Holy Celestia!

by UnderCover

Chapter Four: I Hate It When This Happens!

Before you freak out:
Yes, I KNOW this chapter is short. Before you have a fit, read the author's note at the bottom.

Skye awoke to eight pairs of concerned eyes. "AH! Moon, these people are real-"
"Ponies. Yeah, they kind of explained it while you were out cold," Moon said. She was still a bit shaken by the whole idea of REAL PONY PEOPLE.
"I'm sorry for scaring you, I didn't know that humans don't use magic until Moon explained that to me," Twilight apologized.
"That's fine. How long was I... asleep?" asked Skye. Moon shrugged.
"Probably four minutes or so," she guesstimated.

In the familiar world of Equestria, time moves at a different pace than in the dimension that Earth is in. While it had been two days on this Earth, it had only been two hours in Equestria. Only three ponies began to worry at the short dissapearance of our seven friends.
"They weren't at the the library," Sweetie Bell huffed.
"They weren't at Rainbow's house," Scootaloo puffed.
"And they weren't at Fluttershy's cottage," Apple Bloom finally blew their house of hope down. "Where else could they be? We NEED them to answer our question, and they weren't at Rarity's, or Sweet Apple Acres, or Sugar Cube Corners!" she mused.
"I know! They have to be at Zecora's!" Sweetie Bell brightened. Without saying another word, the three fillys dashed towards the earth pony's hollow tree.
"Zecora?!" came three screeches in unison outside Zecora's hut. Zecora dropped the pot she was holding and jumped.
"Oh dear, this will be quite silly. It seems we have three times the filly!" she muttered to herself. She walked over to the door and opened it, expecting the worst. A trio of colorful blurs came through it, and bombarded her with questions.
"Hey, do you know where Twilight is?"
"Has Rainbow been here?"
"We can't find -"
"QUIET! I need not this cluttered riot." The three ponies in front of Zecora settled down to listen. "Now, what is this deal that makes you squeal? It hurts my head, so have it quietly said," said the zebra poet. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Bell both looked meaningfully at Scootaloo, as if nominating her to speak. She cast an annoyed look at the sky before stepping forward.
"We've looked EVERYWHERE for the mane six, but they've totally dissapeared! We REALLY need to ask them about - EMPGHGHS," she stopped when a yellow hoof was stuffed in her mouth.
"We just need to find them, thought they were here, now know they aren't here, and are wondering if you have seen them," Apple Bloom finished. Zecora took a deep breath, as if she were taking them all in.
"I see your troubles, but it seems the earth bubbles. I sense something not right, something that could suck them from sight. The wood is shifting and could have brought them too, but I think I might know what to do! If I get this potion just so perfectly twirled, I might be able to see to their world. Do not scared, I believe they're well fared," she riddled to the young fillies in front of her. They looked confused, which was to be expected after Zecora's speal.
"So they were pretty much sucked into another world?!" Sweetie Bell voiced the trio's thoughts.
"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!" came the response from two worried fillies.
"Ah want mah sister back!" Apple Bloom cried.
"And I want Rainbow Dash back!" Scootaloo wailed. They were soon silenced with a powerful glare.
"Silence, young fillies! Don't scare yourselves silly! All they need is a rift, and back to Equestria they will shift," Zecora's words had little affect, but at least the three stopped screeching.
"I hate it when this happens," said Sweetie Bell. Once her words were comprehended, she recieved three questioning stares.
Author's Note:
I apologize for the lapse in writing, and for this unbelievably short chapter. I promise to give you at least 1,000 words next time, but this is all I have time for, and all I could come up with.