//------------------------------// // Confessions // Story: A heart divided // by Valorage //------------------------------// Chapter two: Confessions Rainbow woke up to another amazing sight. Celestia’s sun was peaking just over the hills, coating them in reddish light. The birds of the garden were waking up and greeting the guards to a new day with song. She also noticed her hand felt heavier than normal. She looked over to find a sound asleep fluttershy. ‘I really hope she gets the mare she is after’ rainbow thought, ‘And if not…ill help her through it.’ Rainbow gingerly removed herself from the bench, and picked up fluttershy, careful not to stir too much. She flew as slowly as she could to fluttershy’s room and laid her in bed. Rainbow was getting ready to leave when fluttershy woke up. “D-Dash?” fluttershy said, startling the cyan Pegasus. “O-oh, hey fluttershy. I woke up first, so I brought you back to your room. I hope that was all right.” Rainbow responded. Fluttershy nodded. “Well, now that you’re up, get ready. I’m taking you out to breakfast.” Fluttershy got excited at the gesture. She nodded again, and went into the bathroom. Rainbow went back to the garden. She did not know what it was, but it was just magnificent. ‘Now I understand why fluttershy loves nature’ she thought. ***** Rainbow and fluttershy were flying around canterlot when rainbow stopped. Fluttershy flew a bit, noticed rainbow wasn’t flying anymore. For that matter, she wasn’t in the air. Fluttershy looked down to see a smiling rainbow dash waving her down. As fluttershy lowered, she saw what rainbow was smiling about. It was the fanciest restaurant in canterlot, “The Restaurant of harmony.” Fluttershy looked at rainbow dash, confused. Rainbow pulled her foreleg into the restaurant. “O-oh no, we can’t eat here! It’s too expensive!” fluttershy said. “No it’s not” rainbow said with a sly grin on her face, walking up to the maître d. She handed two gold slips to the stallion, who simply nodded. She walked back to fluttershy, giggling a bit. “Rarity gave me passes for free food here.” Rainbow finished. Fluttershy’s confusion turned into laughter. They were led to a secluded table on a balcony. “Oh, sorry about the setting, this is rarity’s table.” Fluttershy was just looking at the view from the balcony. ‘Never mind I guess’ rainbow thought. During breakfast, fluttershy was smiling the whole time. “S-so, rainbow…I hate to push…but…would you be able to tell me what happened? I mean, when people found out you liked mares. If that’s okay with you I mean.” Dash sat there contemplative. “Do you really want to know, and promise to tell no one?” rainbow sighed. “Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!” fluttershy said in a pinkie promise. Rainbow sighed in exasperation. “All right. Well, back at flight school, there was a filly. I was on the course for the practice run of the final test, and she was distracting. I crashed; hit my head right on one of the harder clouds. I went back at night, so I could get more practice, and there she was. She kissed me, and…let’s just say my…body ‘betrayed’ me. The last words she said to me were ‘easiest five bits I ever made.’ The day after, pictures of it were everywhere, with three words painted over the pictures. ‘Rainbow dash, Fillyfooler!’ Ever since, I have been avoiding my feelings. I just do not want that to happen again.” When rainbow finished talking, fluttershy looked at her. Before rainbow could react, fluttershy hugged her. “I-I’m sorry, I had no idea…” fluttershy trailed. “Hey, don’t be. You just wanted to know. And besides, you confessed something to me, so take this as me repaying your confession.” Rainbow said, beginning to smile. “M-my c-confession?” fluttershy asked, still hugging her friend. “Yeah, when you told me you liked a mare.” Rainbow responded. “O-o-oh yeah…” fluttershy said, lost in her thoughts. ‘ Ok, I need to show her I love her. How can I do that? I GOT IT! I’ll tell her at the Wonderbolts performance a few days from now. I just need to surprise her with the ticket.’ Fluttershy had a sly grin on her face. “What’s with the smile? It’s a bit weird…” rainbow said skeptically. “O-o-oh, well I’m thinking about your surprise.” She said, still smiling. “A surprise?! What is it?” rainbow yelled ecstatically. Fluttershy’s grin went to a full smile. “Well I can’t tell you, otherwise it wouldn’t be a surprise now would it?” “Yeah, I guess you’re right.” Rainbow said, smiling. ***** Rainbow was sitting on the bench, watching the moonrise over the mountains. It was the night before the wonderbolts show. ‘Man I wish I could go to that wonderbolts show, but this is for fluttershy.’ Rainbow thought. ‘I really hope she likes this, I spent my last bits on the bonus.’ Fluttershy thought. She walked up to rainbow dash with a small black box in her mouth. “Hey fluttershy, what’s in the box?” Even though the box was in her mouth, rainbow could see a smile on her friends face. “Why, your surprise of course!” She said, giggling. She laid the box on the ground and pushed it towards the cyan Pegasus. Skeptically, the cyan Pegasus lifted the box. As she opened the box, she saw a small wrapped gift. Fluttershy always liked wrapping gifts that went in boxes. These looked weird though, as if it was paper. Again, rainbow opened the wrapping, half-hiding from what might be inside. Inside were two tickets to the wonderbolts performance tomorrow, and a couple of slips of blank paper. “Don’t lose that paper, it’s the other half of your surprise!” fluttershy giggled again. Rainbow was beaming; her face lit up as soon as she saw the wonderbolts tickets. “Wow…thank you! Thank you fluttershy!” rainbow yelled, causing the guard to shush them. This got another giggle from