The Four Ponies of the Apocalypse

by JebtheDBAGpony


Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Babs Seed were playing in front of their tree house, Applebloom and Babs pretending to swordfight with a couple of sticks, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle were "Dead". As the two kids sword fought, Applobloom took a swing that hit the stick right out of bab's hand. The stick flew through the air and lightly hit a stranger that happened to be standing right where the stick hit. Applebloom looked and saw the woman that was standing there and went over to apologize and retrieve the stick. She ran over and picked up Babs' "Sword" and looked up and the tall girl.

"Sorry about that mam. We were just play fighting and-..." Applebloom suddenly stopped and looked at the woman before her.

She was clad in heavy red and gold armor, with a red hood that rested over her head, long strands of ruffled white hair, heavy boots with chains hanging from them, and a ridiculously large sword on her back with some kind of script written on the blade. The woman said nothing to the little girl and just walked away, her armor clinking with every step she took.

"Well that was weird, who was that woman?" Scootaloo asked, feeling like their game's fun was over.

"I dunno..." Applebloom asked. "But did anybody see that script written on her sword?"

"Yeah." Babs said. "But i dont know what it said."

"I do..." Sweetie Belle said, wandering over to the group.

"Well what did it say?" Scootaloo asked.

Sweetie Belle looked at the rest of the group and translated to the what the script on the sword said. "War..."