Dawn's Twilight

by NightsongWrites

Chapter 4- Dreams of Heaven

Waking up for Twilight was becoming a line of odd circumstances. Such as now, returning to consciousness, surrounded by… feathers? Warm, fluffy feathers that hummed with power, smelling of peppermint tea and faintly of frosting; that, when Twilight opened her eyes, looked like a beautiful tapestry of thrumming ley lines, journeying down every vein of every feather, culminating in gleaming points of pure mana that nearly left the Element of Magic in a state of awe. It was art in its purest form, sculptured beauty and magic and-
A mortified mew bubbled out of the smaller alicorn, and she peered up shakily. Celestia was smiling down at her with what Twilight prayed was fondness; her face, unmarred and perfect, drove Twilight into a small burst of sobs, and Celestia’s wings and forelegs drew her ever closer.
“Twilight, what’s wrong?” Celestia insisted, pink eyes widening slightly in alarm, “Are you in pain?”
Yes. “N-no, it’s just… y-you’re face,” she whimpered out, “H-he was… hurting you, m-making you b-bleed, because of me. J-just like-”
A single feather, that beautiful art, laid across Twilight’s lips and she instantly quieted, terrified of bending or breaking the perfection.
“Don’t, Twilight,” Celestia whispered softly, understanding coloring her gentle voice, “Please, don’t. There was nothing you could have done.”
Pain and guilt, nonetheless, knotted tightly in her chest.
“T-they were praying,” Twilight whimpered out, “To m-me, to you… I-I… I could h-hear them, in my head.”
Those perfect eyes closed, a deep sigh rolling out over her larger barrel. Celestia’s tail, feeling so much like a soft spring breeze, curled around Twilight’s waist, and the younger mare trembled, more than happy to be cocooned so thoroughly by her teacher.
“All alicorns have a divine spark, my poor student,” Celestia whispered faintly, “We hear them all, if we so choose. We cannot answer them all… but we can do our best.”
Twilight’s eyes squeezed tightly shut, tears leaking past in thick rivers, teeth grinding together.
Save my daughter, Princess Sparkle!
Please Princess, not me!
Kill them! Save us!
Some Goddess she was.
“D-did… pl-please, are the Summer F-fields-”
Again the feather descended, and Celestia gave the smallest of smiles.
“Close your eyes, my faithful, faithful Twilight. Let me show you.”

The Summer Fields had long been taught to ponies as a land of eternal sunshine, with fields of gold and silver stretching out as far as the eye could see. Perfect in every way, with no death, disease, or sadness, watched over by the Goddesses and their celestial helpers. And as it turned out, only part of this was true. Twilight and Celestia had a bird’s eye view of the Summer Fields, floating just outside the eyesight of the ponies on the ground. And they were many.
To Twilight’s stunned eyes, she watched as ponies frolicked and played in small villages, huts built among the fields of grass, that were just hundreds of yards away from a fully modern city, one that rang with the sounds of civilization and laughter. Floating above the cities was a massive array of cloud homes and towns, connected by large rainbow bridges; pegasi of every color and hue flew among them, griffons and even dragons sometimes knifing deftly between the buildings, landing among the golden flax.
To the west, Twilight’s eyes widened with awe as the golden fields turned to silver, and the sky seemed split between night and day; a moon, brilliant and far larger than reality, loomed over the peaceful landscape. Telescopes peeked out of the tal grass, and Twilight could see dozens of bonfires, or ponies lounging out, at ease and at peace. In the distance, she could see tall, majestic spires, gleaming platinum in the moonlight, songs of infinite beauty and experience drifting along the pleasant breeze, mingling with the bawdier, livelier songs of the sunlit plains to create a symphony of pure life.
“I-it is real,” Twilight breathed, eyes wide in awe.
“Indeed it is, Twilight.”
Turning about quickly, Twilight squeaked in surprise; tears ran down Celestia’s cheeks, but her smile was radiant, even wistful. Tentatively, Twilight reached out a hoof, only to give a surprised squeak as Celestia’s longer forelegs dragged Twilight to her chest. A pleased quiver arced up her spine as Celestia nuzzled down her back, wings reaching around to stroke her sides with featherlight touches.
“We all come here one day, Twilight. Even those in Tartarus earn redemption. You failed nopony. Never forget that.”

A ghost of a smile remained on Celestia’s lips as she laid Twilight back onto the bed, nuzzling her nose. The little mare was asleep now, a smile warming her lips. Seeing the Summer Fields for the first time had given Celestia good dreams too, all those millenia ago. Hesitating a moment, the Solar Diarch gave a small sigh of regret, sliding off the bed and dragging a comforter up to cover the younger alicorn. As much as she would love to cuddle her student for another day, Celestia simply had to hold Day Court. Too many petitioners would be waiting for her, especially since the return of the captives and the frigate from the borderlands.
With a longing look back at her slumbering friend, Celestia levitated her regalia and crown back to their resting places. They were… heavy. Made of silver and small plates of gold, physically they were quite light, but mentally… Blood sometimes was far heavier than any precious metal. Golden shoes slid onto her hooves next, and her horn flashed through the various cantrips and protective spells she wore every day. She smirked faintly, remembering the litany of curses her new Captain would go through if he had to weave the magic himself- in his mind, of course. Never aloud.
The Day Court was gathered inside the Canterlot Hall when Celestia arrived and, like she feared, it was practically filled to bursting. Murmurs, whispers, even soft prayers filled the hall, and Celestia’s ears very slowly laid back at the tumult. This.. would be a long day, she feared. And sadly, she was right. Pony after pony approached the throne, bowed low, and began to ask her favor. Noble houses, asking for appointments for sons and daughters in the new regiments she would have to raise to fight the Caribou. Farmers and common ponies begging that taxes not be raised, or that they would need royal subsidies in order to expand for the coming influx of soldiers to feed. Dozens of smiths, of engineers, all vying for royal contracts. So much talk of war, it dragged at Celestia’s soul to watch her subjects gather so quickly for war, utterly naive to the reality it would surely bring to them all. Equestria had not warred in an age…
As Day Court reached its middle-mark, a Crystal Pony stepped forward; this had Celestia sit up in curiosity. Rarely did one of her niece’s subjects make the journey for Day Court. Had something happened that the Crystal Court could not handle? Surely Cadence would have-
“Death to false Goddesses!”
The Crystal Pony’s eyes gleamed an oily black, and the illusion split to reveal a pair of rifles strapped to a saddle. Even as Guards surged forward with a shout, and the crowds screamed, Celestia’s stunned eyes peered into those of her assassin. Black eternity looked back.
A triple crack rippled through the halls of Canterlot.