."

Mark sighed, "How much trouble have you gotten in since I've been gone?"

"Not a lot." I lied.

[That's a big fat lie.]

I chuckled and pushed open the door. "Hey mom, I got Mark!"

Suddenly, the sounds of running could be heard. Mom then ran around the corner and yelled out in happiness. But then, when she looked at me, she became pissed, "Lance Greenfield! What have I told you about covering one eye?! It makes your eyesight bad!"

I sighed, "Well mom, I kinda need this eye patch."

She rolled her eyes, "Oh yeah? Why?"

I smirked slightly and pulled it up.

Mom's eyes widened, and she began to wobble, but she was able to keep standing, "Lance... your eye. What happened?!"

"I got shot while I was looking for Mark." I said, pointing at Mark.

Mom looked at him, "Why didn't you protect your little brother?!"

Mark shrugged, "I couldn't, I didn't even know he was there."

Mom sighed and shook her head, "It's still good to see you Mark. Even if your brother is missing an eye."

I waved a hoof and laughed, "Yeah, don't worry about that. I saw Omnius on a few hours ago. He had some gadgets or something and was heading to the Palace to get to work with Frederic."

Meanwhile, Canterlot Castle, the work shop

"HOLY SHIT! THAT BURNS!" Omnius screamed out as he ran around, holding his scotched hoof.

"I told you not to touch the metal, didn't I?" Frederic said as he added the last touch of magic to the bionic eye.

Omnius stopped and shrugged, already forgetting about his hoof, "Doesn't matter, because I did it!"

Frederic chuckled and lifted the eye, "Very nice!"

Omnius strolled over and put his hooves on the metal table, "Ow! We make a great team when it comes to building things! OH YES! I just had the best line for when we give it to Lance!"

Frederic checked over the eye and looked at him, "What will that be?"

"You'll see." Omnius said, already starting to dance on the metal table.

Back to Lance, ten minutes later

"... No! I didn't do it!" I yelled as my mom backed me into a corner.

"Yes you did! I heard your son talking about it the other day!" She said as she got closer to me, a glare on her face.

"Look! I may have, but it wasn't me! It was Break!" I yelled, already curling up into a ball.

[Hey asshole! Don't rat me out!]

"It's still you! You showed your son dirty pictures of his own mother!" She screamed as she began to poke her hoof at me.

"Come on mom, give him a break." Mark said from behind her.

Mom turned around and glared, "Keep out of this Mark!"

*Kaw* ( I need to work on my Phoenix sounds.)

Mom turned around to see Kara standing on me protectively... her wings healed? Nice. Also, how did she get here?

Kara spread her wings, blocking me from view.

Gotta love her.

Mom sighed, "Lance, please tell your bird to leave."

"No can do mom. She's kinda attached to me... and very protective. So please, I'll talk to Spark about this. Just please don't kill me!" I said as calmly as I could.

"Lance, you're lucky I'm in a good mood today." Mom said as she turned.

Kara dropped her wings and squawked proudly as she hopped off me and turned to look at me.

I chuckled and stood up, "Good girl." I said as I rubbed her head.

I then began to follow mom and Mark into the next room. Kara jumped up on my back and wrapped her wings around my neck.


I walked into the living room and was about to sit down when the door burst open, revealing a excited Omnius and a happy Frederic.

"We've done it! In three hours flat!" Omnius yelled out as he strolled into the house, a box on his back.

Frederic walked in and chuckled, "It was easy, thanks to Omnius and his technology."

Omnius smiled proudly, "Yep, all thanks to my travels!"

I chuckled, "You already built the eye? Damn, you work fast."

"Magic bro!" Omnius said, putting the box in front of me.

He smirked and opened it. He pulled out a oval shaped disk that looked like a actual eye... with the exception of a few red lines and the red dot in the middle with a black slight through it.

He held it up and looked at me, "We can rebuild him. We have the technology!"

I laughed openly, "Good one. Eye please!"

Frederic held up a hoof, "Wait, I must explain what it does first."

I sighed, "Fine, go ahead."

This next part, the description of the eye, was thought up by Iron Clad. So, it didn't come off the top of my head lol

"Well, I put in a HUD, thermal and night vision, flight trajectory display, a Memory Visualizer, in case you need to remember something, and a On-Target software in case you need to follow someone or chase Greg around the place. No laser. We are ponies, not killers."

"One last thing! This is important! What ever you do, do not take it out and pull out the green wire and pressed the grey button the back." Omnius yelled out.

"Why?" I questioned.

"Because, then you would go boom!" He said with a chuckle

I gawked, "You put a self destruct feature in my new eye?! WHY?!"

He shrugged, "Never know when you'd want to blow something up."

I facehoofed, "Great, not I got to be careful with it." ( XD This feature will be the main thing for a plot I have planned in the future, that's the main reason I added it lol )

Frederic shook his head, "No you don't. Once I infuse it into your eye socket, it's not suppose to come out. It'll act as a normal eye... well, except for a few things."

My mom shook her head, "Oh no. I will not allow you to put that in my sons head!"

"Well, if we don't, Lance could go insane without the other eye." Omnius reasoned.

