The Day It Began

by Dyon


When I first began the project that is "The Day It Began" I honestly had no idea where this story would end up going. It took me...a very long while to get everything pieced together in my head and find out just how this explosion of exposition would all come to an end, and when I did finally get there I realized I had left out one of the most important parts, the middle. So there I sat, for months, completely blocked up and having no idea where I should be taking this story that I know will eventually once again hit the track that I had laid out and hopefully meet the expectations of anyone that cared to place any on it. I am still struggling with this story, and with all of my stories to be perfectly honest, but I just wanted to step up on my soapbox today and say that I am trying. I am once again, after a long break from all of my writing, rededicating myself to these fics, and "The Day It Began" is very high up there on the list of stories I need to get back to. So if there is anyone out there that would like to see this thing continued after so long of being left untouched I hope that you will get this message and let me know just how you feel.

Sincerely Trying,