Equestria Wars Episode IV: Shadows of Equestria

by sonicdash123

Chapter 7: The Great General Falls

The shuttle landed in the hangar and the ramp lowered. Twilight an the others rushed to the throne room to a let Princess Celestia and Princess Luna about the situation Charming Thunder is in. They entered the throne room and stopped to catch a breath. "What's going on?" Celestia asked.

"Where's Charming Thunder?" Luna asked.

"Calamitous just arrived at the temple unexpected," Twilight said. "We came here to tell you that and request that we send a squad over to the Crystal Empire to help him."

"If he needs our help, then we must send our forces right away." Luna then turned to a guard. "Alert the forces and tell them to head to the Crystal Empire. And ready Celestia's armor and mine."

"Right away, your highness," the red guard said. He then rushed out of the throne room to do the task that was given.


Charming Thunder stood on the ledge on the second floor as Calamitous searched for him. He then leapt down behind him and said, "Hello there." The cyborg general then turned to see him.

"Charming Thunder," Calamitous said as he chuckled. "You are a brave one. I am here to settle the score for real this time."

"Your move." Charming Thunder then ignited his crimson blade and readied for combat.

"It will be your funeral, puny unicorn." He then reached for four lightsabers and splits his arms as he activated his blades. He then jumped to strike at Charming Thunder but he blocked the strike. Charming Thunder then made some strikes and chopped of one of Calamitous' hands. The cyborg then looked at his chopped off hand and used his fury to strike his opponent. During a clash, Charming Thunder lowered his lightsaber to chop off the general's other hand. They once again entered a clash and Charming Thunder gritted his teeth. Calamitous then pushed him back until they heard an explosion sound. The Equestrian troops came out of nowhere and started firing at Calamitous' army. "Army or not. You will soon fail in the end."

"Oh, I don't think so." Charming Thunder fired magic which caused Calamitous to drop his lightsabers and hit a wall. He then pressed a button on his cybernetic arm and his wheel bike rode in. He then manned the bike and began to ride off. Charming Thunder ran after him and jumped on the back of his seat. The general then piloted the bike up a house which caused Charming Thunder to drop his lightsaber. Applejack was firing at some enemies when a lightsaber hit the ground next to her. She picked it up and looked at the direction where it came from.


On the bridge of the Star Destroyer, Celestia, Luna, Cadence, and Twilight watched as the battle raged on in the air when a hologram of Applejack came. "Princesses," Applejack said. "We have landed and encountered enemy resistance. We have begun our attack."

"Very well, Applejack," Celestia said.

"Continue as planned," Twilight said. "We'll be down as soon as we could." The transmission then ended as the princesses left the bridge and headed to the hangar to join the forces on the ground.


The wheel bike jumped and started to climb on the castle. Charming Thunder hung on and jumped behind the general. As they reached the top, Calamitous reached for his electro staff and tried to hit him. Charming Thunder then dodged and grabbed the staff out of his hands. He then tried to hit the general but he kept on dodging. As Charming Thunder has the staff between the cyborgs neck, Calamitous grabbed his blaster and tried to shoot him. The shot then made them fall off of the wheel bike and landed on the top of the castle. Charming Thunder grabbed the staff and rushed to attack him. The general fired and the staff hit his hand which made him drop his blaster. Charming Thunder then hits his chest and made him collapse to the ground. The electricity on the staff then impacted on the downed cyborg and the general kicked him away. He then got up and tried to stomp on the fallen unicorn. He then grabbed his neck and lifted him off the ground. Charming Thunder used his magic to open up his chest and saw the generals heart beating. The cyborg then hits him in the face and he rolled away. As Calamitous got his clawed foot stuck, Charming Thunder kicked his leg but got hurt in the process. Calamitous then picked him up and threw him to the edge of the castle. He then picked up the staff and walked up to the unicorn as he was hanging on for his life. Charming Thunder used his magic to get the blaster and grabbed it. He aimed the blaster to his chest and fired. The cyborg growled after the first shot. He then fired again and again until the general exploded and fell to the ground. Charming Thunder then climbed up and walked up to the fallen general as he threw the blaster aside and said, "So uncivilized." He then heard the battle going on down below and teleported to the door in the castle. He heard explosions outside the castle as he opened the door. The battle in the streets raged on as he started to run through to find Applejack. He then saw Applejack and rushed to her side. "Applejack, contact your troops and tell them to move to the roof tops."

"Great idea," Applejack said. "Oh, by the way." She then grabbed the lightsaber off of her belt and gave it to Charming Thunder. "I think that ya' dropped this."

"Thank you. Now lets move. Enemy reinforcements are coming and we have a battle to end here."

"Yes, sir." Applejack and the squad rushed to the rooftops of the houses as they setup a trap for the enemy.