//------------------------------// // Confession, check, save a life, *gulps* pending. // Story: Unrequited // by DtdFIMBrony //------------------------------// "You, what?" Asked Twilight, shocked, "I, don't know what to say, I mean, it is sweet that you feel that way, but, I just don't" Shy looked up at the night sky, she knew the answer already, she was prepared, and she simply replied with "I know, you love Rainbow Dash, and I don't want to come between that, I just wanted to tell you how I felt, because it was starting to hurt with you not knowing, I hope you understand." "Oh, well, I guess that is okay, it just took me by surprise." Twi looked a little anxious, but she didn't try to prevent Shy from feeling this way, "I am glad you were able to tell me, may I ask why you feel this way?" "Well," Fluttershy started, "It all started quite a while ago, but at first I didn't understand it, I would find myself marveling at you, and would not know why, and then I had a strange dream that told me about how I felt." She then told Twi about what happened at the gala, and then after when Derpy crashed through her window, twice, but she also explained that she told Twi about her feelings because she thought that even if the feeling was not mutual, the could be happy that Twi knew about it. "Wow, I never realized that you felt that way, I guess it bothered you a lot more than most people." Twi seemed to relax more than she was before, "I think you should give Derpy a chance, you two would make a cute couple." Twi had said that giggling a little, then went on to say, "I hope that you can find happiness elsewhere, I can only be a friend, and I am sorry about that." "Yea, I know, and I think I will give Derpy a chance, it may be hard though, I mean, I can't just stop feeling for one pony and put those feelings onto another, anyway, I'm just glad you heard me out." Shy then went to lie back down and enjoy the night sky, but realized that Twi may not have gotten any sleep yet. "Hey, you want me to walk home with you?" "Sure." Said Twi, "But promise me you will give Derpy a chance." "I promise" Shy replied, and got up, she continued to talk to Twi about random things like how the stars were so beautiful, and how many different night animals were around, and before she knew it, they had arrived at Twi's house, she said good night and left, when she got back home, she saw that Derpy had fallen asleep on her sofa, she decided to cover Derpy with a blanket and went to bed herself. Shy woke the next morning, somehow before Derpy, and got ready for her day, but while getting ready she saw that Derps was waking, yea, Derps, that's a good nickname for her, she then went over to her and said, "Good morning sleepy head, did you have a good dream?" Derpy rubbed her eyes and looked around, her face went red when she realized she was sleeping in Fluttershy's house. "Oh my gosh, I didn't mean to fall asleep in your house." She said almost in a panic, but seeing as Shy was just going through her normal routine she was fine with it, after she had put the blanket back where it belonged, she then started to do some of the chores, like watering the plants, and even, although rhetorical, sweeping the dirt path in front of the house. Realizing Derpy's genuine heart, and kind composure, she starts to warm up to her, and realized that she is actually quite beautiful, she, like Shy was unique in her own way. They were able to relate on what made them different, as both in a way were mental, Shy being, well, shy, and Derpy, well you get the clue. They soon found a quick connection through their weakness, and took advantage of it to make each other stronger, Derpy was Shy's courage, and Shy was Derpy's crash pad, and everypony knows, she needed one, but it was in a good way, as Shy was always gently with Derpy and taught her how to cope through her kindness, Derpy was able to help Shy be a little more outgoing, but not so much she would become, you know, a monster. Before Shy knew it, she was falling in love with Derpy, she was becoming happier, and she thought that it could never be taken from her. But what she didn't know was that Derpy's curiosity was to soon get her into her own trouble, in fact, it already has started to, as from the forest, Derpy has been being watched, an targeted. It was later that night that she heard the first sign of a hunt, a long piercing howl, but Shy knew it wasn't Zap apple season, so it had to be a hunt, of the Timberwolves. Shy was about to warn Derpy to stay away from the forest because of how dangerous it was, but when she looked around for her, she was nowhere in sight, it was then she heard a scream from within the forest, and she panicked not knowing what to do, she ran blindly into the forest, hoping to save her new love before it could slip through her fingers. She could be too late already, but she had to try, she just had to. She closed her eyes and charged into the forest with no clue how to find Derpy, but she knew she just had to, no matter what. Shy was running around the forest for what felt like ages, and saw no sign of Derpy, she looked and looked, but couldn't figure out where she could have gone, then she remembered something spike had said, 'the thing that gave you away was the breath, if it were a real Timberwolf you could smell the breath a mile away.' So she turned her attention to the smells around her, and found a vague smell of the Timberwolves, and thus with renewed vigor she continued her search, only hoping she was not too late.