Off the Record

by The King of Hearts

Formal Introductions

Formal Introductions

So, here he was, standing in front of several girls, having just announced that he made a good pee. Which was an accomplishment for him, but perhaps not in their eyes.

Of course, these girls seemed more or less supportive, especially the pink one he had just been talking too, which made him a little more comfortable.

But, well, considering the whole situation he was in, he was still really damn uncomfortable.

“So…” Alex coughed, stepping out from the doorway, to the six mares in the room, “Is everyone here a horse?”

The girls looked between each other, sharing odd glances that only further confused the human-turned pony.

“Is that a ‘yes?’” Alex asked, frowning at his ignorance to this horrible situation.

“Just the opposite,” Twilight finally spoke up, biting her lip at answering such rudimentary questions, “All sorts of creatures live in this world, not just ponies.”

“Well, yeah,” Alex nodded, not having phrased his question properly, “Are you the only… sentient beings?”

Twilight shook her head instantly.

“There are, mules, cows, zebras, dragons, gryphons—“

“Gryphons? Dragons?” Alex asked, crinkling his nose and frowning, “I don’t like that. Can you change that?”

“Excuse me?” Twilight asked, looking back to her friends for some kind of support.

“Well, I’m still kinda banking on this being a dream,” Alex shrugged, still on the fence of his situations reality, “But if I’m crazy, I’m gonna ride the hell out of it.”

“Do you want to go see a doctor?” Twilight asked suddenly, completely oblivious to the state his mind was in right now, “because, well—“

“Because you’re flippin’ crazy!” Dash cut in, sounding as stuck up as she could, “You sound like you’ve lost your mind!”

Alex frowned at the tone she was taking with him. He had no desire to be treated so poorly- especially by a rainbow pony in a cartoon world.

"Is this because I came on to you?" Alex asked, cooling himself down somewhat, "Come off of it! I thought I was dreaming!"

"You think my voice is too manly?" She asked, cocking an eyebrow, not happy with his returned tone.

"Well, just a little cracky!" Alex responded, considering that, in his mind, to be pretty manly.

"And you think my rump is big?" She asked, swishing her tail, and showing off a weird tattoo on her bottom.

"Well, to be fair, I have no idea what it should look like," Alex defended again, clearly staring at her ass for a little more than a comfortable amount of time.

"And what was that last part about my chest?" She asked, having not been very offended by that statement, but rather confused.

"Well, where I come from, chests are, well, considered to be better when they're bigger. On a woman." Alex explained, unsure of how insane he sounded, "I'm not of that belief myself. I prefer a handful. Nothing more."

As Alex spoke, he was very happy that these girls had no idea what he was talking about. Had these been human girls, he would have been slapped at least four times by now.

"Then why did you want mine bigger?" She asked again, "I'm slimmer than everypony here in my chest."

All the girls had some kind of protest, but they were ignored by the ponies speak in front of them.

"It was a dream!" Alex whined, tossing an arm in the air.

Dash only scowled.

"Look, I'm not trying to be an ass here, it was a simple mistake," Alex said, extending a hoof for her to shake, while still reading as rather angry, "Are we good?"

Sighing, Dash extended her own hoof, and locked hers together with his.

"Fine." She nodded, not showing any change in emotion, "Rainbow Dash."

"Alex," He responded, before making yet another inappropriate joke, "And for the record, if i were attracted to horses, I'm sure you'd be at the top of my list."

"Well I don't think she'd be--" Rarity spoke up, before Dash shot her a look, silencing her. The last thing she wanted was for him to have more fuel.

Looking back to him, she forced a smile, as he did the same thing back to her.

The two took a moment to each consider the other.

This guy was different form most, but she knew his attitude. He was the type to be self-centered, a jerk, and full of himself. She knew all of this because, well, she was the same.

His forced smile faded somewhat, as Alex thought over this mare. The first thing she said to him was so rude, it stuck in his head. She was forever going to be the bitch to him. He felt a little guilty, but at the same time, she had asked for it. He had a similar attitude, but was way funnier than her, so it was okay.

One thing they both knew, was that their types of attitudes were destined to clash. Theirs would not be a good relationship.

Awkward silence filled the room after the forced happiness faded from the two.

"I think I should go." Dash said after a moment, "I have some stuff to do."

Nopony had anything to say to her, as she turned toward the door, opened it, and promptly closed it behind her.

Everypony else wasn’t sure what there was to be said. Alex had certainly given a strange first impression. The only one who had anything to say, was Pinkie.

“Don’t worry Alex! Dashie will come around,” Pinkie smiled, hopping over to him, “But maybe you could be friendlier to her, like you were with me! And try not to sound so crazy!”

While Alex wasn’t a fan of being babied by… well, anyone, she did have a point. He was being a bit of a cock right now. And he hated roosters.

“You’re right,” Alex nodded, looking apologetically amongst the girls in the main section of the cartoon library, “I guess I should be taking this a little more seriously.”

“Good!” Pinkie beamed, looking to her friends with a wide grin, “Everypony, this is Alex! He’s a hooman!”

While Twilight would have normally cut Pinkie off at such a crazy statement, she decided to let Alex have this moment, on the off chance what he had been rambling about was true.

“Ah’m Applejack!” She smiled to him, before touching a hoof to her chin, “Ah’ may’ve already told’ja that though.”

“Nice to meet you.” Alex smiled.

The next pony in line, was a yellow Pegasus with Pink hair.

“I’m Fluttershy,” She said, hiding behind her long hair, as she did in many situations, “Um, it’s nice to meet you.”

“You too,” Alex said kindly, clearly seeing the anxiety inside of this girl, “I’m sorry if I was a jerk.”

“Oh, that’s fine,” Fluttershy smiled weakly, “I have to deal with mean ponies sometimes, but I always manage.”

