//------------------------------// // The Big Day Arrives // Story: From Ponyville With Love // by Bluecatcinema //------------------------------// As the brothers' reached the final day of their stay in Ponyville, their dates had come by to see them off. They were quite surprised to see who was amongst them. "Madam Mayor?" Lyra gasped. "You're dating one of the brothers?" "Yes, Murray." The Mayor smiled. "You?" "Lars." Lyra nodded. "And Bon-Bon's with Sonny." "What about you, nurse Redheart, who are you with?" Bon-Bon asked. "I'm with Salt." Redheart declared. "Vinny." Berry chuckled. "Slot." Vinyl added. "What about you, Zecora?" "Grimoire is the stallion with whom I will be." Zecora smiled. "We met in the forest, and I became quite taken with he." The girls made their way to the carriage outside the inn, which being loaded for take-off. "Hey, girls." Grimoire smiled. "Glad you could make it." "You couldn't make us stay away." Mayor Mare smiled. "Here's the plan, ladies." Murray declared. "We'll head back now for the final preparations, and in a couple of days, we'll send the carriage back here to pick you up." "Sounds like a plan." Vinyl nodded. "Until then." Salt kissed Redheart's hoof, leading the other to do the same with their mares. Soon after, they took off, the mares waving at them, which they returned. After a long trip, they returned to the mansion. After Daring left for the guest quarters (The rule about not seeing her would-be husband still in play), Caboose ran up to greet them. "Hey, guys!" Caboose beamed. "Hey, 'Boose." Sonny smiled. "Get up to any trouble while we were away?" Lars asked. "No, no trouble." Caboose lied. "Everything's fine." "Y'know, I was half-expectin' the mansion to have been blown up or something." Slot revealed. "How can you 'half-expect' something?" Caboose asked. "It's just a turn of phrase." Lars told him. "How do you 'turn a phrase'?" Caboose shrugged. "Anyway, how was your trip?" "Pretty good." Murray smiled. "Better than good." Vinny added. "We all got dates to the wedding!" "All of you?" Caboose asked. "Even Grimm?" "Oh, yeah." Grimoire nodded. "Well... guess I win, then!" Caboose cheered. "Say what?" Salt asked. "Well, time for the truth to come out." Grimoire smirked. "See, me and Caboose had a bet going shortly before our own bet. I bet him you guys couldn't all get dates to the wedding. He bet otherwise. Looks like I lost." "Y-you played us from the beginning!" Lars gasped. "That bet you made us was a sham!" "Yep." Grimoire nodded, "I had my hoof crossed when we made the bet." "Blast. Foiled by the 'cross-hoof' clause!" Vinny cursed. "Wait... what were the conditions?" Sonny asked. "If I won, I got to choose the music for the reception." Caboose grinned. "And I think you all know what that means." "Aw, no..." Slot groaned. "Not that..." "Yes, that." Caboose grinned evilly. "Welcome home, guys!" The brothers glared daggers at a smug Grimoire. The day of the wedding came fast. Guests from all over started arriving, and the brothers, clad in their best suits, were there to greet them. Prince Blueblood and Dusty were among the first. "Hi, guys!" Caboose smiled. "Glad you could make it!" "I wouldn't miss this for the world, Caboose." Dusty smiled. "Me neither." Blueblood added. Grimoire sidled up to Caboose. "Well, the day has come at last." He smiled. "No offense, baby brother, but I never thought you'd be the second of us to get married." "None taken." Caboose chuckled. "Looks like I'll be a little too... preoccupied, to be around as much anymore." "Of course you will." Grimoire nodded, "But we all have to leave the nest sometimes, even for mafia ponies like us." "True that." Caboose smirked. Soon after, the brothers' dates arrived, all wearing lovely dresses (courtesy of Rarity, who had done a brilliant job in such a short time). "Wow." Murray sighed. "You can say that again." Vinny stared. "Zecora, you look beautiful." Grimoire declared. "And to you, I say you look very handsome too." Zecora smiled. "Lookin' good, babe." Slot told Vinyl. "Right back atcha." Vinyl giggled. "You too, Red." Salt smiled. "You're not half bad yourself." Redheart blushed. "Ladies." Lars and Sonny said together. "Gentlemen." Lyra and Bon-Bon chorused. "Hi." Murray said breathlessly. "Hello." Mayor Mare smiled. "Hey." Vinny told Berry. "Good to see you again, handsome." Berry beamed. "Shall we, ladies?" Grimoire declared, as each brother offered a hoof. "We shall." Zecora smiled, as each mare took a hoof. Before long, the wedding itself was underway. Members of the mafia started to play the violins (which they managed to master within a week, quite amazingly). Caboose was at the altar, accompanied by Grimm. The seven brothers and their mares, along with Zecora, as well as Blueblood and Dusty, were standing at the front. Coming down the aisle, accompanied by Rainbow Dash, was Daring, in all her beauty and finesse. Rarity had certainly done her part in making her look beautiful, as Caboose was dumbstruck. "Wow…" Caboose gaped. "And I'm marrying that mare…" "Yes you are, kid." Grimm whispered. Soon, Daring arrived at the altar, casting a loving grin at Caboose. The minister (an old friend of the family) stepped forward. "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here to join these two ponies in holy matrimony." He declared. "I believe the bride and groom have written their own vows." "Daring, I love you." Caboose declared. "Not like I love a good PB & J sandwich, or like I love shootin' crossbows. I'm talking real love, the kind that makes you feel all gooey. I would like nothing more than to feel all gooey for the rest of my life, and thanks to you, that's about to happen. So, I reiterate: Love ya!" The crowd chuckled at Caboose's words. "Caboose, you are truly a one-of-a-kind stallion." Daring giggled. "Being with you has been, hooves down, my greatest adventure. Marriage is just the next part of the expedition." The two slipped the rings onto each other. "By the power vested in me and by the country of Bitaly, I now pronounce you stallion and wife. You may kiss the bride." The minister smiled. "Good, because I was getting restless." Caboose smirked, as he grabbed Daring and dipped her low, giving her one heck of a kiss. Daring returned with much fervor. The crowd cheered loudly. The brothers themselves were especially happy for him. In fact, Vinny was crying. "Dude, are you crying?" Salt asked in shock. "No!" Vinny pouted. "I was… I was…you're crying!" "Our little brother has finally become a stallion." Murray sighed. "Where did the time go?" Then came the reception. Well-wisher were queuing up to congratulate the happy couple. "Congratulations, Caboose." Blueblood smiled, "Can't say I expected that you would get married." "Me neither. Funny how life works." Caboose chuckled. "Well, we are happy for you. In fact, Shine and Celestia and Gothic and Luna sent their regards, as well as Iron Hooves." Dusty declared. "Aw shucks, even Iron? I knew there was a soft spot under all that rippling muscles and feathers." Caboose mused. Then Rainbow Dash came up. "Well, congrats, Dare. Welcome to the married life." Rainbow smiled, wrapping a hoof around Daring. "Thanks, Dash. I cannot express how 'awesome' this feel." Daring smiled. "You be sure to take care of her, right, 'Boose?" Dash glanced at Caboose. "Sure. Heck, if I am willing to inflict bodily harm upon myself to save her, that oughta count for something." Caboose chuckled. A little while later, Caboose stood up on stage. "Good evening, everypony." He declared. "I cannot thank you all enough for coming down here tonight. Me and Daring appreciate it. I also want to give big thanks to some of our relatives who had taken time out of their busy schedules to be here. First, my niece and nephew, Princess Dusty and Prince Blueblood!" Caboose gestured to them, and they waved back. "Then, there's our cousins, Church and Tucker. Church has made an excellent recovery after being shot by a cannon." He gestured to two ponies, one teal, another blue. Church, the blue pony, was snoozing, only to be woke up by Tucker. "May I say for the record, if there is an auto-fire on your cannon…shut it off." Everypony laughed, unaware that Caboose was serious. "And there's our uncles, such as Hannibal, who has come out of hiding just to be here. I had to promise some fava beans though…" The disturbing-looking stallion hissed in acknowledgement, with a smile. "Then, there's Jigsaw, who took time from his 'games' to be here. And with him, his puppet Billy..." A pony in a black and red hood gave a smirk, as his doll, a white pony with markings on it's face, wearing a black suit, gave a wave and made a scary laugh. "And who could forget John 'Seven' Doe? Can't wait to see what in the box you gave us!" A bald pony gave a smile. Grim and the brothers were at a table, as Mayor glanced at Murray. "You Napoleons have a lot of relatives." The Mayor noted. "Please, the ponies here are just the tip of the iceberg." Murray smirked. "Finally, I'd like to give thanks to my brothers." Caboose finished. "It's because of them that tonight was possible. They've always been there for me, no matter