The Song That Stole His Heart

by Thunderstorm823

Chapter Four: The Ambush

Lightning sighed in class, listening to the teachers lecture. Sweetie started writing down a note, and slowly passed it to Lightning when the teachers back was turned.

Lightning smiled, opening the letter.

Hey <3

Lightning pulled out his pen and began writing down, passing it back to her.

Hey, I was thinking we could go get some milkshakes at Sugar Cube Corner, you in? <3

Lightning watched as she read it, seeing a smile pop on her face, then she began to write down on it.

Maybe we could share one...?

The conversation had continued for awhile.

Lighting: Sure, to get you more interested, I got paid yesterday how about some shopping after?

Sweetie: So, milkshakes and shopping. BEST IDEA EVER!!! Love you. <3

Lightning: Love you too. <3 we should probably stop before the teacher catches us.

After she read the last one she looked to Lightning and nodded, with a big smile on her face.

The bell rang, and they all exited the class, Sweetie waited for him at the door. As he got there, he smiled, kissing her softly. "I'll meet you there, I got to put my stuff in my locker."

Sweetie sighed. "Fine, but if you are late, you are paying for whatever I want." She warned.

Lightning chuckled. "I was already planning on doing that." He kissed her again. "I'll be there, bye." He whispered, pecking her on the lips again.

"Bye..." She whispered, pecking one more time and they both went in different directions, Sweetie went straight to Sugar Cube Corner, while Lightning went straight to his locker, putting away his stuff.

Lightning exited the school and began flying, heading over to Sugar Cube Corner, but then...

Something grabbed his waists, and threw him down to the ground, he tried to flap his wings but to no avail, he felt a sharp pain in his back as he landed on the ground, bouncing off slightly. Magic wrapped around him and dragged him into an alley, Lightning opened his eyes, looking around. Only to see Danger, with his friends. "You..." Lightning mumbled.

"Yes me, you stole her from me, and for that you must pay." Danger said, then grinned, lifting Lightning from the ground and slammed against the ground. "Not so high and tough now are you?" Danger asked, slamming Lightning against the ground again only this time, on Lightning's leg, causing him to cry out in pain.

They all took turns, beating Lightning up, till he laid there, motionless. Danger stood over him, then grinned, pulling out a knife. "Let's see, what could I take for a souvenir?"

Lightning wanted to move, but everything hurt. He could watch as the knife got close to his face before hearing something.

"HEY!" A shout came from the entrance, as they all got lifted with magic, two Pegasus went over to Lightning. "Okay, he's breathing." A rainbow mare said to the other.

"Oh my, he doesn't look so good." The other said.

A purple unicorn had Danger and the others. "I'll handle them, you handle him." She called out.

"Quick Fluttershy, help me get him to the hospital." The rainbow mare ordered as they both picked Lightning up and headed straight to the hospital.

Sweetie sighed, looking at the clock. "I didn't know people would be 3 hours late." She looked down. "Why am I even staying?" She asked herself.

Pinkie went over, smiling at her. "Got stood up huh?" She asked.

Sweetie nodded. "I'm worried, and a little angry." She admitted.

Pinkie sighed, pulling out a cupcake. "Here." She handed it to Sweetie Belle.

"Thanks Pinkie." Sweetie smiled. "I think I'm just going to go home." She sighed, standing up from the chair, taking the cupcake with her.

"Well, next time you see him, give him a good thrashing." Pinkie smiled.

"Oh trust me, I will." Sweetie said a little angry.

Lightning's vision was blurry, but he could see around him. He saw two figures, trying to make them out until they spoke.

"He has a few broken ribs, his wings are badly injured, broken hind leg, and a bruised kidney." The doctor explained. "He might be here for a few weeks, he'll live, but he won't be able to fly for a long time."

"What? Won't be able to fly, who would do this to him?" His mother asked.

"Don't worry Madam, they are in custody." The doctor said. "They won't be out for a long time."

Lightning's mother sighed. "Thank you, I appreciate it." The doctor nodded, with a smile, then left the room saying he would be back to check on him. His mother, brushed her hoof against his bruised check softly. "I never thought I'd see you in a hospital bed again." She said a little teary.

Sweetie entered the Carousal Boutique with an angry expression. Rarity looked at her, while she was talking to Twilight. "Sweetie Belle, you're home." She then noticed her angry expression. "One minute Twilight, Sweetie what's wrong?" She asked.

