Equestria Wars Episode V: Revenge of the Dark Side

by sonicdash123

Chapter 1: The Battle for the Griffins

A star destroyer flies over the kingdom of the griffins as explosions were heard. An Eta-2 class starfighter flew over the destroyer and went down to the battle. Dozens of Harrower-class dreadnoughts fired at some destroyers as the TIE Fighters attacked the enemy Mark VI Supremacy-class starfighter. The starfighter then flew past the lasers that were being fired from an enemy battleship. It then flew through an explosion as it maneuvers in unison, dodging flack and enemy laser fire. The red colored R4 astromech droid was on the starfighter as Charming Thunder piloted it. Up ahead was an Interdictor-class cruiser. The droid beeped as Charming Thunder flew straight towards it. "Lock on to them, R4," he said. R4 beeped its reply as Charming Thunder flies straight towards his target. "That ship is where the griffin king is being held and it is crawling with fighters." Enemy fighters flew out of the cruiser and headed straight towards Charming Thunder. "Commander, do you copy?"

"Copy, red leader," the commander's voice said in his headset.

"Mark my position and form up behind me."

"We're on your tail, sir." The TIE Phantom squadron began to cloak and flew behind Charming Thunder's interceptor as it opened its wings.

"Begin your attack now." The TIE Phantom squadron uncloaked and began to fire at the incoming fighters as some pass through or got destroyed in the process. A fighter next to the interceptor blew up and the pilot spins off to the ground. A TIE Phantom was being pursued as the enemy fired at him.

"They're all over me," the pilot said. "Get him off my--" He was interrupted when his ship got hit and began to spin off to the surface. Charming Thunder looked both right and left to see that he is being pursued now. He maneuvered through he battlefield as the enemy fired at him.

"Hang on, R4." He then maneuvered through and explosion from a star destroyer as he attempted to shake the enemy off of his back. He looked both ways again to check if it worked but the enemy was still following him. "Flying is for pegasi," he muttered to himself. The pursuing fighters then fired at him but he dodged to the side. He then did a somersault over the pursuing fighters and he then began to chase them through the battlefield. He shot one of the fighters down leaving one remaining in his sights. He tried to fire at it but he kept missing. "Stand still. Darn it." The enemy fighter kept on dodging the lasers that were being fired from the interceptor. As it stopped maneuvering, Charming Thunder fired at the fighter which caused it to spin out of control and crash on the hull of a dreadnought. He then continued to fly towards the cruiser as R4 beeped something to him. "Oops. Thanks for reminding me." He then shot at the shield generator that protects the hangar to the ship. The hangar shield doors then started to close as he flew straight towards the hangar. "I have a bad feeling about this." He made it through as the door shut and ponie engineers got sucked into the sky. His fighter slid on the hangar floor and crashed into some of the soldiers. When the ship stopped slidding, he pressed a button to open the cockpit and jumped out with his lightsaber activated. R4 popped out of the ship and followed Charming Thunder as he blocked the shots from the enemy soldiers. "R4, locate the king," he shouted. As he cut down the last of the soldiers, he followed his droid companion to the ship's controls. The hologram of the cruiser then popped up as Charming Thunder looked at it. "It looks like his signal is coming from the detention level." He began to walk to a hallway but stopped to turn to R4. "I need you to stay here with the ship." He then tossed a comlink to it and R4 caught it with its robot claw. "Take this and await further instructions." He then began to run through the hallway as he saw the elevators. When he arrived at the elevator doors, he pressed a button on the side and waited for the elevator to come down. He then heard footsteps coming from behind and turned to see two war droids. He activated his lightsaber and deflected the shots. The elevator doors opened and he backed up inside the elevator. When it closed, a group of soldiers were behind him pointing their weapons at him.

"Drop your weapon," one of them said. Charming Thunder then turned to see them. "I said drop them."

"How about...." He then activated his crimson blade and sliced away on the group as he finished his sentence. "...no." He pressed a button in the elevator to go to the detention level.


On the bridge of the cruiser, Malgus who was now wearing a cybernetic respirator observed the battle as one of the captains arrived. "What is the situation, captain?" Malgus asked.

"A red unicorn landed in the main hangar bay and is in the elevator," the captain replied. "We're tracking him."

"Shut down the elevators and tell my apprentice to go down to the king's cell and guard it."

"Yes, sir." The captain then went back to the controls and monitored the status of the cruiser's shields.


Charming Thunder was waiting for the elevator to stop at the floor he needed to go until it stopped. He looked around the room and said to himself, "Well this is unexpected. They know that I'm here." He grabbed his comlink and contacted his companion. "R4, activate elevator numbered 3745." He then waited patiently as R4 was at the elevator controls and made the elevator go down. Charming Thunder then fell due to the activation. He then noticed that the elevator is going upward. "Stop, R4. I need to go down not up." R4 beeped in the comlink as it stopped the elevator. Charming Thunder fell to the ground again when it stopped. The elevator then went down to the detention level as he got up. "Thats better."