The Overlord

by Space Wizard Novablast

The Over.......lady and the Sisterhooves social part 4

"I call bullshit!"

Raindrops was standing in the small warded off area that served as the back-scratcher arena, as the only one besides Jennifer and Olivia, standing back to back, every single other combatant sitting on the sidelines sulking their butts off.

"What's wrong Raindrops?" Shining stepped into the arena, seemingly oblivious to the blatant cheating that was going on in front of him.

"They're standing back to back Shining, how is this actually allowed?" She pointed accusingly at the two burly women who were currently wearing a grin, as Jeniffer had to fill in for both, Olivia's lack of mouth and all.

"Have you thought about flying away Raindrops? You're a pegasus for crying out loud!" Someone from the sidelines yelled. That someone turned out to to be the now disqualified Rainbow Dash, who had tried to kick Olivia in the head to have her and Jeniffer separated. This had resulted in her back leg now being wrapped in a bandage as the bone had almost cracked, as if shed kicked a brick wall. But considering Ollie's thick skull, a wall would probably have been preferable.

"Oh yeah, and end up disqualified like you?" Raindrops asked sarcastically, raising and eyebrow and looking so smug that it was unreal. "Are you lonely?"

"Hell yeah!" Rainbow exclaimed, waving her hooves around and successfully knocking Raritys latte out of her hooves. "I've been stuck here for the last half hour while you've tried to find an opening that isn't there! Just give up already!"

"Never, I am a proud pegasus, I have trained along with my sister for this event for ages, and nothing is going to stop neither me or her from winning this, even if it shall take me a thousand years!"

"Tap motherfucker!"

Olivia was standing right behind Raindrops, a single hand on her back. If Raindrops wasn't such a calm collected pony, she might've done something REALLY drastic.

Like strangle Olivia, and then Shining when he tried to calm her down. But of course none of that happened, because what you're currently reading is rated teen, so we would definitely not have anyone die while you read it.....


But yes, Raindrops definitely didn't do any of the things I said she didn't do. And the reason why Olivia had problems breathing afterwards was because she had a throat ache, despite her lack of actual lungs, and throat. And Raindrops was only disqualified.... I mean no longer participating, because she got upset about losing.

"Can someone get the next sodding paragraph so I don't have to stall anymore?"

"That's crazy bitch!" Olivia hissed, rubbing her throat in pain. "I can't believe she would actually try and strangle me!


This isn't right, let me just...... And that...... And...... There we go, okay. ACTION!

"God dammit my throat hurts," Olivia mumbled, now both she and Jeniffer were wearing their back scratcher ribbons. A rake surrounded by a gold outline, with a red backdrop.

"I told you to remember your cough drops, but nooooo, you'd be fine you said, you'd be fine you said!" Jeniffer snarled, waving her hands back and forth sassily, "but look what that got you!"

"Shut the fuck up Jack or I will tear your heart out and shove it straight up your ass." Ollie said, some of his original voice creeping out through the femininity. Which made Jacks eyes go wide in fear.

"Dude, what happened to your chest?"

Olivia looked down, and saw that her before larger than average boobs had suddenly become flatter. Now, he was experiences enough in the female anatomy (having about a 100 concubines in each conquered country helped a little) to know that the breasts would over time become smaller. But he also knew that this happened over several years, not just an hour.

"I..... Don't know..... What about your hands?"

Certainly enough, Jacks hands were becoming predominantly more male, thicker and more robust, the nails growing less point and more blunt. His knuckles were also becoming larger, and his arms had grown back most of their male hair growth.

"Is the spell waning?" Jack asked worriedly, and if summoned upon a whim. Alexander came seeping into Olivia's eyeballs, turning them blue.

"Yes indeed gentlemen," he said, his voice also predominantly more feminine than what they were used to. But it was still the wholesome Australian they'd come to appreciate, at least appreciate it when they only had to imagine it. "No spell lasts forever, and this one was only temporary. If you are it still compete and win this competition, you'll have to hurry."

"How much time do we have?" Ollie's voice suddenly asked, one of the eyeballs becoming red again.

"If my calculations are correct, which they usually are. You have precisely 3 hours left until the spell completely wears off."

Ollie sighed and his shoulders slumped down, "we'll never make it!" He exclaimed. His voice turning wholesomely feminine again, as the blue from Alexander disappeared.

Jack slapped him, and looked him straight into his eyes.

"Remember Ollie..."

"A winner is us!"