A Simple Repair

by MajorFrostwing

Part 13: The Disaster

A Simple Repair
Part 13: The Disaster

By: Major Frostwing

"Frost there is something wrong my wing is coming apart." A voice said next to me then I heard all of them.

"Frost what's happening?"

"Major I'm losing lift."

"HELP US!" I saw all of them fall my world shifted I was on the ground in front of their graves all 11 of them.

"I am so sorry your Major couldn't save you." I felt the tears fall the true nightmare began they crawled out of their graves. The mangled bodies of my fallen comrades they grabbed me yelling at me to save them. "I tried." I sat there as they began to drag me into the ground a blinding flash appeared before me.

"Major Frostwing still haunted by these dreams I see." I looked up to see Princess Luna.

"Why do you save me every-time Princess?" I asked looking back at the graves. "This is my punishment for not saving them." I looked back at the princess.

"There is still much use you have in the living world." Her words did nothing to calm me. "What about Rainbow she still needs you what would she do if you were to just disappear forever?" I was confused by this question.

"She wouldn't have to worry about the baggage I bring with me over something I didn't even cause." I looked at the Princess. "In your eyes I am just a criminal someone not worth saving." My words were cold. "Why should you care what happens to me?" I asked glaring at her.

"Because I believe in second chances Major." Her words were filled with sorrow. I didn't want to be so cold to her.

"I'm sorry Princess I just want to go back to my old life where no one hated me I was respected as a person and as a man of science." sighing I stood up. "But there is not a single force in this world that can make people change their views." I caught the sadness on her face. "You know that Princess you know it more than me." I turned away from her. "I should wake up soon I have so much work to complete before night comes." I smiled for the first time in my dreams. "You have a wonderful night Princess keep the people safe from the nightmares I have caused."


I awoke slowly looking around. "Time to work just a few modifications on the new design and it should be ready for flight testing." I smiled wondering how I could decrease the weight of the wings. I went to the front of my shop when I heard a ruckus at my door. "It's before dawn who could that be?" I asked walking to the door I looked out the peep hole. What I saw made me take a few steps away from my door. "Why an angry mob with..." I heard crashing against my home then the familiar roar of fire. I freaked running into my shop I grabbed as much gear as possible. Tools, Serith, Serena, and the schematics for the designs. I moved my work station opening a secret hatch just as the fire was beginning to spread into my shop I ran down the stairs strapping Serith onto my back. When I reached the exit I jumped out launching into the air making sure my trail was black to mask my escape.

"Did we get him?" One of them asked watching the house burn.

"I don't know when the blaze is finished we will check." Another said throwing another Molotov onto the home. I watched in horror at what they had done they destroyed my home my livelihood all in hopes of killing me. I watched as a few wept.

"This was for our son you monster." I felt my heart sink. Revenge can make people do such horrible things. I was done watching I will have to find a new place to stay until this was all sorted out.


I arrived at Twilight's home I knocked on the door but it was Spike who opened the door. "Hey Mr. Frost whatcha need?" I smiled to him even though it felt hollow.

"I need to speak with Twilight about sending something to Princess Celestia." He nodded running back in to get Twilight it didn't take long to see a very tired and upset looking Twilight coming towards me.

"Ok Frost this had better be good." She must not be a morning person I sighed handing her a letter.

"I need a few things cleared up and I need Princess Celestia's help in order to do so." I was being straight forward for the simple fact I just wanted to leave and find Rainbow Dash.

Twilight grabbed the letter she was about to open it when I stopped her. "I have to read it before I send it want to make sure your not sending something to waste the Princess's time." I looked at her before letting go.

The letter read

Dear Princess Celestia,

This morning my home was burned to the ground all in the sake of revenge for that mission a few years ago resulting in the death of my squad... I don't know what to do so I am asking for your advice on this matter. I have tried explaining it wasn't me but they will not listen to me. I am at the end of my rope Princess please help me.


Twilight looked at me with horror. "They burned down your home!?" She was outraged by this I just nodded. "And what are you going to do about it Frost?" Her question confused me I couldn't do anything my training didn't cover this I didn't know how to react to this with peace.

"Nothing." I sighed. "I can't do a single thing." I looked at the letter. "Can you please just send it for me I need answers." I turned to look out my window there was a smoke trail on the horizon. I heard the roar of fire when I turned around the letter was gone.

"Should only take a few minutes I will contact Rainbow Dash having her here might help you feel better." And with that she disappeared in a flash of lavender light. I just sat there Spike was trying to comfort me but I just sat there trying to keep everything together.

Rainbow came in she seemed to be angry. but I only looked up to her. "What happened Frost? Twilight told me someone burned down your home." I just looked down at the ground that's when I saw a brilliant flash in the library it was Princess Celestia herself I looked to her confused as to why she came her personally.

"Princess why have you come personally?" I was amazed that the Princess was willing to come deal with this problem personally.

"Major Frostwing." Her voice boomed full of authority. I shuddered under her glare I couldn't move. "Where are these people? I will pass judgement on these people for what they have done." I was shocked at hearing this.

"No." Was the only word I could say she raised an eyebrow at me. "I don't want to continue this cycle of revenge I want it to just end." I was having such a hard time speaking under that glare.

"You wanted revenge on your brother why not these people?" Her question caused me to pause. I did want revenge on my brother but I now saw how wrong it was.

"They are acting on a false accusation they are just angry and sad that they have lost a part of their families." I sighed. "Why should I punish those who have been punished enough?" I questioned back. Now it was Celestia's turn to be surprised.

"I see The Major has returned." She said with a smile. "You have grown away from revenge and have regained your compassion towards others." She pulled something out of her pocket showing it to me. I looked at what she was showing me my eyes widened at the objects in her hands. "I have two choices for you Frostwing." She smiled pulling out a second object from her other pocket. "Take what is in my left hand and return to duty. You will have an assignment and you will disappear no one will know of you anymore." She smiled opening her left hand. "Or you could take what is in my right hand. Remain as you are with Rainbow Dash unmoving protecting her from all threats along with this city the choice if yours Frost." I sighed placing my hand over her right hand.

"I will have never existed." I moved my other hand to her right hand. "Or I will continue to suffer." I smiled closing my hands around both objects taking them from her hands. I looked at what I now held. The object in my right hand held a single star of a general. I turned to the object in my left hand it was a small rusted oak leaf. "Become something new or stay the same." I dropped the single star back into her hands. "I have come so far I will not give up my friends and family for getting rid of my punishment." I stated looking at the oak in my hand.

"Then your fate is sealed to solely protect those around you without pause. If you fail it will fall on your shoulders to fix the problem." Celestia said turning away from me. "Protect them Frostwing." She said before disappearing.

I backed away to the couch nearest me sitting down. Rainbow placed her hand on my shoulder calmly causing me to jump. "Frost you ok?" She asked me which she received a slow nod.

"I will be ok Rainbow I just need to find a place to stay now." I said looking up at her.

"I guess you can stay at my house and crash on the couch." She said looking away blushing. I smiled at her kindness I leaned over hugging her gently.

"Thank you Rainbow." I said feeling the tears coming no one had shown me such kindness. I would not take advantage of her kindness and protect her as much to my power.