//------------------------------// // Desolation // Story: Revolutionist // by Abronymous Lee //------------------------------// Zyklon dejectedly trudged through the harsh terrain of the Badlands. He cursed his luck, his stupidity, his blissful obliviousness, and, most of all, Chrysalis for getting him into this mess in the first place. "Royals," he muttered. "They promise you everything , but they lack the means to deliver. Ni ru cuyi utreekov. You play along with their little power games, then BAM! You end up in a certain-death situation, while they get slapped on the fetlock and left to do it again!" He reared up and stamped the ground with his forehooves and let out a scream of frustration that echoed across the barren canyon. He froze when he realized the mistake he had made. Red eyes were now peering at him from the shadows, the normally nocturnal creatures woken by his outburst. Time stood still. An eternity later, a piercing cry came from the creatures. "Haar'chak!" he swore as he turned and ran. The shadows swiftly followed, and the chase began. *** It is a little-known fact that changelings are a very timid species. Many would-be infiltrators have dropped everything and turned tail at the sight of their unsuspecting prey. Only soldiers with intense conditioning can suppress their fears long enough to assess the situation before fleeing from the threat in blind terror. As such, changelings tend to be very reclusive. This changes when fighting their own kind, however. Despite being absolutely terrified of other species, changeling hives will frequently attack each other for feeding ground and other resources. Drones fight at the command of their Male officers, who are directed by the Royals who answer to the Queen. The farther up the chain of command, the more powerful the 'ling. *** "Well, look who decided to wake up." Chrysalis glared at her sister. She looked like the exact duplicate of Chrysalis, save for her pinkish eyes, mane, and carapace. "Shut up, Larva. Don't you have nymphs to attend to?" Chrysalis said. "Not after your stupid little power play with Arthropoda. I've been reassigned to take care of you until you molt," Larva said. Chrysalis sighed and looked down at herself. She was lying in a sideways cocoon suspended from the ceiling by multiple strands of webbing. Through the translucent skin of the cocoon she saw her half-melted exoskeleton. Chrysalis quickly looked away. Larva laughed derisively. "Better get used to it. You're going to be here for quite a while, Chrissi." "Oh, really?" Chrysalis replied. "Yes, really. When Mother burns you, she burns you. You do know about her thing with fire, right?" "I could do with a little less sarcasm," Chrysalis grumbled. Larva laughed again. "Like Tartarus I will! I'm just here to take care of you physically. Your psychological scars are a completely different matter." Larva suddenly took on a dark tone. "And I will make sure that every. Single. One. Hurts!" Then she turned and trotted away like nothing had happened. "Haar'chak!" Chrysalis swore.