Adventures in Equestria

by finalforce12


"Oh, dear pathetic sister.... I'm back..... and it's time to say goodbye to your girlfriend.... "

Ellie was taunting me, not clever if you ask me. Ellie is my twin sister, who used to be an angel, like me, before our separation. When we were babies, or kids, our real parents had passed away because of the Great War, and the devils took Ellie, while I stayed with angels. Ellie had beautiful tan eyes, and now her eyes turned green, showing her insanity. I still have my brown eyes and cheery spirit, while Ellie has green eyes and insanity. Ellie wasn't like this since birth, but that's a different story.

"Emma! Bad news!"

It was a sunny Monday afternoon, and me and Emma were out eating.

"What now? I need to learn to use magic AND fly!"

I wanted to tell Emma the whole story, but I thought it wasn't time yet. "I have a twin sister named Ellie." I explained. A look of complete disbelief spread across Emma's face."Yeah, and where's your proof?" Emma said in a mocking voice. Well Emma, you'd be surprised on how much proof I have. I thought to myself. I knew this was gonna be an adventure, and the better for good.