Her eye twitched, "Fine. But I'm leaving the room." She said as she glared at us and left the room.

"Take off the eye patch." Frederic commanded.

[No! Leave on the badass patch!]

I ignored Break and pulled it off.

The bionic eye floated up and was pushed onto my empty eye socket.

"FUCK!" I yelled out as the hard, pointy metal began to snake into my eye, searching out my nerves.

"Language!" My mom yelled form the other room.

[Damn! That hurts!]

Frederic's horn began to glow, causing the bionic eye to heat up, permanently implanting it's self in my right eye socket.

I flinched from the pain and stumbled back, "Are you done?!"

"Ahh, yes! Done." Frederic exclaimed as his horn stopped glowing.

I opened my eyes and looked around, "Huh, dude. The eye doesn't do anything but let me see. I thought you added all those features?"

He smiled proudly, "I know. I've done something amazing. I've made it where your consciences, Break and Dawn, can control them. Meaning, they can turn them on, but only when you want them too."


{Dawn! Turn on the Heads Up Display!}
<I'm on it!>

After a few seconds, new images filled my vision.

Down in the left hand corner was a mini pony me, on the right hand corner was a map. A map? COOL! There were green dots, must mean friendly's, (Game reference!) on it and a diagram of the house. I'm loving this! Also, on the top was a compass like thing, with green dots on it... did they copy this off of Fallout? Probably. On the top left hand side was a small clock, displaying the time, 1:34 PM. And finally, there was a small red dot in the middle of my vision.

"Do you like it?" Frederic asked.

I nodded with a smile, "I love it! Please, explain the HUD's display."

He gave a quick nod, "Sure. First off, you'll notice the little map. That thing is designed to map out your current area and tell you where your friends are, and where you enemies are. You won't be needing that feature. Next up is the little pony you down in the left corner. That is like your health, but it only tells you what kind of damage you have to each part of your body. It doesn't give you health, like it does in video games. This is real life, it only analyzes your body and tells you if something is wrong. The compass is like the map, but shows you which way is North, East, South, and West. It also shows you where your friends are and the distance between you and them. You can also mark points on the map and it'll show you which way to go. You can thank Omnius for that one. There's the clock, but I don't have to explain that one. Last up is the little dot in the middle. That's like your cross-hairs, that is actually very helpful. What ever you aim that at will give you a detailed description of that object or thing. For example, if you pointed it at a rock, it would tell you what its made of. It will also give you details on other ponies. The cross-hairs also helps you select targets for the On-Target software, you can select a object or pony and your HUD will point you in the direction it is heading." He smiled happily, "If I say so myself, that's the best thing I've ever crafted."

WOW! This thing is awesome! I guess losing my eye wasn't so bad after all.

{Turn off the HUD, please.}
[But it's badass!]
<I got it.>

My vision returned to normal, just slightly blurry, but that soon passed.

I smiled and held out my hoof to them, "Thank you. Both of you, this means a lot!"

Frederic shook my hoof and smiled, "No problem Lance."

Omnius was next, he shook it and chuckled, "Hope you like it. I'm thinking about ripping my eye out for one." He then laughed heartily as he stepped back.

I turned to Mark and smirked, "How do I look?"

He chuckled, "Like a mismatched clown. That eye doesn't even match your real one."

I shrugged, "Doesn't matter, it's awesome!"

He sighed, "You think everything is awesome."

I shook my head, "No I don't!"

He turned, "Come on bro, let's hurry up and talk to mom some more. I kinda want to take a nap when we get back."

"Sounds like a plan," I said with a smile.

One hour and ten minutes later, Dali's house

'Dear Lance,

Hello, I think you should know me. I'm something you thought you stopped. Something you've seemed to have forgotten about. Something that is seeking its revenge.

I am the Nightmare.

Yes, the very thing Val was trying to unleash, the very thing you thought was still trapped in that stone! Well, turns out that small amount of energy I got from you was just enough to unleash me. Happy days! For me at least.

I'm sending this letter to warn you, yes warn you, of my arrival in your area. I will come in and kill you, and all your pathetic friends. I'll save you for last, make you watch me kill all of them in front of you, even your family.

Let's see, you have at least an hour to prepare after receiving this letter, and I advise you do that. For when I arrive, I will begin to have my fun. Bring your friends, for if you don't, their deaths will much worst. Don't worry, most of them will be busy fighting the Darkness while I deal with the rest of you.

Now, I've put a small map in this letter, leading to a clearing in the Everfree forest. We will do battle there, me VS's all of you. Do not be late, or the punishment will be increased! You'll know me when you see me.

You have one hour.

The Nightmare'

I dropped the letter that had just materialized right in front of me and ran through the house. I ran into the living room, panting.

Twilight looked at me, "What is it Lance?"

I looked up, a shocked look on my face, "Please, send a notice to all the bronies and our friends. Tell them to meet me here, and to hurry! We don't have much time! And you must tell Dali to watch over the kids after school. Can you please do this?"

She slowly nodded, "I can... but why?"

I gulped, "The Nightmare has returned."

The next chapter starts off with them at the clearing. Epic/bloody battle insures!