The Chase (The lost chapters)

by kudzuhaiku

Chapter 48 A

“I guess everything changes now,” Derpy said, looking at her mates, her face solemn. They stood in the living room, eyeing one another, eyeing the stairs, all of them a little nervous.

“Yes, it does,” Bucky said, taking both of his mares and holding them aloft in his magic. It was simple and effortless on Bucky’s part. Berry Punch gave a nervous giggle and Derpy Hooves let out a low cry of alarm. Bucky moved towards the stairs, the mares in tow, held in his magic aura.

He climbed the stairs slowly, making sure not to bump those he held dear into the walls or the ceiling. He walked slowly and calmly, a stallion that had accepted his fate.

He knew that these mares were going to destroy him. He faced what was ahead with grim determination. He had a terrible shuddering thought about walnuts.

“You know, the alpha usually carries the stallion to the bed,” Berry said.

“I don’t give a damn about traditions,” Bucky said. “Besides, both of you have carried me many times, I feel like I owe you.” He pushed open the bedroom door and stepped inside. Standing by the bed, he gently lowered both mares and waited, not knowing what to do next.

“You’re probably really scared… you should know that neither one of us has plans to actually hurt you. Celestia wanted us to tease you a bit and push you out of your comfort zone. We’ve done that. But I don’t want to actually hurt you,” Derpy confessed.

“Nor I,” Berry Punch added.

“I suppose I needed a good shove,” Bucky confessed. “What now?”

“I dunno, I am really scared actually,” Derpy admitted. “I mean, I haven’t done this since Dinky’s father. I am so worried that I am going to disappoint you, and that you’ll hate me…” the grey mare trailed off, her breathing heavy. “Berry is so experienced and I am so scared that she is going to please you better than I ever could.”

“I have the same fears, I was worried that I would let you down,” Bucky admitted.

“Oh,” Derpy mumbled.

“Alright, enough of that, both of you, we are going to operate as though this is the first time for both of you and I am going to help you both. Bucky, you get on the bed with us and lay down,” Berry instructed.

Bucky did as he was bid, moving slowly. Berry shoved him down and rolled him over, planting a gentle kiss on his lips as she did so.

“I’ve never done anything with a mare before, so this is a first time experience for all of us,” Berry announced.

Derpy took a bit of initiative and straddled Bucky, sitting on his belly. Taking a deep breath, she leaned down and kissed him. It was a slow smouldering kiss, full of all the sensuality that only a pegasus could muster, Derpy’s pegasus salivary glands producing lots of extra oily waxy saliva with its oddly sweet taste. Derpy was getting into the kiss, her body now grinding up against Bucky’s. Berry gently coaxed them on, rubbing them with her hooves, releasing a flood of feel good hormones into both of them from the glands deep within her hooves.

The pegasus mare, who had been so aggressive before, kissing sometimes with bruising intensity, was now shockingly gentle, and the contrast inflamed Bucky’s mind. This was the mare he had chosen to be the mother of his foals… and right now, he wanted foals more than anything.

The air was filled with the heady scent of sweet perfume. It was stronger now than it had ever been. Something began to peek out of its sheath, the tip tickling Derpy’s velvety belly. The mare giggled, her wings becoming slightly sprung, and she hiked her backside up into the air, her hind legs now straight, her front legs folded, her barrel still pressed against Bucky’s.

Berry, seeing Derpy’s backside up in the air in the “come mount me” position, took advantage of the situation. With a hoof, she brushed aside Derpy’s tail, causing the grey mare to squeal with alarm, her cry muffled as she maintained her liplock with Bucky. Never being the one to be cautious or go halfway, Berry Punch thrust her muzzle forward and plunged her tongue in the swollen blue grey lips of her fellow-wife.

The flavour was not quite what Berry expected. More tart than anything, with a vaguely wine-like flavour that she could not place.

Derpy, feeling a tongue suddenly invading a very intimate area, pulled away from the kiss and gasped, her ears folding back against her skull. The tongue continued its probing, prodding every crevice it could find.

