//------------------------------// // The Book // Story: Cursed Book // by Sillyponyme //------------------------------// Sweetie ran in when she heard what Silver Spoon had said. Silver Spoon would finally let her in and talk; she was having a hard time holding in her excitement. Sweetie walked shakily as she tried her best to not jump around like Pinkie Pie. “So sit down and let’s talk Silver Spoon.” Her voice squeaked from excitement. Silver Spoon was just about to speak but the feeling of being watched shut her up. She couldn’t just tell Sweetie Belle everything even if she knew already why and Silver Spoon was sure that Sweetie knew. Other than the Princesses, everypony knew that somepony was being blackmailed except for Silver Spoon of course. She was Diamond Tiara’s pet according to most everypony. She couldn’t say anything, she just couldn’t. “I’m sorry, I can’t say anything.” Sweetie Belles heart dropped and so did her jaw. One second Silver Spoon was ready to spill the beans and the next she wouldn’t say anything. If only somepony would say something first to her then maybe Silver Spoon would open up just a bit. That was it, she had to speak first. “Ok Silver Spoon, let’s make a deal.” Silver Spoon cocked her head. “I will tell you what I’m being blackmailed for and then you tell me what is going on with you, deal?” Silver Spoon didn’t want to say anything but Sweetie Belle was willing to and so why shouldn’t she? ‘That’s right, I’ll die and whoever I tell will die if I do.’ Silver Spoon thought knowing what would happen but then again she would probably die soon anyway. Diamond Tiara was bound to kill her if she asked but then again, maybe she wouldn’t. Diamond Tiara would probably just let Silver Spoon live in misery. She didn’t want to put anyone in danger either. Her best option was to keep quiet, she couldn’t speak. “I’m sorry but no.” Sweetie then told her that she was going to tell her anyway. “Wait what, you can’t, she’ll kill you if you do.” “Why should I care anymore, nopony talks anymore and I feel like talking, so I’m going to.” Sweetie smiled as she said this. “I care about you and so does Twilight, we want to help and if I have to risk my life then fine.” “Ok, ok, I’ll talk but please don’t say anything. There is a chance that she won’t go after you if you don’t say anything.” Silver Spoon inhaled deeply and stayed quiet for only a moment. Even now it was hard to say anything but she had to. “The first thing I should tell you, is what my Cutie Mark is for, it’s what she blackmailed with. I know that I shouldn’t be ashamed of my Cutie Mark but I am. Diamond Tiara always let me be with her to make me look rich; on top of that my name with my Cutie Mark made me look rich as well. Truth is; it just means that I am good at making silverware and the decorations on them.” Silver Spoon turned her head away but kept talking. “It doesn’t sound like you are ashamed of your cutie mark but ashamed that you lied to everypony about it. I know what that’s like remember?” Sweetie Belle smiled and received a small chuckle from Silver Spoon. “You laughed; I never thought I would be happy to hear a laugh coming from you. It was always just a way to tease my friends and me.” “I know and I’m so sorry, so so sorry.” Silver Spoon felt a hoof on her shoulder and looked at the owner. “I guess I should tell you everything else now.” Sweetie Belle stepped back and let Silver Spoon talk. “Diamond Tiara also threatened to kill me if I told anypony. Of course you know that if those being blackmailed ever tell anypony, both ponies or more will die. I never wanted any of this but I didn’t have any friends and when Diamond Tiara came to me with friendship, I guess I just accepted it desperate for a friend. Now look where I am because of my stupid decision. Diamond Tiara also set up this big operation; she has spies everywhere to make sure that nopony tells anypony. They will always know if anypony does talk.” Sweetie was about to say something when the door flew open. “If you would have just said something to begin with, we would have had your back.” Scootaloo walked in with pride. “Wait a minute, you hated me, how does this change anything?” Silver Spoon asked even if a better question would have been how long she had been out there for. “I’m not supposed to tell you, but I got to be honest with you now. I hated you yes but only because I knew that you would screw everything up. I at least thought you would but now, I have never been so happy.” Silver Spoon and Sweetie Belle just looked confused while Zecora could only smile. “Silver Spoon, do you know why Zecora said that this place was safe?” Silver Spoon shrugged. “It’s safe because it’s away from Ponyville and the only place in Equestria to have only one spy located.” The two mares were still confused. “I suppose I can tell you the truth now, I was blackmailed to and forced into something that wasn’t something I liked. I am one of Diamond Tiara’s spies and the Everfree Forest is my section. It was true that Diamond didn’t want me here at first but nopony else had the guts to patrol here. Basically, she doesn’t trust me but she also needed somepony here and I was the only one left. Now here is the deal Silver Spoon, I have a special place for you in the Everfree forest and I need you to stay there. It’s scary but safe. You won’t be found by anypony but myself and everpony in this room. You’re going to the Royal Sisters Castle.” Silver Spoon gulped and wasn’t so sure if she could trust Scootaloo. “Zecora will bring you a meal everyday.” “Why can’t I just stay here with Zecora?” Silver Spoon really didn’t want to go to that old spooky castle. “Sorry but if there were a search party, this would be the furthest that anypony would dare go so the further in the forest the better.” Silver Spoon nodded and followed with Scootaloo into the forest.