The Mandate

by Mod On Death

Ponyville Fails

Bloomheart had just left that morning as Sound was prepping for the day. It was business as usual with dough preparation and the works. What made this morning different though were the visitors.
"What?" she asked herself as she heard knocking on the door. "Who could want pizza this early in the morning?" Sound opened the door and found that Red, Cloverbud, Heyfield, and Williams were there.
"Sound," Heyfield said, "did you know that Ink Blot's a zebra?"
"Really?" Sound said. "Huh. And why did it take three others here to tell me that?"
"Well," Cloverbud stretched out, "we may have made him feel really uncomfortable last night. We pretty much crashed down out of the ceiling and-"
"Uh, I feel like there's a thing you guys left out," Sound told them.
"We just stayed hidden so we could see what he looked like," Red explained. "But yeah, we really messed up."
"So we decided that next time he came by we'd greet him and show we know his culture by throwing him a little thing," Heyfield added. "Wanna help?"
"Guys, I have no idea what's going on, and I don't want to get arrested for some weird thing that happens. My dad's still in jail and I don't want to do anything that gets me thrown in with him and leave this place without anypony." Sound closed her door and tried to get back to work, but the door was burst open.
"Sound! Please! We know nothing of zebras and we don't want to be speciest. You're our only hope of doing this properly." Sound was still surprised as Heyfield seemed to kick through the door without any issue.
"Uh...ok? I'm not an expert on this sort of stuff though. Why not ask that other zebra around?" Sound thought that over and then said, "Actually, no. That might not be the best idea. You could also look it up online. See what it's like."
"Awesome! Thanks, Sound. Alright guys, let's go and see that zebra and go online!" Heyfield left the restaurant and the rest of the crew followed, leaving Sound with a broken door and a feeling that things were going to go horribly wrong.

"Okay, you're clear," Bates said to Lyra after he'd examined the lobby.
"Thanks," she replied, picking up her stuff and getting into position. It'd been fairly easy for the two to outwit their pursuer. Apparently he wasn't the brightest enforcer as he never bothered to check back at where she'd been staying. She started playing, Bates appreciating the music he heard.
"Good stuff, isn't it?" a voice behind him said.
"Yeah," Bates responded.
"Too bad I"m gonna have to bring her in." Bates heard this and turned around to see the minotaur just standing there. "Oh, uh, disregard that last statement." The large enforcer went over and suddenly grabbed Lyra up right in front of everypony there. "Don't worry, folks. Just a pony inspector. This one escaped the factory." With such a confusing story nopony was able to realize he had walked out with her.
"Sonavu!" Bates yelled out as he realized his mistake. He burst out the front doors and looked around to see the enforcer running off, Lyra struggling in his arms. "Guess I have to go after her." Bates tried galloping after the two, but was suddenly pushed back by the crowd.
"Surf's up!" somepony yelled. A crowd of long-haired, smelly ponies suddenly pushed him away into the direction of the beach.
"No! NO! I hate hippies! I hate you all!" Bates looked at Lyra as she looked at the crowd, her horrified expression turning into laughter as she saw the hippie crowd. She then remembered that she was being kidnapped again and then responded appropriately.

Cold Mold was looking at the two Jenshiros, one pink and one detailed, and tried to figure out if he could figure out how to create a compromise.
"Okay. One looks really good but really expensive. The other is cheap but ugly. How can I make this something that isn't too expensive, but something the fans would buy?" Mold looked over the cover of the comic Hoof of the South Star and saw Jenshiro in one of her poses. "Maybe I could do something with...opposable limbs?"
"Mr. Mold, sir, are you finished? I need to clean here?"
"Not yet. I'm trying to figure out how to make this action figure work and be profitable. I've got these to work with, but they aren't very useful."
"Hmm. Hey, is that supposed to be that girl from that punching comic?" the janitor asked.
"I guess. It's Jenshiro from Hoof of the South Star. Not sure why you think it's the 'punching comic' though."
"My son reads this stuff. He showed me this one part where she punches really fast and screams 'atatatata' or something." Cold Mold heard what the janitor said and decided to check through the issue on his desk. He saw what he was talking about, Jenshiro punching insanely fast.
"Huh. I think I can totally work with this."