//------------------------------// // Tuesday Part 5 - The Pink Dawn Part 4 - The Pinkening Part 3 - Pinkzilla Part 2 - Pink Movie Title Pun the First and Only Part... Wait, I Think I Skipped A Part? Oh Well! // Story: Equestria Girl. Wait, What's Equestria? // by Bysen //------------------------------// Once again Twilight took roughly the same seat as her last two classes. And even though Pinkie was in her class, she didn’t sit next to her again this time. Instead Pinkie sat as far away from her as possible. Twilight could already feel the dirty looks she was getting from everyone else sitting around the girl. It’s as if every single person in this class other than herself where friends with Pinkie Pie. The teacher came in at least ten minutes late and introduced themselves. They didn’t say ‘Mr.’ or ‘Ms.’ and honestly Twilight couldn't tell what gender Love Potion was. Let’s say ‘he’ just for the sake of writing ease. He quickly added after stating his name “For those of you who are new, thanks to an incident a few years ago, most students call ‘Love Poison’ behind my back. Feel free, I really don’t care anymore.” He actually did care, but not how you think. Yes an incident had happened and he’d gotten the name ‘Love Poison’. Nine years ago. Anyone who even remembered it was long gone from the school so the only one spreading that nickname was himself. And it worked too. He neglected to say what the 'incident' was though… but trust me: that’s a good thing. Aside from that, the rest of the class went smoothly and soon enough it was time to go home for the day. After the bell rang and the class was dismissed Pinkie Pie was out the door well before Twilight and most of the class. Not in a running away manner, more of a she was closer to the door but still moving a bit faster than most everyone else manner. And by the time Twilight had left, Pinkie was long gone. She felt like an absolute arse for doing that, even if had needed to be gone. Her justification had taken a nosedive when she realised the real meaning behind what she’d blown her lid over. The somehow physical feeling of the other students stares where still on her, as it always would be she finally accepted. Well, always until she left next week but there’s only so many time she can think that before it just becomes repetitive. They didn’t bother her so much now, but mostly because she was thinking about how, or if, she would apologise to that girl. Twilight made her way to her locker, took off her bag a emptied the books from it. She pulled out her time table and thanked god she didn’t have either Geology or Chemistry again until Friday. The day was over now and she could just head home, and so she made her way out of the school. Once again finding the back exit rather than the front. She walked around the school to where her car was parked, as yesterday, she saw Brad again. And believe it or not that made her happy. Not so much the seeing him there part, but the seeing him get in a car and driving off part. He hadn’t gone out of his way to find her, they’d simply just run into each other coincidentally. And they probably would again because of it. But for now Twilight was just happy she wouldn’t and didn’t have someone waiting to practically ambush her by her car. “Hey Twilight.” the voice sounded similar yet completely different: cold and shallow. It took Twilight a moment to recognise it as Pinkie Pie. Of course the jump scare of her appearing right beside her as she was unlocking her door didn't help. Pinkie not only sounded different, she looked different too. Her hair seemed darker and was completely straight instead of it’s earlier curlier furl… ier. “Uh… hey Pinkie.” Twilight replied in a combination of confusion and regret. She’d planned on, or rather thought about, saying sorry to her. But she had a bigger question right now. “What are you doing here?” because that whole stalker angle wasn’t fading from Twilight’s mind. “I don’t know… I just wanted to say sorry I guess.” Pinkie answered as she bashfully looked away. “Thank you.” Twilight replied, a little surprised by that. “I suppose I’m sorry too. You were only trying to help. I kinda just blew my top over nothing.” she’d expected that to lift Pinkie’s spirits somewhat. It didn’t so she continued. “I mean, I needed to find all my classes and I did. I guess you were rushing me because we only just found them in time as it was. And we did have Chemistry... hehe.” she chuckled nervously, hoping to lighten the mood. “But you still don’t wanna be my friend do you?” Pinkie said as she faced Twilight. A few tears fell from her eyes. “I… no.” Twilight replied. And Pinkie began to absolutely bawl. “B-but what’s so bad about that?” Twilight quickly tried to cheer the girl up, taking a step closer and putting a hand on her shoulder. “It’s not that I don’t want to be your friend it’s… actually it’s exactly that… but so what? Who am I anyway that means SOOO much apparently?” Pinkie sniffled and looked up at Twilight, who even though she wasn’t the same Twilight, she was still- “Someone. And I want everyone to be my friend…” “Well?... too bad." Twilight stated. "That’s not going to happen. You can't be friends with everyone, that’s just impossible.” for most people that was true, but for Pinkie… well, we’ll see. That didn’t cheer her up but she’d stopped her from crying at least. “Listen, Pinkie. You’re a nice person and it’s not that I don’t like you or anything. We’re just different. But cheer up about it ok? We may not 'have chemistry'… but hey, we’ll always have Geology.” Twilight laughed at her own bad joke and slowly, Pinkie began to chuckle too. It was in her nature to laugh after all. And she lunged at Twilight, giving her a tight hug. She quickly pulled away though and said “Sorry… I get carried away sometimes.” “I’ve noticed.” Twilight remarked. Pinkie, in return, put her hand out, thinking Twilight would rather shake on it than hug on it. But you know what? Screw it… “No hands.” Twilight said as she moved Pinkie’s hand aside and went in for a hug. With her head beside Pinkie’s she heard a loud ‘pop’ and felt a sudden whoosh of air before she pulled away shortly after. “How did your hair…?” “Oh, you know… I don’t know.” Pinkie brushed off the question with a wave of her hand. “So… I’ll see you on Friday I guess then?” Pinkie asked with renewed vigor. “Depends… you’re not in any of my other classes are you?” Twilight joked… and hoped. “Nope.” Pinkie replied, letting Twilight relax for a moment before adding “Just the other five girls are.” Pinkie said without even realising what she’d just done. And with that she turned and began to leave. “Goodbye Twilight!” and she skipped off. And despite what Twilight had said... Pinkie had made a new friend today.