//------------------------------// // Another Dead // Story: Cursed Book // by Sillyponyme //------------------------------// Twilight met up with Rick after her talk with Princess Luna and in a hurry. Rick and his group, except for Andrea who was beyond furious for the reason that her special gun had been destroyed, were ready to go. Everypony knows that the only one to blame for that was Andrea but she wasn’t going to accept that. In her mind she did the right thing and she knows Rick and the others agree with her. It’s hardly fair for them to be angry with her for protecting her group and the residents at least in her mind. Twilight was still ticked off with Andrea and refused to recognize her if only for the fact that she was in a hurry and had more important things to worry about. “Rick, get your group together except for Andrea.” Two guards stepped out from behind Twilight. “Put her in with Michonne, actually, put her where the two can’t communicate with each other.” The guards nodded and left to arrest Andrea. Twilight then turned to Luna. “Princess Luna, I noticed you staring in the direction of Trixies’ home, why is that?” “Princess Twilight, that energy surge that I spoke of, it came from that direction. I had no idea that that is where Trixie lived. I’m sure that she is dead now or undead as it were. Sadly, that is all the better for Equesrtia. Twilight, we must hurry and find the book before this goes further than it already has. My sister has already sent Cadance off to find the book. Let’s hope that it stays put.” Luna noticed confused looks on Rick and his groups’ faces. “What do you mean by a book? How does a book cause this?” Glenn asked stepping closer to Luna and Twilight. “There is no time to explain, let us hurry to find Cadance and hope that she can acquire the book.” Luna turned to Twilight, the two of them nodded in unison. “You’re in charge Twilight seeing as not all of them can fly, I” Luna stopped mid sentence seeing a bright pink dust cloud in the distance beyond the Everfree. “I must hurry.” Luna took off in a hurry. Ricks group watched as Luna flew off and then turned back to Twilight. “Let’s get going then.” Daryl turned around ready to go. Twilight flew over to him and blocked his path confusing Daryl. “No, not yet Daryl though I appreciate that your so willing.” Twilight turned her head around and noticed her friends running over to them. “Girls, Ricks group, whoever finds this book returns the book to either me or Princess Celestia or Princess Luna. Do not and I repeat do not even open the book. The other princesses and I are the only ones that can reverse the spell. Everyone stick together, we don’t need anyone getting separated.” Twilight heard whispering which sounded sarcastic coming from Maggie. “You have something to say Maggie?” “It’s just that you sound just like Rick is all, it’s a good thing.” Twilight nodded allowing Maggie to exhale as she had been holding her breath. She really didn’t want to make that Princess angry. Twilight looked at the group and nodded as she concocted more of the plan in her head. “Everyone go with your respective leaders. Pegasus's go with Rainbow Dash and so on. We will stay in small groups but each group stay close to each other. We don’t want to get caught in large groups of them. If we are and there is no room to move, somepony will end up dead. We don’t want to be separated either, so stay within sight.” Twilight finished and then Rick decided to add a few things hoping that Twilight would be ok with it. “That means don’t go chasing after noises or shadows. We have less ammo here then we did in our world.” Rick turned to Hershel and smiled. “Take care of Judith for me?” Hershel happily accepted the responsibility. “Thank you Hershel.” Rick turned back to the others and was about to speak when a blue and black speck could be seen coming toward them. “Princess Luna!” Twilight and her friends all said in unison. Luna flew off as fast as she could toward the light. “Hold on my dear niece, I’m coming.” Luna picked up speed flying toward the Everfree forest. The rain continued to pour down making her wings heavy. Without thinking, Luna put up a shield to block the rain. As she reached the Everfree Forest, another pink dust cloud shot up into the air. The rain pushed the cloud down. Soon it was no longer dust but mud that shot into the air. The rain had made the dirt very muddy. Luna picked up speed making her way to Cadance. Soon enough, Luna reached the area above her niece as mud flew up and hit her in the face. Down below just outside the forest, Cadance used all her magic to fight off the walker ponies. Luna then noticed a walker pony behind Cadance. Luna had just gotten ready to use her magic against the zombie when mud splashed into her face blinding her. “Why doesn’t she fly away?” Luna wondered as she wiped the mud away. Luna cleared the mud from her eyes just enough to see Cadance try to take flight but fell. “Her wing, it’s been sprained.” Luna took aim again but it was too late, a walker pony bit into Cadance’s leg. Luna shot it off but another and another tackled Cadance. Luna noticed Cadance look up at her and she screamed. “Auntie, help me!” Luna froze, unable to move and hovered above the forest. She couldn’t find the strength to move as Cadance screamed for help. Her blood flowed from her body with the help of the pouring rain. Luna finally shook her head clear and flew away. Her body began shaking, she was scared. She could only wonder where her sister could be. Did Celestia already die? Had she left thinking it was safe? Luna, as quickly as she could, made her way back to the others. When she returned, she collapsed onto the ground. “Cadance, she, it’s my fault.” “Princess Luna, what happened? Twilight asked worriedly. “I wasn’t fast enough, I couldn’t move. She yelled for help but I couldn’t, she had already gotten bit, Princess Cadance is gone.” Luna shook from shock and exhaustion. Twilight began shaking and then fell to her knees saying ‘no’ over and over again. Everypony just sat in silence.