Strange New World

by moltendaniel

sorry everyone

I'm so sorry everyone who reads and likes this. I really am. but shit has been going on a lot. thankfully I found a job, its shit and with only 12 hours a week but its a fucking start. Now I think nearly everyone who's been reading the author notes when I leave them knows that shit has been going on with the house and inheritance of it between my sister and I and my oxygen stealing cunt faced fucker of a cousin of mine...

well I just received rim news today, a month ago to shut my cousin up we put the house on the market while my sister and I work together to get a mortgage to buy him out. we put it up for £220,000 as it was worth about £180-£190 k and hoped no one would look at it let alone make an offer. well someone put an offer in and now they want us to get the solicitors to draw up the deeds for our house at £205,000. if we say no my cousin will surely sue us (even if he has hardly anything to go with) but the fucker is a sneaky little shit that would probably bribe the fuckers and make some sob story up about how he was so hard done.

so long story short, were gunna have to accept it and sell the house. my sister and I, after we get our money are going to put it together and get a mortgage and buy my mother a new I type this now the urge to drive to the city where my cousin lives, find him, and give him some good old fashioned inquisition torture is unbelievable. in fact the only reason im not is out of love and respect for my mother who doesn't want it doing.

lets just say I don't know how long im going to be put off doing anything. I know its been ages since I wrote anything let alone uploaded but now you know why. im sorry everyone, I really am.....but this has just really gotten to my family. do you want to know what makes me angry the most....the fact that I only feel a small amount of anger at all and that's just cus its made my mother and sister cry...I don't feel angry other the loss, I don't feel sad, I don't feel anything..i don't know why I feel nothing. I want to feel something but I just cant except anger at my cousin for making my family cry. and that's it. so im sorry guys, im slightly angry and confused as hell and I don't know what to do... so I don't know if ill be writing for a while. im sorry