//------------------------------// // Autumm and Octane // Story: Connections?! I think Maybe! // by sparkdrifter //------------------------------// Autumm saw a stallion and mare walk into the restaurant as he and his friend octane were finishing up lunch before going back to work. As Octane chewed his oat burger, Autumm stated at the mare. "Beaver dam she is fiiiiine! Don't you think so Octane?" Autumm said. "She's cute but really I would love to finish my food in peace if you don't mind." Octane said to Autumm. "Suit yourself. Imma get her number." Autumm left Octane alone. Octane heard someone call Autumm a rude name but he dismissed it. He heard a few punches and ignored that too. Autumm came back with a black eye and a bloody nose. "Did it ever occur to you that the stallion might have been her boyfriend?" Octane asked without looking up from his meal. "Oh it occurred to me alright, but I was like 'fuggetaboutit!' and I asked her out. Then they guy called me a coglio and knocked me in the face." "Wanna know something weird?" Octane asked. "Sure." Said Autumm. "That actually reminded me of a time that I went on a chariot ride with Luna." Autumm looked shocked, "Luna." "Yes." Octane replied. "PRINCESS Luna." Autumm said. "Yes!" Octane said. "Yesterday I was talking to my cousin when all of a sudden there she is. Standing in her chariot. She signaled me to get in so I did. We flew for a few hours before picking up another stallion although I couldn't see who it was. I heard his voice though. He sounded like a jerk. He kept on asking princess Luna if it hurt when she fell from the moon and stupid stuff like that. Eventually he asked her out and she said that she doesn't go on dates. He kept persisting though and eventually I guess he got to grabby cause she gasped loudly and knocked him in the jaw. His tooth came out and landed in front of me. He fell off the chariot onto a rooftop and we flew away. I still have his tooth. Look." Octane laid a slightly bloody tooth onto the table. "Basically we flew for a few hours then Luna dropped me off at my house before flying away. Bust just when they took off, I caught a smile from her." Autumm stared at him with his mouth hanging open. "Hey your tooth... Is... Missing..." Octane picked up the tooth and placed it in autumm's mouth. They stared at each other for a second before Autumm started talking again. "Yesterday I was trying to pick up mares at a local bar when I got kicked out for being 'too grabby' with one of the girls. How was I supposed to know that was vinyl scratch, I don't listen to her music?! So I was sitting at the curb when a chariot pulled up on front of me. Princess Luna and another stallion were in the chariot. I tought she looked pretty cute so I started saying things like if it hurt when she fell from the moon. She just looked ahead. I started rubbing her shoulders, I had forgotten about the other stallion. I started rubbing her back, then my hooves started to go a bit, lower... I felt just the tip of her flank when she gasped and sucker punched me. I lost a tooth and I saw it land in front of the other stallion I fell down and hit the top of a building when I saw the chariot fly away. I passed out on the building and woke up at my house. It turns out I landed on the bar and the girl I was flirting with had taken me out of the area, asking ponies of they knew where I lived. Old lady ms. Crochet, my neighbor, led her to my apartment and let her in my home. Vinyl apparently took care of me while I was out. But yeah, that happened." "Woah." Octane said. He slid the tooth back to Autumm. "You want this back?" "Of course I want it back idiot!" Autumm and Octane laughed. "Carp! We gotta get back to work!" Autumm and Octane left and Autumm left a three bit tip on the table.