Equestria Wars Episode V: Revenge of the Dark Side

by sonicdash123

Chapter 8: Malgus vs Charming Thunder

Applejack's forces have wiped out half of the army until enemy reinforcements arrived. The incinerator war droid burned some troops as the others tried to shoot it down. It then used its shield to hit them across the battlefield. Applejack was behind the droid and shot its fuel tank which caused it to blow up to pieces. The AT-ST collapsed to the ground as the war droids shot it down. The fighters continued their attack on the capital ships as Spitfire and Rainbow flew through the battle. Rainbow shot down one of the enemy fighters that flew their way. Pinkie Pie was at one of the trench guns and fired continuously at the enemy forces. Roeoss grabbed one of the soldiers and crushed him with his claws. The trandoshan then jumped on one of the war droids back and ripped its head off. The fighters destroyed one of the enemy capital ships as the battle continued in the sky. Soarin had a fighter on his tail as Rainbow chased it to shoot it down. The fighter then exploded and Rainbow flew pas the enemy battleship as she evaded the ships cannons firing at her. Rainbow then noticed enemy bombers flying to the ground forces. "We got bombers in bound," she said. "If those bombers take out those ground forces, we might lose this fight."

"Lets take them out then," Spitfire said. The TIE Fighter group then flew to the direction of the bombers and shot one of them down. "Come on. Stay still darn it." The ground forces noticed the bombers heading their way. One of the soldiers rushed to an artillery turret and activated it. The turret then opened fire at the incoming bombers and the squadron chasing them turned back to the battle and destroyed more fighters. Another AT-ST arrived to the battle as the ground forces were pinned down at the trenches. It then fired its cannons at the enemy ground forces as it moved forward.


On the Leviathan, Charming Thunder and Twilight made their way to the bridge and encountered two guards. They hid in a corner as Charming Thunder came up with a plan. "I'll lure them over here and you shoot them," Charming Thunder said. He then shouted, "HEY OVER THERE!! COULD YOU GIVE ME A HOOF WITH THIS?" The guards heard the voice and walked over to where it came from. They then encountered Twilight and Charming Thunder and she shot the two guards in the face.

"That got 'em," Twilight said. They both then proceeded to through the door and Malgus stood at the window waiting.

"You are as stubborn as I thought," he said as he removed his hood. "Welcome to my flagship."

"Save your breath, Malgus," Charming Thunder said. "You knew I was coming."

"Yes. I did. You are just as wise as Princess Celestia. Soon your fleet will be destroyed and then my empire will rise to glory."

"That will NEVER happen," Twilight said.

"I see that you have brought a friend, Charming Thunder."

"She is my wife. And a princess too so watch your tongue."

"I will show YOU respect." Malgus' horn shot out lightning at them. His horn then glowed and the ship began to explode around them.


"In minutes, the ship will explode and obliterate your entire fleet."

"You're a monster, Malgus," Charming Thunder said as he activated his lightsaber. Malgus did the same and charged at them and locked their blades. Malgus growled as he pushed Charming Thunder back. He then shot lightning at Charming Thunder but he blocked it with his lightsaber. Charming Thunder levitated a chair at one of the controls and throws it at Malgus. Malgus the sliced the object in half and walks to him. Charming Thunder strikes at him as Malgus blocked them. Malgus then kicked Charming Thunder back. Charming Thunder then jumped over him to the front of the window. Malgus struck as he blocked them. When Charming Thunder blocked to the side and was about to block his next strike, Malgus stabbed him right into the chest.

"NO!!" Twilight shouted as Charming Thunder stood silent. Suddenly, he started to laugh as if he was still alive. When Malgus looked up at him confused, Charming Thunder punched him dozens of times and with his heavy punch, he pushed Malgus back. Charming Thunder with the lightsaber stuck in his chest drew his blaster and fired a few shots at Malgus. Malgus used his magic to deflect the shots away from him. Charming Thunder then aimed his arm and flames came out of his gauntlet. Malgus again used his magic to avoid getting caught in flame. He then crushed Charming Thunder's flamethrower on his arm. Charming Thunder then levitated the lightsaber out of his chest and the scar that was left on him healed. He then charged at Malgus as he raised a magic force field around him. Charming Thunder strikes at the forcefield and it began to crack at each strike. When the forcefield broke, he then chopped off Malgus' forearm and then to the head. Malgus' body then collapsed to the ground as Charming Thunder deactivated his lightsabers. He then placed them on his belt and walked up to Twilight. "What was that I saw? I thought you were going to die."

"I'll explain later," Charming Thunder said. "We must leave before we go down with this ship." Twilight nodded and ran with him back to the hangar so that they can get out of here.


The fleet flew away as the flagship exploded to pieces. The explosion obliterated the whole enemy fleet as the forces on the ground took cover. They then poked their heads out of cover and ran a cheer that shook Canterlot. The battle was finally over. The two Eta-2 class interceptors flew over them as they continued to cheer.

The interceptors landed in the hangar where Celestia and Luna waited. As Charming Thunder and Twilight stepped out of their ships, they walked up to them as R4 popped out of the interceptor and followed them. Charming Thunder walked to where Roeoss is and had a little chat with him about what happened during the battle "Are you alright, princess?" Luna asked.

"Yes," Twilight replied. "Charming Thunder was brave to stand up for me and when Malgus stabbed him in the chest, he was--"

"We know," Celestia said. "Come. We'll talk more about it in my private chambers." Twilight then followed the princesses to talk more about what happened and why Charming Thunder didn't die by the hooves of Malgus.