Purple Pony Princess Possible Pairing Predicament

by Mistershield

Chapter 3

Twilight begun talking about the confrontation between her and Tirek now...


“Tirek!” Twilight picked up her head, still wedged between the rocks. Using her new upgraded flight power, the alicorn flew out and sped towards her opponent. As she missed him and flew back, both eyes opened wide to look at how tall he was. Using a u-turn spin, she flew back towards the centaur, only to crash back into his huge front hoof. One thought ran through her mind:

”Sweet Celestia! He’s huge!”

“You’re going to give me what I want,” Tirek demanded to her. The alicorn had to take steps back just to look up at him. Him and his sheathe. It was humongous! How gigantic would his penis be once that monster was out of it’s hiding place? Fear ran through her spine, and the alicorn had to get out of there fast. As he prepared a blast from his horns, Twilight quickly teleported away to the tree house.

Even using her telescope, she could still see how huge he was. Another sensation ran through her body, but she was too busy figuring out what to do to notice. When the blast finally came, Owlicious and her managed to escape in time with not one of her more memorable crash landings. When she managed to look back at her home, she gasped in shock. The library she called home for over a year, a place filled with memories, was gone in a smoldering ash and debris.

To say that Twilight’s mood was angry, is to put it mildly.

Enraged now, Twilight took off and prepared one of the most powerful offensive blasts she could conjure up. Thanks to the power of all of the other alicorns, the magnitude of the magic spell was beyond comparison. It ever managed to destroy part of the ground, and that was before that spell exploded in the end.

“Now I understand what the princesses have done,” Tirek said with a grin. He lowered his head a bit, preparing his horns for a blast. Twilight flew off once more, preparing another blast. Horns fired off their power- Tirek’s in a yellow blaze, and Twilight’s in a rainbow white. Magical energies crash into one another for a few moments, creating a stalemate of white. Soon enough, the magical blasts ended with another explosion.

“So far, this seems to be going with what you told us,” Celestia interrupted, poking her head out a bit.

“Yes, isn’t this where Tirek summons our friends and me?” Discord asked, moving a hand to stroke his beard.

“Here comes the weird part...” Tirek took over explaining the events.

The centaur towered the ‘princess’ and chuckled, using his levitation power to raise her up. WIth a spin of his form, he sent the alicorn to crash into a mountain. Twilight managed to create a magic field to prevent her from taking damage. A second of shock though, came across her as Tirek flew horns first into her form. Luckily, she managed to slip between the horns to land his shoulder.

Tirek laughed at his power, hearing a moan coming from the puny princess. He thought it was pain at the time, but it did sound strange to him.

“A moan?” Luna asked, lifting her right eyebrow up.

Twilight blushed, turning her head away from the others.

“Well, it shocked me too. Here was the tallest, most muscled, experienced, magically-powered, being in all of Equestria, and possible the world.” Tirek’s eyes closed a bit, as the corners of his mouth twisted into a questionable squibble. “His body, for his age, was warm and soft. His mane was white, but so gorgeous and silky.” As Twilight spoke, the others joined in with Tirek, eyes opened wider and their mouths twisting into uncomfortable territory.

“Please stop,” Tirek asked.

“That’s funny! You said that too!”

Twilight managed to fly off the centaur and sent a blast to throw him to the ground. She was now an alicorn with a purpose! She immediately flew down, a confused look on her face when she couldn’t spot her target. A yellow blast of magic tore up the ground before spinning in a circle. Tirek raised the ground with his bare hands and threw the chuck away like it was a pebble.

Twilight shook off the confusion and took to the air, this time smiling.

“It appears we are at an impasse, how about a-”

“Yes! An alliance will be beneficial!” Twilight exclaimed, interrupting the centaur as she flew closer to him.

“A what?” Tirek halted his fingers in mid snap. Right hand raised, his mouth opened a bit in confusion.

“An alliance! Yes, we can establish a truce and then-”

“Why would I establish an alliance with ponies?!” Tirek shouted, drawing his hand back. Twilight landed on the ground, walking over to lift her face at him.

“Why not?” Twilight countered.

“I hate ponies! So weak and meek,” Tirek scoffed, crossing both arms on his chest.

“But you already established we were equals!” Twilight stamped the ground with her left hoof.

“Why are you even suggesting this?” Tirek asked, lifting his right hand out to her. “Are you simply afraid of me? Or that I will take over Equestria?”

“No, you... Urgh!” Twilight shut both eyes and stamped the ground again. “It’s the only way this can work!” She looked back up at him, her eyes staring at his own, the heat in her body building.

