Mistress Do Well: Revelation

by milesprower06

Epilogue: The Buried Truth

Mistress Do Well: Revelation
by milesprower06

The Buried Truth

The morning fog began to lift from central Equestria, as Celestia began to slowly raise the sun over the land. A new day beckoned. Down in the rock quarry, nothing stirred, not a sound could be heard; save for the shifting earth and labored breaths of a pegasus that had flown all night and was now digging desperately through the dirt. Rainbow Dash clawed at the grave with her small shovel as if her life depended on it. Dirt sprayed up from between her legs as she tried to hastily undo the work that it took five to do.

'It's not true. It's not true. It's not fucking true.' She told herself this over and over, and yet it did nothing to slow her from disturbing the burial site. Her heart pounded against her chest, her mind had become paralyzed by the possibilities during the overnight flight back.

Everything came to a screeching halt the instant Rainbow heard the tip of her shovel hit metal. She paused for a split second, then dropped the shovel and did the remaining digging with her hooves. She flung the dirt out from both sides of her body until she was able to get her hooves around the cylinder and yank it from the dirt. She looked at it for a second, shaking it, and hearing the grainy sound in return. She twisted both ends to try and open it, to no avail. Trying harder, she became frustrated, throwing it at a nearby rock.

"OPEN you piece of shit!" She screamed. She had to be sure.

She picked it up, stuffed it in her saddlebags, and flew as fast as she could back to Ponyville.

Even though Rainbow wasn't here to share her bed, that was one of the soundest nights of sleep Twilight had gotten in awhile. Her brother's forgiveness did wonders to put her mind at peace. That is, until she began to wonder what Rainbow was up to 800 miles away. Just what was she doing out there?

As if on cue, she heard the rustling of leaves outside her open window, and a second later, Rainbow came tumbling down on to the balcony, a few twigs and leaves following.

"Let me guess, you forgot to bring money for a return ticket." Twilight chastised, walking towards the door to her balcony. Rainbow quickly got to her feet and rushed inside, reaching inside her saddlebags and taking out the dirt-covered cylinder. Twilight gasped in shock.

"What are you doing with that?!?" the alicorn asked, incredulous.

"Open it." Rainbow said, pushing it against her marefriend's chest.

"What???" Twilight said, backing away, causing it to fall to the floor. Rainbow stepped forward to pick it up.

"I can't open it. I don't know if it's protected or not. I need your help."

"Are you nuts? Rainbow, it's bad enough that you dug it up but if you expect me to-"

"Twilight! I have been up for more than 24 hours straight and I've had more than one panic attack already. I don't care what you have to do, but I need you to open this, now! I need to be sure."

Twilight stared at Rainbow in absolute disbelief. She was panting, she was dirty, and it did indeed look like she hadn't slept since she left yesterday morning. Taking a deep breath, Twilight picked up the gold decorated cylinder with her magic.

"There's a magic seal around it. A very powerful one. I'd guess only Celestia or Luna could have put it on there." Twilight said, studying it carefully.

"Can you open it?"

Twilight set it down, and trotted downstairs. Rainbow picked up the cylinder and followed. When she got to the bottom of the stairs, Twilight was exiting the basement with a bottle of potion. Now even she had a look of dread on her face, also afraid of why Rainbow wanted the cylinder open. She popped the cork off of the beaker, and downed the glowing blue liquid in three gulps.

"Set it down on the floor."

Rainbow did as she was told, setting it in the middle of the floor.

"Is there anything you want me to do?" She asked.

"Yeah. Get behind something." Twilight warned, closing her eyes, beginning to concentrate. Her horn began to glow, as did the cylinder. Sparkling ribbons of energy started to circle her horn, as currents of wind from nowhere began blowing up from the floor. Rainbow could feel the air crackling with energy. Twilight began to levitate off the ground, and she concentrated a bit harder, willing herself slowly back down to the ground. Gritting her teeth, her horn was now glowing even brighter than when she had dealt with the ursa minor that had come rampaging through town all those years ago. Rainbow could hear the magic thrumming from her horn now, and the cylinder began to sparkle even more intensely.

With the temporary aid from the elixir of magic, Twilight was able to gather up a higher amount of magic than she ever had before. Her brow began to sweat as she put every last ounce of magical force into her horn as she could without it bursting out in unconstrained chaos. Her eyes opened, a pure, almost blinding white, and with a held-back scream, the magic in her horn shot out towards the cylinder in a burning purple beam. It sparked and crackled, and the aura surrounding it finally exploded in a flash of light, sending Twilight flying against a shelf and Rainbow ducking for cover as a thunderous boom emanated from the impact point of the spell.

As the echoes died down, Rainbow peeked up from behind the wooden chair, and saw the cylinder, still on the ground, smoldering but otherwise intact. She tiptoed up to it, seeing Twilight barely conscious against the wall. Slowly, she leaned down and picked up the gem-decorated urn. She gave the end a twist, and it gave way, falling to the wooden floor. Steeling herself, Rainbow turned it towards her and looked inside.

"Oh fuck me..." she said beneath a whisper.

Twilight shook her head, her horn tingling madly. Her vision cleared in time to see Rainbow walk up to her, open cylinder in hand. Tears were pricking her face.

"Rainbow...?" she asked, concerned.

Rainbow looked at Twilight, and then angled the open end down towards the ground, emptying the contents onto the library floor. The alicorn's heart crept up to her throat and her breath left her as she followed the cascade of white sand down to the pile it formed, followed by the startling clang of the cylinder hitting the floor as Rainbow collapsed into a sitting position.

"She's... She's alive..."

To Be Continued...