Craning his head, Bucky could not believe what he was seeing. His brain responded the in the only way it could. It sent a signal through Bucky’s body that brought him to near total hardness in seconds.

Berry hooked her forelegs around Derpy’s hindlegs and plunged even deeper, Berry’s infamous bottle licking tongue now finding a new purpose for its extraordinary length and dexterity.

Derpy began to moan wildly and wiggle her backside, her back arched, her tail now lifted high. Overcome with pleasure, she resumed her slobbery makeout session with Bucky, kissing him passionately, never once bothered by the fact that he had no idea what he was doing and that he was a clumsy kisser. He had passion and that is all that mattered to the mare right now.

Berry Punch, always brave, always adventurous, withdrew her tongue and placed a slow wet lick over Derpy’s blue-grey pucker, causing the mare to shriek with her mouth full of Bucky’s tongue. Berry licked her lips, pondering the odd flavour. Salty, sweaty, with a rubbery texture. She licked again, this time with real force, dragging her tongue over the pucker, using her head for leverage, the friction causing quite a bit of tugging on Derpy’s plothole. Derpy gave an almost orgasmic cry and a dribble of clear liquid trailed from her gaping filly bits, her swollen oversized clitoris very visible now.

Berry Punch dragged her tongue over Derpy’s dark purple-blue-grey jelly bean and made the mare scream. Derpy pulled away from her kiss with Bucky and tossed her head around wildly as she cried out several times.

“I… I need you right now,” Derpy said breathlessly to Bucky. She eased her backside down onto Bucky’s stomach, feeling something prodding at her now slick marehood.

“Easy there,” Berry coaxed, nudging Derpy’s backside with one hoof and lining up Bucky’s cock with the other. “He’s hung like a barrel, so go slowly,” Berry warned.

Derpy eased herself backwards, feeling something prodding at her entrance. It was big. Something wide awaited her. It took some effort for it to finally penetrate, and she gasped. She wrapped her forelegs around Bucky’s barrel and held on.

“It almost feels like giving birth again,” the pegasus grunted as she pressed down, her clitoris trailing over Bucky’s pelt, making her shudder. It wasn’t even that far in yet and an orgasm threatened to take over the mare.

Berry eased both of them together, and when the chance presented itself, she bent down and gave a lick to the tightly stretched lips wrapped around the girthy cock that Bucky was gifted with. Bucky, feeling the lick, became startled and jumped, driving himself into Derpy several whole inches at once, causing Derpy to let go of him and sit up, which caused her to completely hilt Bucky.

Derpy screamed an equine nicker of lust and began to grind on Bucky’s short but girthy length now completely secured inside of her, her oversized jelly bean pressing into Bucky’s belly as she ground her hips.

Berry maneuvered around behind Derpy, placed both hooves on Derpy’s wing joints, and then pressed down on the mare, driving Bucky in even deeper somehow, and causing Derpy’s love button to get even more friction over the now slick pelt of Bucky’s belly.

Lewd squelching could be heard with every thrust.

Derpy leaned back into Berry, trusting the earth pony to hold up her body, and began to let go, feeling an explosive orgasm coming. She tossed her head back, her tongue hanging from her mouth, and both of her ears splayed out sideways.

Finally, she could not take any more, and Derpy screamed as the first waves of violent full body spasms crashed over her like an avalanche.

“Unngph I made you go off before I did!” Bucky grunted and gasped, looking pleased, his face contorted with effort, save for the small area where he was paralysed. He thrust his hips upward just as Berry Punch was jamming Derpy downward, and something gave way.

Bucky had his first orgasm and it blew his mind. He lay there, now limp, violent spasms forcibly injecting semen deep into Derpy, who was still grinding away on top of him. She let out another yelp as she orgasmed again, and let out breathless panting cries as she felt her body wrack and shudder, while Bucky lay below her, feeling the mare clech violently around his cock.

Derpy’s whole body was hard as she went into the final throes of her second orgasm, and she collapsed backwards into Berry Punch, panting and mewling with pleasure.