“What will work now?” Tirek asked, getting interested. He lowered his head a bit, looking at her better. Now that he thought about it, getting a ruler of Equestria on his side would make the ponies submit, with no rebels to rally behind. He could always steal her power later, and he did have her friends as a hostage. What harm could it do to listen?

“So I can have that dick!”

Alarms ran through Tirek’s mind. Apparently, lots of alarms. Lots and lots of alarms.

“Uhh...” Sombra was the first one to speak, the others so much in shock that they were all in stun speak. “Did I hear right?”

“Yes,” Tirek sighed, a blushing Twilight hiding behind his large arm and side.

“I was...” Twilight managed to speak out in a squeak. “Hormonal at the time. I was still getting used to the power of all of that alicorn magic in me. As I fought Tirek, ideas popped into my head. One was, if he can’t be beaten, why not have him join us?”

“But he kidnapped all of our friends!” Discord shouted, both arms out. The draconequus’ head moved left and right, looking between the centaur and alicorn.

“I got them out...”

“He blew up your home!” Celestia cried out, taking her turn at the shock.

“It can be fixed with magic,” Twilight kept her head down, her left hoof out from her form to make circles on the ground.

“He stole magic from, like, every corner of Equestria!” Cadence took a turn.

“They got better...”

Luna managed to shake off her stupor and moved a hoof to cover the spot between her eyes. “Just continue...”

The centaur took a second to let things process in his mind. His head moved left and right a moment, not sure what was going on. Both hands fell at his sides. Twilight smiled up at him, her eyes with a slightly glazed look. “Come again?”

“Well, the rest of you too,” Twilight managed to speak out. A hue built in her cheeks as she panted for air. “Your strong muscles, that flowing hair. And your power! It’s astounding!”

“I want to say right now, I am finding all of this disgusting,” Legolas interrupted. Lots of nods joined in.

“Are... Are you serious?” Tirek asked, finally grabbing hold of his mental resources. “I’m not even a pony.”

“You’re half pony,” Twilight grinned. “The important half.”

“I-” Tirek moved his left hand up covering his eyes as he could not believe what was he hearing. And what was this feeling between his legs? Drawing the hand away, the centaur looked down between his hooves and find a very affectionate alicorn nuzzling against him. “What are you doing?”

“How about a peek?” Twilight asked, smiling with her eyes closed. “Let me see all of your power.”


“I am paraphrasing now,” Tirek said, shaking his head to the sides. “In case you are too stupid to-”

“We get it, she was talking about your Gigantic Tirek,” Chrysalis replied. No way! He was over 6 feet now, his male organ must be huge now! And Twilight wanted the gigantic version? The alicorns in the room also looked at each other. Now that Twilight mentioned it, just how big could it be? A few blushes formed on cheeks.

“Control yourself,” Discord muttered, moving to cross his own arms.

“What? No!” Tirek shouted, taking a few steps back from Twilight now. Magical blasts did nothing to phase him, but talking about his purple helmet warrior did. “If you are teasing me, I shall destroy you!”

“Tirek dear, if we are going to make this work, you have to trust me. I learned a lot about honesty from my friends.” Twilight took to the air, hovering in front of his face. “I want you. All for myself.” Tirek blushed, unable to help himself. It had been centuries since he had any contact with anyone, much less female.

“You’re just trying to get me to lower my guard! Well, it will-” Tirek stopped himself, spotting as Twilight flew down quickly between his legs.

“Oh my, this thing could rip me in half!”

“Twilight!” Celestia chastised her student.

“It was true...” Twilight blushed again, moving to push her face into Tirek’s side.

Tirek shut both eyes, unable to face anyone. “If you guys feel uncomfortable, imagine how I feel.”

“Oh, no way in Tartarus!” Tirek shouted. He needed to get away from this perverted pony. “You’re sick, you hear me?!”

“Tirek, honey! Come back!” Twilight shouted, taking off behind him immediately. “We can talk about this!”

“Stay away from me, pervert!” Tirek shouted over his left shoulder. He was flying away from Ponyville now, so no one would her his panicked screams.

“Are you gay? Is that it? I know a spell to change my gender!”

Epic facehoofs and facepalms went up at the same time.

“Don’t tell me, the one creature we’re afraid of, can’t handle females?” Discord asked.

“Twilight, Twilight, Twilight,” Celestia groaned.

“Ever heard of playing hard to get?” Cadence suggested. “Coming too strong is...”

“Desperate much?” Sombra asked.