how bad I messed up or how often. And for that, I am grateful." Everypony 'aww'ed, as the brothers gave nods of acknowledgement. "However, there is another reason that I am up here right now." Caboose smiled. "Oh no." The brothers (except for Grimoire) gulped. "You see, Grimm and I had this bet a little while back." Caboose chuckled. "I won't bore you with the details, but to make things short, I won and I intend to collect. DJ-PON-3, cue the music." Vinyl was at the turntable, glancing at him oddly. "Which one?" She asked. "Oh, the one specially marked by me." Caboose declared. Vinyl glanced at the records, and saw a rainbow-colored record. Vinyl glanced at it, only for her eyes to widen in shock. "Whoa, is he serious?" She gasped. Vinyl placed it on the turntable, and the beginning music of Journey's Don't Stop Believing begin to play. The six of the seven brothers gulped in despair, as their mares began to recognize the song. "Wait, is this what I think it is?" Daring asked. "Is that..." Lyra mused. "Sounds like it." Bon-Bon smiled. Caboose, giving a smirk, pulled up a microphone and began to sing, "Just a small town filly. Livin' in a lonely world. She took the midnight train goin' anywhere." Caboose sang, as he then pulled up Vinny with his magic, much to his shock. "Take it, Vinny!" "Look, 'Boose, let's be-" However, he wasn't given time to argue, as he instinctively pulled up his own microphone as it was passed to him, and sang in a deep baritone voice, "Just a city colt. Born and raised in South Detrot, he took the midnight train goin' anywhere." "Whoa, what a voice!" Berry declared, clearly impressed. "Come on, you guys, get on up here!" Caboose called to the other brothers. "Well, might as well get this over with…" Murray sighed. "Maybe it might not be so bad…" Salt suggested. Murray and Salt climbed on stage, and took their own microphones. Murray sang the next verse. "A singer in a smokey room. A smell of wine and cheap perfume!" Murray sang with a rather nice rasp to his voice. For a smile they can share the night. It goes on and on and on and ON!" Salt spoke with strong vocals. Caboose then gestured to the rest of the brothers, and unable to argue with a bet, Sonny, Slot, and Lars jumped on the stage and joined in at the chorus. "Strangers waiting." All the brothers sang. "Up and down the boulevard." Lars sang in a smooth soprano. Their shadows searching. They all sang. In the night. Sonny finished with a lighter baritone. Streetlights, ponies! They sang together once more. "Livin' just to find emotion." Slot sang with a good amount of grit. Hidin' somewhere." They sang in unison. "In the night!" Caboose finished on a high note. As the crowd cheered, Murray and the other brothers actually began to enjoy the song. "Sing it, baby!" Vinyl shouted to Salt, feeling pumped. "Workin' hard to get my fill. Everybody wants a thrill!" Salt sang. "Payin' anything to roll the dice." Sonny trilled, as Lars joined in with him. "Just one more time." "Some will win. Some will lose." Vinny carolled. Slot met up with him. "Some were born to sing the blues!" Caboose stepped up. "Oh, the movie never ends. It goes on and on and on and ON!" He then pointed to Grimm, "Come on, bro, it's better with all of us in on it!" "Oh, me? Oh no, I can't-" Grimm tried to deny, but everypony around him was gesturing for him to go on. "Come on, dear Grimm, don't be a dunce." Zecora urged. "You know what they say, you only live once." "Well, I can't argue with rhymes." Grimm shrugged with a smirk, as he then stepped up. Caboose then passed him yet another microphone (where he was getting them, nopony knew), and with a nod, they went onto the chorus. "Strangers waiting". They chanted in unison. "Up and down the boulevard." Grimm sung, his baritone voice aged quite nicely. "Their shadows searching." The younger brothers chorused. "In the night." Lars chirped, his voice reaching a nice note. "Streetlights, ponies!" They sang together. "Livin' just to find emotion." Salt rang out aloud. "Hidin' somewhere." They sang together, hitting well on the last note. "In the night!" Caboose finished on an even higher note. As the song went into it's guitar solo, everypony was cheering aloud. The mares themselves were all impressed. "Such wonderful harmony..." Redheart sighed. "We got us some good ones here." Berry smiled. "For a stallion who doesn't like music, Lars can sure carry a tune." Lyra chuckled. "Sonny, too." Bon-Bon added. "Murray can serenade me any time." Mayor Mare grinned. "And Grim is such a baritone." Zecora added. "To think, I can call that