fluttershy as rainbow hugged her best friend. “I can’t thank you enough.” Rainbow said. “Then you will be speechless at the other half of the surprise.” Fluttershy said, picking up her ticket and paper. Fluttershy sat next to her friend, enjoying the view. Then they went to their quarters, fluttershy falling into a dream filled sleep, and rainbow to excited to sleep. ***** They arrived at the arena and were immediately swallowed by the crowd of ponies going to see the wonder bolts. Fluttershy was looking around for someone, and then she flew with rainbow dash to a guarded area. She held out her paper, causing rainbow to do the same. She was clueless, but saw the excitement in her friends eyes. The guard levitated the pages up to his face, cast a spell, and gave the pages back. There was writing on the pages. ‘The owner of this paper is to be taken to the VIP box, then to be taken to meet the wonderbolts after the show. Signed, Spitfire’ Rainbow just looked at fluttershy. She smiled and walked forward. The guard opened the gate and let them in. Rainbow looked at fluttershy with amazement. ‘How did she get us into the VIP box? And to meet the wonderbolts?!’ ***** “Hey, there’s the ponies of the hour!” a voice shouted as the pair walked into the VIP box. Fluttershy giggled at this remark. She knew who said it, but was excited to see rainbow’s reaction. “Hey fluttershy, who is that?” rainbow asked, turning to her smiling friend. Fluttershy nodded towards the window to see a pony that looked all too familiar. Rainbow turned to fluttershy again. “Are. You. KIDDING ME?!” rainbow yelled, tackle hugging her friend. “Go say hi!” fluttershy said, laughing. Rainbow walked to the pony. As the pony turned, she was greeted with a warm smile. “Ohmigoshohmygoshohmygosh!” rainbow could barely contain herself at the pony in front of her. “Wow, I knew you were a fan, but not this much of a fan!” The pony said. Rainbow just looked at her, then at fluttershy, then back at her. “I don’t believe we have been ‘Properly’ introduced. I’m Vinyl scratch.” Rainbow was stunned. At a wonderbolts show, with her best friend, and vinyl scratch, and afterwards, she is going to meet the wonderbolts. She could not help but hug her friend again. “Thank you fluttershy.” “Oh, don’t worry about it.” Fluttershy said, smiling. ‘Oh good, she liked the gift.’ Fluttershy thought. Conversation rolled through the VIP box, at least until the show started. The wonderbolts did their routine, doing dives, flips and rolls. Rainbow was glued to the skies. The show began to die down, and one of the wonderbolts flew right next to the VIP box, dropping a piece of paper. ‘Hey rainbow dash! Watch this!’ Rainbow tore her eyes away from the paper to see spitfire climbing, and placing a bottle of something behind her. Just like that she was diving, very quickly. She was picking up speed, and rainbow noticed a familiar cone forming around the pony. ‘No…way….’ was rainbow dash’s only thought. Spitfire was going to break the sound barrier. She kept diving, and was getting close to a sonic boom. The sound of sonic boom echoed, but rainbow noticed something else. A rainbow trail. “W-w-what? I didn’t know spitfire could do a sonic rainboom!” rainbow said. “She can’t” vinyl started, “She put a bottle of rainbow smoke on her back, and it opened at the sonic boom, creating that trail. They made that trick in honor of a pony that did the sonic rainboom.” Rainbow looked at fluttershy, who was smiling. After the commotion died down from the sonic boom, a guard retrieved the two ponies. “Wait, is vinyl scratch coming?” rainbow said. Vinyl shook her head. **** They were led through a series of corridors that ended in front of a door. There was a gold star on the door. As the door opened, spitfire greeted rainbow. “Hey, Rainbow! How’d you like my new trick?” she said. “Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh!” was all that came out of rainbows mouth. Spitfire chuckled. “Let me introduce you to the rest of the group. There’s Soarin’, Fleetfoot, and rapidfire.” “Hi!” the three ponies said in unison. Rainbow was again, stunned. She turned to fluttershy, who was nudging her forward. “U-uh, h-hi” rainbow said nervously. Everyone laughed and invited her to sit. Rainbow was so happy. “So,” spitfire began, “Did fluttershy tell you what the rest of your surprise is?” “There’s MORE?!” she turned to fluttershy, who nodded. “Well, not much more,” soarin’ said “Just this last thing.” “We are covering your dinner tonight” fleetfoot said, turning to rapidfire. “Once we heard what fluttershy had planned, we had to make sure it goes off without a hitch. Just pick the restaurant and let us know, we will let them know that we are covering the bill.” Raipidfire finished. Conversation between the ponies engulfed the room, talking about tricks, places to go, and suggestions for restaurants. Fluttershy broke the conversation. “I-I’m sorry to interrupt, but we should get going.” “Of course. I’ll send you to ‘The Soarin’ Eagle’ they got the best food this side of canterlot.” Spitfire said. Fluttershy nodded, and with that, the pair of ponies was off. ***** They arrived and were immediately seated in a balcony. They ordered, and enjoyed their dinners. “Remind me to send my deepest thanks to the wonderbolts.” Rainbow said. “R-rainbow dash?” fluttershy said nervously. “Yeah?” rainbow asked. “I-I…I love you.” Fluttershy said. Rainbow was shocked. Not the good shocked either. She calmed herself enough to reply. “Fluttershy…I’m sorry…but I don’t think of you like that. I mean I enjoyed our time together, and you are a great mare, but…I just need some time to think. I’m so sor-” rainbow said, being cut off by fluttershy. “It’s all right, I understand.” ***** END OF CHAPTER TWO