“This is the pony that defeated me? Chrysalis complained.

“This is not worth a sandwich,” Legolas sighed.

“I am never going into your dreams, Twilight,” Luna vowed.

Twilight had enough decency to move a hoof to rub the back of her head, blushing in embarrassment.

“I am not gay!” Tirek roared out, halting his flight to face her.

“Then what’s the problem?! We can just shrink you so we can have coitus... Not shrink you that much...” Twilight spoke that last part in a seductive mew.

“Stay away from me!” Tirek once again took off, this time to the ground. He managed to react a barrier around his form, thinking of a counter plan.

“Look, if it’s because you’re a virgin, don’t worry! I’m one too! We can take this journey together!”

“What the...?” Tirek moved his neck a bit to look behind himself. Twilight had managed to teleport through his field and land on his back. This pony was scary! When she put her mind on it, she did things that was impossible! With his current power level, no one should be able to penetrate through his shield!

“Or we can take things slow...” Twilight lowered her head a second. “Now that I think about it, maybe it might be better. We will have to return all of the ponies’ power back-”

Twilight was interrupted when the centaur bucked her off him. “Get this straight! I will rule Equestria on my own!”

“Oh, I get it! You’re shy!” Twilight opened her eyes and smiled, using her wings to control back to hovering. It was as if she forgot about all of her worries now. “One of my best friends is shy! Let’s play a game to relax you!”

“What? No!” Tirek shouted, bringing his field down. “Look, I-”

“Let’s play doctor,” Twilight spoke in a hushed and husky tone, moving a hoof out to rub his sheathe.

Tirek released a surprised ‘Ooohhh’ at the foreign sensation. That felt so- Wait a minute! He shook his head to the sides and begun to run off, leaving a bewildered Twilight in the dust. “We haven’t even dated yet!”

All eyes were back on Twilight, though this time she was not embarrassed. “Males are the same, no matter what race.”

“Come back here!” Twilight now said, getting angry. “I know I’m coming on strong...”

“This goes beyond sick and wrong! It’s wrong-sick!” Tirek called out, coming to a halt. “This ends now! I am going to have my way with your magic!”

“Is-” Twilight stopped, finally realizing something. He wasn’t playing hard to get! He just wanted to be the hunter! She stopped, moving a hoof to cover her head. “Oh, woe is me... I am so scared. Please don’t hurt me, Mr. Tirek...”

Tirek stopped again, confused once more. “What the...?”

“Oh please, don’t have your way with me. There is no way I could fight back if you used your big manly arms.” Twilight landed on the ground with him. She turned slowly, exposing her rear slightly. A musk started to fill the air. “Oh, I am so helpless. What am I going to do?” Her eyes were closed halfway, looking at him with a turned neck. “Please, don’t tie me up or restrain me, unable to move at all...”

He raised his right hand, snapping his fingers to make the Elements of Harmony, along with Discord, appear back in view.

“And that’s what really happened...” Twilight shrugged, turning to look back at Tirek. “You all know what happened next.”

“But how? Why?!” Celestia asked, moving her own hooves out to point at the couple. “Why is he free?!”

Legolas was still tied up, but he decided to stay still and listen for a second. So far, he had learned much about couples and other things going on between the rulers. A theory was forming in his head, but he wasn’t sure yet. As an elf, he was privy to certain aspects of nature; trees and plant life in particular. But it was safe to say that he also had some knowledge over animal life and their behavior. Just a little more info, and he would have it.

Celestia, the ruler of the sun was dating Discord, who could very well be a god.

A changeling queen, dating a unicorn with powerful dark magic that even Twilight had problems with.

Twilight, the alicorn princess of magic was dating a centaur that at one point was even more powerful than Discord.

Princess Cadence, who married a captain of the guard. Certain he must be powerful...


Was this imprinting? The elf turned to look at the couples again as they assaulted the strange couple with questions. Just, how rare were alicorns anyway? Was it because they are so rare, that they would imprint themselves to the strongest being they could? The only ones that they could consider equals with them? Animals in nature, certainly looked for the best possible mate they could so they could produce offspring. And Twilight, with all of that power in her...

Could it be that all of that power changed her mind set? Did that make Tirek the only possible partner she could ever hope to be on par with?


“So, did you ever see how big it was?” Chrysalis asked Twilight in a hushed voice.

“I left... A few parts out,” Twilight replied with a blush. Once again, her left forehoof drew circles in the ground.


“I had to use magical binding on him so I could see it!” Twilight covered her face with both hooves, unable to bear the embarrassment.