Berry gently eased Derpy down on to her side, and Bucky slipped free from Derpy’s clenching marehood with a sloppy wet pop. Derpy lay down, trying to catch her breath, feeling light headed.

“That was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen,” Berry Punch confided. She leaned down and gave Bucky’s half hard cock a lick, slurping up a bit of semen that was dribbling down the shaft. Bucky twitched at her touch. Seeing him twitch, Berry gave another lick with her curious tongue.

“Oh, too sensitive…” Bucky warned.

Berry licked the tip, her tongue circling the opening for a moment, causing Bucky to squirt forth a final small spurt, which nearly went up Berry Punch’s nose. She licked her lips and gave a happy grunt. She crawled over Bucky and threw herself on top of Derpy, kissing the grey pegasus wildly, wiggling her rump around and trying to give Bucky a good show.

Spreading her legs, Berry began to grind her filly bits against Derpy’s exposed and winking clitoris, making the grey mare whimper and beg for another release.

And Bucky had a great view of what was going on back there from his vantage point. He could hear the wet slick sounds of the two marehoods being rubbed together, and he felt his partially erect cock starting to throb again.

Berry was growing more and more bold, grinding violently against Derpy, and Bucky recalled a word he had once read.


Bucky felt a powerful need to penetrate something when he saw Derpy’s oversized clitoris vanish inside of Berry Punch’s damp wine coloured folds.


Berry had just sucked it right inside and was now squeezing Derpy between her lips, grinding her hips to create friction.

Bucky nearly blew his second load right then and there.

Derpy, unable to take any more stimulation, tossed Berry Punch off of her, and then rolled away, shuddering and seizing, clenching and contorting, her body lost in another full body orgasm.

Berry, determined to not let her prize get away, went after the mare, intent to drive her over the edge once more, but something grabbed her hind leg and hauled her back across the bed on her belly.

Bucky was on her back a moment later, one foreleg wrapped around her barrel, the other hooked over her chest. Berry wiggled her tail aside, and seconds after doing so, felt something pressing against her entrance.

“I’m a tough mare, but but careful, I’ve never taken anything so wide,” Berry cautioned, arching her back and thrusting her hips upwards.

Bucky gave a gentle thrust and Berry hissed in pain.

“Oh THAT STINGS!” Berry cried, feeling herself already stretched out to the point of pain from just the tip. Bucky pulled out. “I dinnae say to stop ye numpty!” Berry said, slipping into her lilt.

Bucky tried again, gently inserting the tip and then giving a bit of a push. It felt so tight. So warm. There was so much friction.

Berry shot out from beneath him with a cry of painful alarm, scooting over the bed, and falling over the edge, rubbing her backside as she escaped.

“I am so sorry, what happened?” Bucky cried, now frozen in terror.

“Wrong… hole…” Berry grunted in pain. “You son of a bitch, you gave me a fudge turnover from behind!”

“UGH! I am a bad husband, I am so sorry, I won’t tou-”

Bucky’s apology was cut off when Berry tackled him violently and kissed him. Derpy watched the two ponies going at it. She wasn’t sure if this was love or not, but it was…hawt.

Berry was in control now, pinning Bucky down and kissing him, grinding her mareflesh against Bucky’s cock for more lubrication.

The tables turned suddenly when Berry was lifted high into the air and then slammed down on the bed. Bucky crawled over her belly and dropped himself down on top of her, one foreleg around her barrel, another wrapping around behind her neck and pulling her close.

Derpy felt incredibly aroused again.

“Pin her down,” Derpy shouted.

Bucky had done exactly that, using his magic and his body to keep Berry still, but also making sure to do nothing that would actually hurt her. He still felt pretty bad about invading her brownie bakery and made sure not to make the same mistake twice.

“Sit back on your haunches Bucky, and line yourself up,” Derpy suggested.

Bucky sat back, Berry still pinned in place with magic. She was licking her lips now, and lust burned in her eyes. She looked at Derpy with a touch of fear and anticipation.

“Ease it in slowly, she’s never had a foal, so she is going to be tight,” Derpy said, worried about her herd mate.

