//------------------------------// // Don't Question Me // Story: Badlands // by bass-and-the-siren8976 //------------------------------// Sparkler held her front hooves on her ears, trying to block out the pain-filled noises from the engine room. Derpy looked at the sky in awe "It's night!" "What!!" Trixie looked up from the floor of the train car "Morning began only a little before we left!" "You know what," Sparkler sighed and looked down the mountain path at the ruins of Ponyville "I'm not even surprised anymore." Derpy hitched herself to the cart "Guess it's my turn! At least now we can fly." Sparkler deadpanned "How are you going to fly without the weight of the cart pulling it down and-" "Shhh~" Derpy placed a hoof against Sparkler's mouth "We have artistic license- dun worry about it~" Sparkler stepped onto the cart "Wait, what-" "Don't question." Trixie sat down "I've met someone else who babbled strange things. Just don't ask about the 4th wall, the 'author', or anything else. It all quite confusing." Indeed. on the wall beside them, the words were scribbled out in red paint. In slightly smaller lettering, it read "-PD" "How is it-" Sparkler sighed "It wasn't there a second ago! This is completely out of left field, and-" "Shhhhh!" Derpy frantically covered Sparklers mouth "SHE CAN CONTROL WHAT YOU SAY! BE HAPPY WE CAN EVEN MOVE OF OUR OWN ACCORD!" "Derpy- THERE. IS. NO. AUTH- PICKLES." Sparkler covered her mouth "What was that- LLAMAS." Trixie sighed "Now you've done it Sparkler, you've unleashed some crazy beast... Derpy, just fly to Ponyville. Ignore Sparkler. She's stupid. Why did I- Oh come on! Me too!" Derpy cheered as she flew up into the air "Me too me too me too me too- MUFFINS~.... Best. Author. Ever!" "Pretty sure that was the 'author' at the end." Sparkler sighed "I'M THE ONLY ONE WITHOUT LINES IN THE SHOW (well no, I do. I'm just REALLY unimportant and you all forgot). " "Silly, only the bolded stuff if the author~" Derpy chimed as she neared the mid-point of the mountain path. Trixie pondered for a second "But... If the author controls us- EVERYTHING is the author. I LOVE TWILIGHT SPARKLE. I hate you." "Let's focus on our problems! 1. apocalypse. 2. Who is PD!?" Sparkler settled everyone down. "I'm tired!" Derpy whined "Let's do it the next chapter!" Sparkler opened her mouth "Chapter-"