"Oh nothing's wrong, only that I had to sit at a table in Sugar Cube Corner for three hours waiting for Lightning." She sarcastically scoffed.

"Sweetie... You didn't hear what happened did you?" Rarity asked.

"What are you talking about?" Sweetie asked.

Rarity sighed, walking over to her, explaining everything that had happened. Sweetie's angry expression changed, to frightened. "I'm sorry Sweetie Belle."

Sweetie looked down, tears formed in her eyes. "I'm going to go visit him." She said, as she rushed to the door.

Rarity let her, sighing. "Who did it?" She asked Twilight.

"I got the name Danger Driver." Twilight said.

Sweetie ran into the hospital, going up to the desk. "I'm here for Lighting." She said quickly.

"Sure one second," The receptionist pressed a button. "Room 20, down that hall." She pointed down a hallway, and Sweetie began trotting over.

Lightning had awaken, his mother had left after a few minutes of visiting. Lightning looked around the room, finding nothing to do.

Sweetie entered, seeing him laying in bed. "Lightning." She smiled, going over to him, and pulling him into a hug.

Lightning grunted slightly. "Easy... Easy..." He gasped from pain.

Sweetie loosened her grip. "Oh sorry... I was so worried. When you didn't show up, I was angry. Then I heard you were here, what happened to you?" She asked.

Lightning sighed. "That stalker of yours sure can pack a punch." Lightning said.

Sweetie's eyes widened. "Danger did this to you...?" She asked, tears forming again.

Lightning nodded. "I'm fine, now that you're here..." He whispered, wrapping his hooves around her. "Sorry I'm late." He joked.

Sweetie chuckled, wiping away tears. "Looks like you are buying whatever I want." She smiled, leaning closer.

"Darn it..." Lightning smiled, kissing her softly.

"If you need anything, ask me now." She said.

Lightning thought for a second, then smiled. "Sing..." He whispered.

Sweetie blushed, then shook her head. "I don't know if I can..." She was cut off with Lightning's hoof and his shushing.

"You said anything." He whispered.

Sweetie smiled, sighing. "Alright... but if you say I'm bad, I'm leaving here." She warned.

"Doubt it." He smiled, waiting for her to sing.

Sweetie took a deep breath, looking around. She grabbed a plastic cup from the water station and brought over to the end table, then she began to make a beat.

Lightning listened, smiling softly, loving her singing. But what he didn't notice is that a group of ponies stopped at the doorway, hearing Sweetie sing.

Twilight, Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Applebloom, and Scootaloo all listened. Smiles formed on their face, watching from the doorway.

As the song ended, cheers came from the doorway and the sound of clapping hooves. Sweetie and Lightning looked over, Lightning smiled, he looked over at a surprised Sweetie, with her cheeks as red as an apple.

Lightning put a hoof on her face, making her look at him. "You see... you have a powerful voice, one more thing... I want you to perform." He smiled.

Sweetie smiled, nodding. "Only if you are going to be there." She said.

"I will, I promise." He whispered.

Pinkie smiled, as the group entered. "That was amazing!" She cheered.

Lightning looked over. "Do I know you guys?" He asked the only three that he didn't know.

They shrugged, but Twilight spoke. "We saw what was happening to you, we heard your cries, we wouldn't just sit by." She smiled. "And you look okay, except for that cast holding your leg up."

Lightning smiled, looking at the cast. "They put it back in place, it doesn't hurt, but they insist I have it just in case. I also hear flying is going to be hard for me." He then frowned for a minute, staring at his wings slightly moving them.

Sweetie rubbed his forearm. "You'll be okay." She smiled, kissing his cheek.

They all began to go into a conversation that lasted all night, as they all began to part, Sweetie said she was going to sleep here tonight. Rarity was skeptic, but was convinced, she told her to be safe and left.

Sweetie cuddled up to Lightning. "I'm so glad you are okay..." She whispered.

"I'm so glad you visited me..." He whispered back, kissing her snout, making her giggle.

"I love you Lightning..." She whispered again.

"I love you too Sweetie Belle..." He closed his eyes, kissing her one last time before they both slept in each others arms. Lightning knew that he had found the one pony that would make his life great.

But all good things must come to an end sooner or later, the fear of that shocked him as he escaped that fact and closed his eyes, the sound and feeling of her breath as a lullaby to him, he slowly slept. Luna's moon shined over the room, as they both dreamed they were together smiling and kissing. Only making the Mare of the Moon giggle, watching them.