stallion my own..." The brothers all shared wide grins as they went into the last chorus. "Don't stop believin'!" "Hold on to that feelin'!" Lars crooned. "Streetlights, ponies!" "Whoa!" Vinny belted out, though he ended up coughing at the end. "Don't stop believin'!" "Hold on!" Salt echoed as he threw his hooves. "WOO!" "Streetlights, ponies!" "Whoa!" Slot shouted aloud. "Don't stop believin'!" They sang even louder. "Hold on to that feelin'!" Grimm declared with pride. "Streetlights, ponies" They sang one last time. "WHOA!" Caboose sang the last note real loud and long. "Don't stop!" They all sang at once. The song came to an end, and the guests all cheered. "My, this was indeed worth coming out of hiding for." The pony named 'Hannibal' chuckled, and making another hiss. The brothers all panted, their voices strained but rather satisfied. "Wow." Slot smiled. "That was actually... kinda fun." "Y'know, I'd kinda forgotten why we hated this." Vinny admitted. "Maybe it's the fact that you ponies didn't want to admit that you enjoy singing this song with your brother." Grimoire supposed. "Well, either way, the damage is done." Murray shrugged. As Vinyl put on a slow song, she left her station and joined Slot, as all the brothers and mares came together to dance. After the dancing, the brothers met with Dusty. "Well, what's this?" Dusty smiled. "You've all got dates, huh?" "Why so surprised?" Slot smirked. "We're all total studs!" "You too, dad?" Dusty asked. "I know you're a little surprised, dear." Grimoire declared. "But it's not like I'm betraying your mother's memory, or anything, by being with Zecora." "I know." Dusty smiled. "She'd want you to move on and be happy. And so do I. It's a pleasure to meet you, miss Zecora." "The pleasure is all mine." Zecora smiled. "I am not surprised Grim raised a daughter so fine." "Thank you." Dusty grinned. "He did do a good job, didn't he?" Grimoire smiled, glad to see the two getting along. Eventually, things wound down, and Caboose and Daring made to depart. "Okay, ladies, here goes!" Daring declared, as she threw the bouquet. As per every wedding, all the mares reached the bouquet, but despite all their efforts, the bouquet somehow slipped past them, and was caught by none other than Zecora. "I wasn't even trying to catch the bouquet" Zecora mused, as she glanced at Grimm, who was dumbfounded. "Perhaps fate is telling us something this day?" "Well, looks like Dusty is getting a new mom." Vinny joked, "And possibly a little zebra half br-" Grim, despite being in a shocked state, only slammed his hoof in Vinny's guts, causing the stallion to keel over. "Okay, I deserved that." Vinny squeaked. Daring climbed into the carriage, while Caboose had one last talk with his brothers. "Well, I guess this is it." Caboose smiled. "Off to the good ol' Palomino Canals..." "I'm surprised that was the place you wanted to go." Vinny shrugged. "I mean, I heard the Pinto Mountains are wonderful this time of year." "True... but the Canals are kinda special to me..." Caboose declared. "Of course..." Grimoire smirked. "It's where I met Sandy..." "Where you got her knocked up..." Vinny smirked back. "And she became a part of our life..." Murray smiled. "And she brought Dusty with her..." "And all because of you, Caboose." Grimoire smiled. "You know, I never got to properly thank you for that." "Naw, I need no thanks... I just like seeing you guys happy." Caboose said humbly. "Still, we all feel kinda bad that we didn't get ya a wedding gift." Salt admitted. "Yeah, I guess we were so caught up with winning that bet, that it slipped our mind." Sonny shrugged. "So you think..." Caboose smirked. "What do you mean?" Slot asked. "I mean, look at you guys, look at them girls." Caboose gestured to the mares, laughing. "I planned this whole bet from the start in hopes that at least you guys would have somepony to be with. I mean, Daring was the best thing that had ever happened to me. It was only fair that you found a mare that was the best thing that ever happened to you... "You were always the team player, Caboose." Murray grinned. "It's my talent, after all. You all wanna know what would make a great wedding gift for me?" Caboose pointed to the mares. "Don't let those mares go. No matter what. A pony's somepony does only come at least once in the blue moon." The brothers shared knowing glances. "We won't." Grimoire agreed. "You two have enough fun down at the canals for all of us." "We will." Caboose nodded. "And I am serious: if me and Daring ever have foals, I would want him or her to have cousins to play