//------------------------------// // Scootaloo // Story: Cursed Book // by Sillyponyme //------------------------------// Scootaloo woke up early that morning, she tossed and turned. After an hour, she gave up and looked at the time. It was now three forty-five. Scootaloo let out a frustrated sigh and fell back onto her bed. “What to do this early when you can’t sleep?” Scootaloo finally stopped trying to fall asleep and looked out the window. Rainbow Dash quickly flew by the window startling the little filly. “Rainbow Dash!” Scootaloo screamed out to get her honorary big sisters attention but Rainbow didn’t hear her. “All well, may as well go to Trixies’ now, I can’t really sleep.” Scootaloo grabbed a jacket knowing that it would be raining all day which is probably why Rainbow Dash was up so early. Chances were that Rainbow Dash just wanted to get things done or she was sleep flying again. It was most likely the second one. Scootaloo made her over to Appleblooms’ first and threw a tiny rock at her window. Applebloom opened the window to her bedroom and poked her head out. “Scootaloo, what the hay are ya doin here so early?” “I couldn’t sleep, so you want to head out to Trixies now?” Scootaloo gave off a cheesy smile. Applebloom stared at her like she’s crazy. “Fine, I’ll just go by myself then.” “Are you insane Scootaloo, just go home and rest.” With that said, Applebloom closed the window and went back to bed. “But I can’t sleep.” Scootaloo turned around and headed towards Trixies’. “I can go by myself and I’m not insane.” She got on her scooter and took off as fast as she could so that she could get to Trixies and back as soon as possible. Truth was she didn’t want to be gone too long all by herself. It had started raining; luckily Scootaloo had remembered her jacket. She had traveled for twenty minutes before finding Trixies home. Scootaloo came to a stop and hopped off her scooter. “Trixie?” She yelled quietly but loud enough for somepony to hear. When she came around to the front, she found the windows broken. “Trixie, are you ok?” Scootaloo made her way up to the door that had been broken and hanging on by only a hinge. Slowly she made her way to the first step and could see inside. The place was trashed; it looked like a twister hit the trailer. “Maybe I have the wrong place and besides, Trixie never had this nice of stuff before. At least it was nice at one time.” Scootaloo looked down and noticed a blue hat with stars on it covered in blood. She began to freak out and took a step back but missed the step and fell onto her back. “Ouch.” Scootaloo rubbed her back and then noticed the hat move toward her. “What the hay?” She backed up a bit as the hat moved closer. The rain began pouring down and thunder clasped and lightning flashed. “Trixie, you ok?” Scootaloo asked moving slightly closer to the hat. She hadn’t noticed but she had started shaking. Once Scootaloo got within a foot of the hat a zombie version of Trixie jumped up and grabbed onto her. Scootaloo freaked out and felt a sharp pain in her leg. “Let me go.” Scootaloo kicked zombie Trixie in the head making her let go. Scootaloo stood up, her leg in pain and tried to run. Tears formed in her eyes as she limped away. She made it to her scooter and hopped on. Blood slowly flowed from her wound. It took twenty more minutes on her scooter to return to Ponyville Above Ponyville on a cloud slept Andrea who woke to the sounds of groans. Andrea peeked over the side of the cloud and saw an orange and purple pony riding a scooter while being chased by walkers. For a moment, she panicked before she grabbed her gun with her teeth. Andrea set the gun down and then worked on picking it up and to her surprise; she picked it up with her hoof. “So now how do I fire?” Andrea tried pulling the trigger as if she had fingers and then to her surprise, the gun fired. She fumbled the gun around in her hooves shocked by the fact that she was able to fire it. “Wow, this is really odd.” Andrea got a grip on her gun and quickly focused on the pony walkers below. She fired at each pony walker hitting each one in the head. She had just shot the last one when Rainbow Dash tackled her. Down below Twilight, Rick and everypony else came out to see what the ruckus was. Twilight was then bumped into by Scootaloo. “What in the world of Equestria is going on here?” Twilight asked and then saw blood coming from Scootaloo’s hoof. “Scootaloo, what happened?” Scootaloo looked up with teary eyes. “Trixie bit me.” Rick immediately backed up as well as Carl and the others. Rainbow came down with Andrea in her grasp. “Rainbow, what’s going on and why is the weather making such odd noises?” Twilight asked. “It wasn’t the weather; she killed innocent ponies with that thing you gave back to her.” Andrea pushed Rainbow Dash off of her and scowled. “You really think those things were ponies, then go to the next one you see and try talking to it.” Andrea then noticed Scootaloo and the bite on her hoof. “How long has that bite been there?” “I don’t know, fifteen, twenty minutes.” Scootaloo said in pain. “Then I’m sorry.” Scootaloo looked up at Andrea who pointed the gun at her. Andrea pulled the trigger just as Rick tackled her. The bullet missed its target and landed at the young filly’s’ hoof. “What are you doing, don’t be Shane.” Rick knocked the gun away from her while Twilight and the others went to comfort Scootaloo. “You know this has to happen Rick. Shane was right to do what he did at Hershel’s farm. If we don’t do something this world will die.” Andrea argued pushing Rick off of her. “That’s not your call Andrea, don’t make me have to kill you like I did Shane.” Rick blocked Andrea from reaching her gun. “You know what Rick, Shane was right, you can’t protect people. Too many people die under your leadership.” Andrea kicked Rick away, grabbed her gun and then flew into the air. Rick tried to stop her but he had no experience with using magic. “I’m doing this for the good of everyone Rick.” Andrea flew above and then shot Scootaloo right in the head. Scootaloo’s blood splattered all over Twilight and Rainbow Dash who were the closest to her. “Andrea!” Rick yelled trying to get his magic to work but honestly had no idea how to. Twilight let go of the filly while Rainbow held her close. The two mares stood there in shock at what had just happened. Twilight came back from her shocked state sooner then Rainbow Dash and glared at Andrea, then Rick, and then Andrea again. Twilight used her magic and drug Andrea down to the ground and ripped the gun from Andrea’s hooves. She smashed the gun on the ground as hard as she could and broke it. “How dare you, go away.” Twilight whispered the last two words and then spoke again when Andrea began cursing her out. “GO AWAY, ALL OF YOU! YOU ARE ALL GOING BACK TO YOUR WORLD, I’LL MAKE SURE OF IT!” Twilight walked over to Rainbow and hugged her tightly along with Scootaloo’s limp body.