Bucky poked in the tip, which caused Berry to squirm.

“Now slowly, just a tiny bit at a time,” Derpy instructed.

Bucky did as he was told.

Berry writhed as inch after stinging inch slowly stretched her out. She moaned and kicked her hind legs out as wide as possible.

Derpy straddled Berry’s barrel, and then slid herself backwards a bit, lifting her tail and presenting herself to Berry, who was trapped beneath her. She was facing Bucky, and she leaned forward to kiss him.

Bucky almost went off, the feeling of slow penetration and now the sound of Berry Punch’s furious wet sloppy lapping filling his ears. Derpy gave a moan and a grunt, grinding and shifting her hips as Berry Punch worked over her already oversensitive marehood. She leaned into her kiss with Bucky and wrapped her forelegs around him.

Derpy began to feel Berry Punch rocking back and forth beneath her, as Bucky continued to penetrate the overly tight snatch of Berry Punch. Derpy broke away from her kiss with Bucky and looked down, seeing Bucky half in Berry Punch’s now swollen and red lips, which were stretched out tightly around Bucky’s wonderful girth. Derpy could feel Berry’s moans and whimpers travel through her probing tongue as it circled Derpy’s flexing outer lips and occasionally lapped over Derpy’s nubbin, causing Derpy to shudder.

“Now,” Derpy said breathlessly, “just push the rest of it in in one slow go. Don’t stop unless I tell you.”

Bucky leaned into it and gave it all he had, finally pushing his ring in, and then slowly easing in his remaining inches, causing Berry Punch to kick and whimper, but she never cried stop.

Finally, Bucky was hilted, balls deep, and he could feel Berry’s abused and flamingly hot pucker against his scrotum.

Derpy pulled away from Bucky, scooted her hips back a bit more, and then lowered herself down to Berry’s tightly stretched marehood. She gave an experimental lick to Berry’s exposed clitoris, with caused Berry to squeal. She licked again, causing another squeal. Finally, she pulled Berry’s button inside of her mouth and began to suckle as Bucky pulled out to his ring and then carefully slid back in.

Berry Punch let out a few muffled screams of pleasure and returned the favour, sucking on Derpy’s oversized jelly bean.

Bucky, feeling a bit more confident, pulled out again to his ring and then jammed his way in rapidly, causing Berry to wrap her hind legs around his middle and squeeze him violently. He could feel contractions deep inside of her. He pulled out and then rammed his way inside again, working up to a rhythm.

With Bucky’s each thrust, Berry lashed her tongue against Derpy’s nubbin, which made Derpy squeeze Berry’s cork between her lips with a shivery pleasurable sensation for both mares.

Bucky was watching the two mares perform sloppy oral sex on one another while he banged away. He wrapped his forelegs around Berry’s hips and began to thrust harder, which made Berry cry out with each thrust.

“Don’t stop!” Berry begged, tilting her head back for a moment to speak and catch her breath. She latched back on to Derpy’s button and began to suckle wildly, as she felt her orgasm approach.

Bucky angled his hips and now, his tip pressed along the soft spongy tissues of Berry’s g-spot. Bucky had no idea what he was doing, but he knew it felt good pressing his tip into the hot inviting flesh.

When Berry finally orgasmed, Derpy seized down on her cork and gave her a strong suckle, overwhelming poor Berry Punch who began to bleat like a sheep.







Finally, Bucky couldn’t take it anymore and rammed it in as deep as he could, coming explosively as he sank himself in balls deep into the plum coloured mare.

Hearing her mates in the throes of orgasms sent Derpy over the edge, and a hot sticky flood of fluid spurted from her nethers, soaking Berry Punch’s face.

After a few more thrusts, grunts, and licks, the three ponies finally collapsed into an exhausted pile.

“I am only catching my breath, I ain’t done,” Derpy panted.

“I can’t believe Bucky tapped my bung,” Berry gasped, her entire backside on fire.

“I can’t believe I just had a threesome,” Bucky said. “I love you both more than words can possibly express right now.”