Alex only nodded to her. Not sure where he stood with this mare as of now.

“My name is Rarity,” The elegant white mare said, “Thank you for your help today in dealing with that dreadful monster.”

“Well, I wouldn’t call myself amazing,” Alex shrugged, smiling to her, “But if you feel like you need to say that I am, I wouldn’t blame you.”

“Attractive and modest,” Rarity laughed, tossing her hear to the side, “I’m glad to see you acting a little more serious, however.”

“I’ll try to keep that up for you guys from now on.” Alex said seriously.

“And I’m Pinkie!” She introduced for the second time, “And I’d be happy to teach you to pee any time!”

“I appreciate the offer, thank you.” Alex shook his head, trying to hide the blush creeping up on his face.

“And don’t worry about Dashie, I’ll try to get her to come around,” Pinkie said happily, “She’s lotsa fun when you get to know her!”

Alex nodded, and then looked to Twilight, and nodded embarrassedly for his previous attitude, “Sorry again about the attitude.”

“Just promise me you’ll keep it to a minimum.” Twilight said, happy to see him being polite, and a little saner.

“I’ll try my best.” Alex said, looking to the front door of the library as it swung open.

“I got those cupcake you wanted, Rainbow Dash!” A small purple dragon called, stepping inside with several boxes held in his arm, “I had to wait for Mr. Cake to bake them, so you’d better be greatful!”

“Dashie’s gone, Spike.” Pinkie giggled, feeling a little bad for the, “The white guy scared her off.”

“What?!” Spike whined, dropping the boxes on the ground, “Rainbow Dash left because that pony is white? That sounds a little racist!”

“She hasn’t run away from me, Spike,” Rarity pointed out, not wanting Spike to get the wrong impression of the mare, “So she’s not a racist.”

“That makes her a sexist then!” Spike shot back, still missing the point entirely, “I can’t believe I went all the way out to grab her this and—Oh, you’re the new guy?”

Alex nodded, tilting his head and examining the stout body of the seemingly mature creature.

“He’s Alex,” Twilight introduced, seeing that he was genuinely inspecting Spike for what he was, “And I think we’re about to hear a very strange story from him.”

“We are?” Spike asked.

“You are?” Alex said, snapping his attention back to her, “Oh, right! I guess you guys wanna hear my side of everything, right?”

“Well, if you don’t mind,” Twilight nodded.

“I’ll try to summarize it for you,” Alex said, recalling everything from the night before, “It’ll end up a half a million words if I tell every little detail.”

Trying to step toward them, Alex stumbled, causing everypony to gather around him instead, as he clearly still had trouble moving.

“Well, last night, I was out in the middle of a forest behind my house because… Well, some stuff happened, and I was trying to get away from it all,” He explained vaguely, not wanting them to think his parents was the cause of his mental instability, “And while I was out there, I ran in to a girl about my age, just standing in the middle of a field calling my name.”

“You ran in to her?!” Pinkie asked, loving the excitement already, “Did you knock her over?”

“Not like that.” Alex answered her quickly, before getting back on track, “All I could hear was her voice, and she was calling out ‘Alex,’ over and over. So, I made my way over to her, thinking she was someone out looking for me. But, even though I’d never seen her before, I was still the one she was looking for.”

“I thought ya’d never seen’er before.” Applejack observed, thinking she had missed a step somewhere in the story.

“She knew me, but I’d never seen her before. She even kissed me!” Alex said, somewhat missing the warmth she had, “After that, we were told we needed to get back to some place called Equestria- don’t ask me why that weird name stuck out in this story, and so—“

“You’re in Equestria,” Twilight cut in, watching Alex put a few puzzle pieces together in his head, before smiling lightly.

“So… This isn’t me being insane?” Alex asked nopony in particular, “They mentioned Equestria before I fell out of that box, and now I’m there? That means there’s a link between then and now! I’m not in some insane asylum!”

While Alex was very excited about this development, everypony else was trying to get their head around what he had just told them.

“I’m afraid you’ve lost me,” Rarity said, scratching the side of her head.

Alex stopped his celebrating, realizing that he could have been a little more clear.

“Well,” Alex said, thinking through his explanation for a moment, “They mentioned Equestria before I came to this crazy world. I was still sane when they told me. Which means, for me to appear in this world, and have it be named Equestria… it means that I’m actually here, and not in some dream world! The blue box I fell from must have been passing between the worlds, and I fell in!”

“What blue box?” Pinkie asked.

“Oh, right,” Alex frowned, having not explained that part yet, but not feeling like taking a year to get it across, “We went in a blue box, they told me I wasn’t the right Alex, I backed up, fell out the door, and then… blackness.”

Everypony was still hopelessly lost, and they were all coming to terms with the fact that they were probably going to be staying that way for a while.

“Well, I’ll have to speak to the Princess about all of this. Maybe she knows something we don’t.” Twilight said, having no other advice to offer him.

“There’s a princess pony?” Alex asked, imagining a small mare with a massive cape, crown, and staff, “Sounds a little cliché, if you ask me.”

“I- I don’t know how to respond to that,” Twilight said, still mystified by the odd things he said, “It’s just the way it is.”

“Right, sorry,” Alex waved a hoof in front of him, “Forget I said anything.”

“Alright!” Pinkie announced, jumping up on a table, “Who’s ready to get their party on?”

“Yes, please do turn the music back up” Rarity said, feeling like dancing a little more before she headed home.

“Put on the last track, if ya’d be so kind,” Applejack asked politely.

“Is there any more punch?” Twilight asked, making her way over to the snack table.

“I could go for some of that myself,” Fluttershy smiled, following the purple pony away.

Looking back and forth at the ponies now engaging in this rather tame party, Alex had only one thought.

“I need to pee again.”