//------------------------------// // Ready to Talk // Story: Free from the Chains that Bind // by Sillyponyme //------------------------------// Sweetie tried to run after Silver Spoon but Scootaloo and Apple Bloom held her back. The last thing Sweetie wanted to do was get into a fight with her friends but she couldn’t turn her back on Silver Spoon. She pushed past her friends and stopped just outside the door and looked at Silver Spoon as she ran. Once Silver Spoon was out of sight, Sweetie turned to her friends and glared at them. “What the hay you two, I’m trying to help her and you two won’t let me.” “Oh please Sweetie Belle, she doesn’t care about being a good pony, she is in cahoots with Diamond Tiara and she always will be.” Scootaloo walked back inside the clubhouse and leaned up against the left wall. Sweetie Belle and Apple bloom followed their friend in but Sweetie refused to stand next to either of them. “Don’t worry about her, she is just as bad as her friend, you can’t feel sorry for her Sweetie Belle.” “Ah agree with Scootaloo, she can’t be trusted.” Apple Bloom said what she wanted to say and then left. “I’m just gonna go do some work on the farm.” The two friends said their goodbyes and then turned back to each other. “I get it Scootaloo, you don’t trust her. I get it, really I do but both you and I also know how it feels to be blackmailed. I’ve seen her everyday for a few days now and she is terrified. It’s as plain as day and I can’t just sit back and do nothing.” “Oh yeah Sweetie, that’s a great idea. Let’s help out our enemy and then we can all have a big party and Pinkie can throw it.” Scootaloo was very sarcastic. “Wake up Sweetie Belle, she is using you, don’t be stupid.” Scootaloo got off the wall and glared at her friend in the eyes and Sweetie looked back with a glare of her own. “Apple Bloom and I are trying to find out a way to take down Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara but it hasn’t been easy and you surely haven’t helped the past few days. Wake up and choose a side Sweetie Belle, it’s us or her and I know you wouldn’t choose Silver Spoon over us.” “I’m not choosing sides Scootaloo, I’m trying to help out a scared mare and I would expect my friends to help me.” “Help Silver Spoon, you’re crazy, she doesn’t deserve a thing from us other than a swift beating or so.” Scootaloo pushed past Sweetie and took one step out the door. “Get your head out of the clouds and wake up; she doesn’t care about anypony but Diamond Tiara.” Scootaloo took off running and didn’t stop. In the back of her mind, she wanted Sweetie Belle to be right about Silver Spoon. There were many things that worried Scootaloo and their old rival was one of those things. Still, she really hoped that Sweetie was right. Sweetie knew that Scootaloo was wrong; she knew that Silver Spoon wanted to change. She wasn’t sure how she knew that Silver Spoon wasn’t just fooling her but Sweetie knew that she wasn’t and Sweetie was determined to help her. If she didn’t try and help, who would? Silver Spoon lost her job no thanks to Diamond Tiara. True it wasn’t her fault directly but it was most certainly indirectly. Sweetie Belle had to find Silver Spoon and talk to her and then maybe with some luck she could convince her friends to help. She ran out the door and ran in the direction Silver Spoon went. Hopefully she could find Silver Spoon before she got into too much trouble. In the Everfree Forest, Silver Spoon had just arrived at Zecora’s tired and covered in rotten fruit. She couldn’t be sure how the zebra would react to her but she had to talk with somepony. Silver Spoon knocked on the door and waited for an answer. Zecora answered and her look was unexpected. It was as if the zebra expected her here. “I knew you would be here and look at that hair, why don’t you come in and share?” Silver Spoon couldn’t stand the zebra because of all the rhyming. Still, Zecora was the only one that she could go to now. “Thank you Zecora, I’m not really welcome anywhere and I don’t blame any of them. I’m a terrible pony and they all know it except for Sweetie Belle. Hehe, what a loser.” Silver Spoon chuckled sadly and didn’t mean what she said. Sweetie Belle was the only one to really give her a shot other then Princess Twilight. If anyone was the loser, it was Silver Spoon and she knew it all to well. “Come now, don’t you fret, there are true friends for you out there I bet.” Zecora had started to heat up water for tea. “I can see that you aren’t free, you are trying to be a good pony.” “Don’t try to spare my feelings Zecora, I don’t deserve it and you know, for such a smart Zebra, you are pretty dumb for thinking I’m anything other then bad.” Silver Spoon turned away and sighed. What else could she do, she was sure that she would be dead in a few days anyway. She wanted to change but what was the point, she would always be looked at in a terrible way. She was a crook and schemer, a liar and thief. Even if she didn’t do any of those things herself, she was still guilty by association. Zecora ignored Silver Spoons comment on her being dumb and spoke kindly anyway. “I have seen that pony’s don’t treat you well except for Twilight and Sweetie Belle. Perhaps you should try something new and prove to others the things that you can really do. The things you did you should regret but you can fix it with just one word, secret.” With that said the teapot whistled. “How Zecora, how can I do anything in secret when the only place that Diamond Tiara wouldn’t go is, ooooooh. Thank you Zecora.” Silver Spoon jumped at the sound of somepony knocking at the door. On the other side, Zecora and Silver Spoon heard a voice and knew it was Sweetie Belle. “Sweetie Belle, come on in, we have a lot to talk about.