with, you hear?" Immediately, the brothers were flabbergasted, except Grimm... who was just shocked. "Well, ciao!" Caboose chuckled as he slipped into the carriage. The carriage soon departed, as Caboose and Daring let out sighs. "What a day." Daring smiled. "You said it." Caboose smirked, as he placed his hoof on Daring. "I love you." "Right back at you." Daring returned the smirk, as the two shared a kiss. Caboose soon pulled away. "Oh, which reminds me, I happen to nab a case of that wine I had been tellin' ya about." Caboose smirked, as he pulled out Vinny's case of Big Red's wine and two glasses, "Vinny was hiding this for some reason." "Well, then, let's give it a try." Daring suggested, as Caboose popped a bottle open and poured them into the glasses. At once, they took a sip. "Mmm… a dash of powdered ginger. Who knew." Caboose smirked. Back at the estate, the seven brothers were still shocked, before letting out small chuckles. "Well, I could definitely do worse." Murray shrugged. "Me too." Vinny nodded. "And Berry is a pretty good conversationalist." "Vinyl does have the prettiest eyes." Slot sighed. "And let's face it, there's probably not another chick who can handle this." He gestured to himself with pride. "Me and Bon-Bon would make a great team in the kitchen." Sonny admitted. "And Lyra has some interesting theories regarding humans." Lars noted. "Redheart is pretty sweet, you know. I'd be crazy to let that go." Salt grinned. "I think I deserve a second chance at happiness." Grimoire declared. "And if Zecora would have me, so be it." "So… we are all agreed that we all are going to pursue a relationship with our mares, despite how risky it is to our enterprise?" Lars asked. The other brothers only shrugged. "Hey, it worked out fine when Grimm got Sandy pregnant and asked her to marry him." Vinny recalled. "Yeah, we were still fine when Dusty brought a prince home." Slot supposed. "As well as with Daring." Salt added, "And even the princesses don't mind our 'work'." "Yeah. If our livelihoods could survive all that, what difference will a mayor, a nurse, three random mares, and a shamare make?" Sonny smirked. The seven brothers all exchanged a laugh. "Well, we might as well get back to our mares." Murray smiled. "Yeah, me and Redheart were planning on... erm... checking out the estate." Salt said slyly. "Well, me and Berry were hoping to break into this case of Prince Shine's old stallion's wine I 'liberated' a while back." Vinny smirked. "I think I'm close to finding that secret ingredient." "Vinyl and me are gonna give that turntable a workout." Slot smirked. "Well, me and May have been talking about looking at the stars together." Murray declared. The brothers glanced at him, "May is Mayor's actual name: May R. Mare." The brothers 'ah' in unison. "I have some poetry I'd like to run by Zecora." Grimoire admitted. "Just her and me in the study… sitting by a warm fire…" He let out a sigh. "To the kitchen with me and Bon-Bon." Sonny grinned, "I hope to show her my almond cookies." "I think I'll take Lyra to my private study." Lars smiled. "Show her more of my books on humans." Suddenly, a changeling operative stepped up. "Excuse me, Mr. Grimoire, I have a message from our fellow comrades in the Changeling territory..." He told Grimm. "Carapace, we've been over this." Grimoire said testily. "There is to be no work on the day of our younger brother's wedding. Surely it can wait..." "All due respect, sir, one of the veterans said that it was urgent, and that I was to mention the code word." Carapace declared. The brothers glanced at him warily. "Code word? What code word?" Grimoire asked. Carapace paused before getting a grim stare. "Twitch." The brothers' expressions darkened. "No... it can't be." Murray gasped. "After all this time?" "What do we do, bro?" Sonny asked. "It is obvious what we must do." Grimoire said firmly. "We must go to the territory at once." He glanced at Zecora and the others from afar. "I'm sorry, boys, but-" "We know, bro." Vinny nodded. "We have to do this." "What do we tell them?" Salt asked. "...Carapace, tell our special guests to make themselves at home at our humble abode, and that we will be back in the morning. Tell them we're... attending to a last-minute family matter." Grimoire declared. "Sir, should I call Caboose?" Carapace asked. "No. This is a matter for only us. Caboose is not to know any of this." Grimoire instructed. "Yes sir." Carapace saluted, as he went to the mares. Grimm turned to his brothers. "It is time to settle some unfinished business." He declared. The End?