Storming Shield

by KalenNighteyes

Storming Shield

Storming Shield stared down his opponent. This was the last test he needed to pass in order to become a Royal Guard. A simple combat drill to prove he had what it took to protect the princesses if it ever came down to that. Storm was sure he had passed all other tests and his confidence wasn't lacking for this test.

“Ready?” came the drill instructor's voice from somewhere to Storm's left.

“Ready,” Storm said with a smirk.

“Ready,” said his opponent.

“Begin!” the instructor shouted.

Without hesitation, Storm flapped open his wings, and was off. His opponent had no time to react. Storm was on him in mere seconds. The trainee, pointlessly, threw his hoof out to try and block Storm. It was no use. Storm was just too aggressive and already had the trainee pinned to the ground.

“I surrender!” yelled the trainee.

“What's the matter? Can't you fight back?” Storm asked, a hint of anger in his voice.

“No. I can't. Not only did you pin me, but I think you broke my leg,” the trainee said.

Storm's anger dissipated at this, and he stepped away from the trainee and looked at the drill instructor. “I... I didn't mean to hurt him. I just wanted to prove myself worthy. This is what I've wanted all my life.”

The instructor sighed and put a hoof on Storm's shoulder. “I understand son. I really do. Unfortunately you have failed most of the tests we set up for recruits to take. You're just too aggressive.”

Storm's anger began to rise again, but he was able to push it aside for the moment. “What does this mean then?”

“I'm sorry son. You just don't have what we are looking for. Perhaps if you were able to get your temper and aggression under control, there might be a spot for you in the Royal Guard,” the instructor said.

Storm still tried to contain his anger, but he could feel it rising. “You mean there is nothing? At all?”

“Afraid not Storm. I need you to leave the academy. You can come back and apply again in a year. Maybe you'll have yourself under control,” the instructor said.

Storm's anger finally got the better of him and he lashed out at the instructor, hitting him in the face with his hoof. Immediately there were guards on Storm, dragging him away from the instructor, whose nose was bleeding.

“You better believe I'll be back!” Storm shouted as he was tossed out the gates of the academy.

* * * * *

Later that evening, Storm walked into his small, one room apartment and glanced around. It was basically empty. A chair and a bed took up a majority of the room. On the floor were books about the Royal Guard and a few Daring Do books.

Storm picked up one of the Royal Guard books and stared at it for a long moment. The Royal Guard was all he wanted in his life. Ever since he was a colt he had dreamed of joining their ranks. He'd even play Royal Guards with his friends when he was little.

The thought of joining the Royal Guard was now a bitter taste in his mouth. In a quick motion, Storm tossed the book into the air, spun around, and, with his rear legs, kicked the book through a closed window.

Storm stared at the broken window. There was no reason for him to be in Canterlot anymore. He'd probably never be able to join the Royal Guard now that he'd hit the instructor.

Where would I go? Back to Manehattan? Tell mom and dad that I failed to live my dream?

Shaking off the idea of returning to his parent's home, Storm went to his closet and grabbed his bag and began to pack a few things. As he was loading his Daring Do books into the bag, a slip of paper fell out of one of them. Storm picked it up and looked at it. The paper had just a few words on it.

“Why not go to Ponyville?” it read.

Storm looked confused. This was not his hand writing and why would he write anything about Ponyville? It was a small town in the middle of the valley below Canterlot. Not far enough away in his opinion. Then more words magically appeared on the piece of paper.

“Does it matter? It's small and you don't know anyone there.”

With that, Storm dropped the paper. It was starting to freak him out. “Am I going crazy?” he asked aloud.

The paper shimmered and more new words appeared. “Anything's possible. Are you going to Ponyville?”

“That depends. Why there? Why not further... Wait, what am I doing? I'm talking to a piece of paper!” Storm said, closing his bag and placing it on his back.

The paper floated up in front of him. “Trust me. Go to Ponyville.”

Storm grumbled. “Fine. But I'm taking you with me to Ponyville. Maybe someone there can explain what the heck is going on.”

The paper shimmered again. “I doubt it.”

Storm swore he could hear laughter. “Oh come on! What's going on here? You might as well just show yourself. I know this can't just be happening randomly.”

“Oh you are so dull Storming Shield. You really should lighten up!” said a voice from no where.

“You think that making a piece of paper write on itself is what will make me lighten up? Who the hell are you? Why don't you show yourself to me?” Storm asked.

“I would show myself to you, but that would spoil the fun. Let's just say that I'm your conscience and leave it at that,” the voice said.

“Does my conscience have a name?” Storm asked.

“Of course I do, I'm just not ready for you to know it yet. Oh, Storm, we are going to have a lot of fun together in Ponyville,” said the voice.

“Ugh, whatever. I have got to be going crazy here. People's consciences don't talk to them. At least not in this way,” Storm said, heading to the door. “And if you won't tell me your name, you can just stay here.”

The voice laughed hysterically. “Sorry bud. You're stuck with me for a good long while!”

“Wonderful...” Storm said, walking out the door and heading for his new life in Ponyville.