//------------------------------// // ch 2 hate and love // Story: Pony Poems 2 // by Toffee Bean //------------------------------// Hate and Love Oh to love, I wish to be loved, but all I get, all I don't want, is hate, hate that burns, hate that chilies, but love will find me, Love that burns, love that warms, the love that I wish to have, a love that I once had, but got hate instead, all I want is love, but all I get is hate, hate that burns, hate that chilies, a hate I wish to go, but I still it stays, I wish for love, a love to cover the hate, a love only one can give, but all I get is hate, hate that comes and never goes, all I want is love, love that comes and never goes, but all I get is hate, a hate I never wished for, but the love I want, well it is coming, coming soon to convert me, only my lover pony can give me.