Dawn's Twilight

by NightsongWrites

Chapter 2- Emotions

For the first time in centuries, Canterlot Castle was quiet, not ringing with the shouts of nobles or the giggles and laughs of touring school foals. As Celestia’s sun shone down on the white marbled spires, the gleams of armor could be seen at every port and window, faces impassive. Only ones familiar with the Guard and their activity would notice the stunned, slightly widened eyes, or the way they kept their spears slightly lowered, balanced to skewer with only a twitch. The sight of the Princess of Friendship and their beloved Solar Diarch had put them all on edge, their loyalty and friendship to both causing even the most disciplined among them utmost anger. Luna heard many prayers for vengeance that night.

During the day, however, Celestia had her own work and prayers to be answered… and she sent quite a few of her own to the Great Sea. Twilight had been taken to the personal medical help of the Princesses: the Royal Medical Service. Healers of the utmost skill, veterans of combat and years in the hospital service, they were always ready for emergency medical work at a moment’s notice, and this was no exception.

“I need three healing crystals, now!” The head doctor, Dr. Jolly Times, snapped tersely to the nurses around, “And bust out that zebra tonic. The green one.”

The nurses moved gracefully, unperturbed by the snappy tone. They all knew Jolly lived up to his namesake… just not in the hospital room. He was hardly a bad doctor, as long as one knew his quirks. The fact that all the nurses were in his herd probably helped with that. With a speed that Celestia was certainly grateful for, the doctors quickly got to work on her young pupil, giving the diarch time to look her over for the thousandth time.

Twilight’s wings were tightly bound in bandages, especially where the pegs had been driven into the meaty muscles. A soft sob broke Celestia’s usual facade, her body shuddering at the pain that must have caused her little Twilight. One of the nurses, Purple Heart, Celestia believed, smiled over at Celestia, leaning over to give her side the gentlest of nuzzles. All of the nurses and doctors of the RMS had seen Celestia at her highest highs and lowest lows: sobbing over Luna after a fearsome battle, or smiling brightly and congratulating one of her maids as they gave birth. They all knew that, behind the crown and regalia was a simple mare, with the same emotions as they, merely stretched over time immemorial.

“T-thank you, Heart,” she breathed, “She-”

“Will be fine, Your Highness,” the unicorn mare replied soothingly, “We have her now, and she’s strong. Easily as strong as Luna was after that debacle with the griffons.”

Celestia’s jaw tensed. That… debacle had nearly brought war to their lands. An assassination attempt on her sister, so soon after coming home… She quickly shook her head, clearing her head of thoughts that might anger her more. None of the healers deserved to see that; they had far more impor-


For a pony twice the size of Purple Heart, Celestia beat her there, wings outstretched to stroke and caress Twilight’s cheeks. Her student’s violet eyes were only half-open, the light in them bleary and half-mad.

“I-I’m in… the Summer Fields?” she mumbled blearily, a little giggle rising up after a moment, “I-I knew… knew y-you could come here t-too… y-you’re so beautiful, Princess.”

Celestia could feel her heart breaking, tears threatening to overflow her eyes once again as she nuzzled along Twilight’s fluffy neck. The edge of the broken bolt branded against her muzzle jutted down into the path of Celestia’s nuzzling and, with hardly a thought, her horn blazed brightly, a magical circle forming over the scar. Scars were… difficult to heal, being the physical and emotional manifestations of injuries. And burn scars were doubly so. By the time she had healed even half of the scar, Celestia was panting heavily, head bowed and nestled into Twilight’s mane, deep breaths sucking in and memorizing her scent. Book leather, lavender, the hint of vanilla soap…

“You’re still alive, Little Quill,” she whispered softly, blushing as Twilight’s ear affectionately flicked at the pet name, “You’re at the castle, and we’re taking care of you.”

Twilight blinked back at her slowly, sniffling and seeming to processing this in her addled mind.

“My… f-friends…”

“Are on the next train for Canterlot.”

And at that, she smiled. The deep, broad, adorable smile that Celestia so loved, so cherished, even more so than her collection of works of Starswirl, the old soul. The smile she had burn a Caribou to diamond in order to preserve.

“G-good,” Twilight mewed out, closing her eyes and quivering, “M-mom and… and d-dad?”

Celestia gently settled beside her, blushing as the doctor and his herd darted in to work once more. She managed to duck in, only once, to give Twilight a reassuring nuzzle.

“I sent them a letter,” she replied softly, “Assuring them you were alright. Though I imagine they will be on the first airship home from Stalliongrad.”

And Celestia would have to explain to Twilight Velvet and Night Light why their precious daughter had been thrust into so much danger… again. Every part of the Princess drooped, and she closed her eyes in despair. She had been doing that alot lately, sending her pupil into danger. Nightmare Moon, Discord… During their last meeting, Night Light had made it plain that he wished for Twilight to have guards of her own. If only Celestia had had time… if only she had been more responsible for her student, if-

Twilight gave a small whimper, trembling; she had drifted off while Celestia brooded, and her face was scrunching up, likely from the pain of the doctors working. Regret vanished like the morning mist, and Celestia leaned down to nuzzle Twilight’s ear, ignoring the blush that crept down her long neck. It was not the time, nor the place, for those particular feelings. Twilight needed Celestia the teacher, the second mother. Not Celestia the mare. With a soft croon, she held Twilight as close as she could safely do so, whispering and humming an ancient lullaby to the whimpering mare of her heart, one of her favorites…

Waking up, curled like a filly, in Celestia’s arms was not exactly how Twilight Sparkle expected to wake up that morning. Or… ever again, really. Her whole body ached, especially her hooves and her wings. A tentative twitch sent a lightning bolt of agony through her spine, the pain hissing past her lips. Opening her eyes slowly, Twilight gave her surrounding a sheepish once-over. They were still in the RMS bunks, which she had only just managed to make out during her earlier battle with unconsciousness. The walls were a warm cedar, and she was surprised to see quite a few paintings and pictures of Celestia and Luna, including a few from their foal days, a time so long ago that the picture simply HAD to be an enchantment.

With a soft murmur, Celestia drew Twilight closer to her chest, and the smaller alicorn gave a soft mew as her head was pressed against Celestia’s chest. She was… warm. Like a hearth on a winter’s night, gently kissing the- A deep blush colored her cheek, and she quickly banished the thought to her mind’s moon. Nope, nope. She wasn’t going to open that can of mental worms, not again. Even with the object of an obsession so close… feeling so good… her coat smelling of jasmine and tea, of cold nights curled together with a book, of sleepovers and study sessions and soothing whispers after fights with bullies. The smile on her face reminding Twilight of the night she grew into Celestia’s equal, of her pride in Twilight, and the soaring feeling that had brought Twilight’s soul.

And Twilight began to cry a strange cry, emotionally mixed like an alchemical pot. Sadness, nostalgia, joy, all swirling about in a stew of the mind. Nuzzling against Celestia’s coat, careful of the sharpness of her horn, she closed her eyes again, trembling softly as she hugged her teacher’s barrel as much as she possibly could. Little sobs hiccuped out every moment or so, but she kept it as quiet as she could. She certainly didn’t want to wake Celestia up, she couldn’t let- A slim leg cradled Twilight’s head close to Celestia’s heart, and she didn’t need to see the slim glimmer of pink from her eyes. And so they laid there, Celestia’s hoof gently stroking Twilight’s mane, while Twilight simply relaxed, listening to the thundering of Celestia’s core. Things were emotional and confusing… but they were safe. And for the moment, that was enough.