//------------------------------// // Inquiry // Story: We're Why-wolves. // by MoltenXKid //------------------------------// The sun in the sky was beginning to set as the full moon was rising. Yet, that didn’t stop Twilight from helping her student, Caramel, from studying for a future exam. Try as he may, He couldn’t understand the “Fundamental Magic Equations of Theoretical Relevance”. In his opinion, it was stupid for him to learn since he was an Earth pony. Twilight, who just happened to be an expert on the subject, decided to tutor him until he fully understood the subject. Both ponies sat in Twilight’s living room with books, papers, quills, charts, and anything else Twilight thought she would need to teach Caramel. She stood in the front of the room, and rambled on about something Starswirl said. Caramel, completely bored, looked out the window of the hollow tree. He instantly went cold, and began packing his things. “Thanks, Twilight, but it’s getting pretty late…uh…I should head on home.” Caramel stuttered nervously. “Nonsense! We barely got pass the first chapter.” Twilight said, “And, your test is in a week. You will never be ready in time if you leave!” Caramel barely listened to Twilight. He didn’t care. All he wanted to do was leave, so he grabbed his bag and headed for the door. With a hoof on the door, he pulled it open, yet was stopped when Twilight put a hoof on his shoulder. “You’re not leaving…” she commanded. Caramel wasn’t paying and attention to her. His eyes were glaring at the incoming moonlight from the window. He tried to pull away, yet it seemed that Twilight was stronger. “Let me go! It’s for the best…” begged Caramel. The moonlight was now creeping up his leg. “Not until you fully understand…” The lavender mare said determined. “Please…” Caramel was practically pleading . He grabbed Twilight’s arm to pull it away from he didn’t move it. His grip on her arm grew tighter and tighter until it was becoming unbearable for the mare. She tried pulling her arm away; yet Caramel’s grip was too strong for her. Twilight look down to his hoof to see that Caramel’s fur changed into a dark blue colour, and his hoof now resembled Spike’s hand.Right before glasses appeared over his eyes, She looked into the now mismatched eyes: One was a crying, light blue, and the other was a dirty yellow with a red slit for a pupil. “You should have let me leave Twilight. It would have ensured the survival of both of us, and not the increased mortality rate of you.” Caramel said. Twilight noticed his voice now had more intelligence inside of every word. She also noticed a gray suit-top appear over Caramel’s new werewolf like stature. “Well, Twilight, my teacher, my friend, my dinner, it’s time our paths to split: You into my stomach, and me out the front door.” Twilight fainted when she saw the new Caramel open his snout. Rows upon rows of teeth seemed to stretch for miles inside of his jaw. He opened his jaw slowly descending on Twilight. His slobber dripped on to her forehead. As he bit on her shoulder, the moon was covered by nightly clouds, blocking the moon light. Painfully, Caramel transformed back into his pony form only to see and unconscious Twilight covered in his drool. “Oh no…nono… nonono! This can’t be happening!” Caramel panicked. He scooped up Twilight, and ran away into the night. __________________________________ “What…the…BUCK, CARAMEL!!!” said a unicorn stallion coming from the shadows, “The rules say don’t bring any outsiders." “I know ,I know, but that’s not our biggest problem…” Caramel replied lowering the lightly bleeding Twilight onto the ground. “YOU TRIED TO EAT THE ELEMENT OF MAGIC!!!!” “It was an accident!” The unicorn stallion lit his horn. An aura surrounded Twilight’s shoulder, and it began to heal. She winced in pain within her unconscious state. When the stallion was finished, he grabbed Caramel, and dragged him into another room with no ceiling.Twilight stirred in her sleep. Flashbacks of the incident flashed in her mind causing her to awake. She didn’t know where she was, or how she got there. All she knew was that there was a pain in her shoulder, and had faint memories of being bit by…a creature. Slowly, she rose up. The pain in her shoulder was bearable, yet still uncomfortable. Her ears twitched to a sound coming from a door. Not trusting her better judgment, she limped over to the door, and heard intelligent voices speaking. She hesitantly opened the door to see two, suit dressed wolves standing on their hind legs in the moonlight. Memories began flooding back to her, but since she was a logical mare, she didn’t any of them. She began trying to listen to their conversation. “You know what we could lose if our clan was found out…” said the bigger, probably alpha wolf said. “Yes…you always say it to us. Experiments…traps…sharp things…and what not.” Replied the smaller beta wolf. “Exactly…“ The alphas wolf’s ear twitched, “She’s awake…enter Twilight Sparkle.” Twilight followed orders and entered the room. As she did, she noticed a circle of moonlight surrounding the two wolves. She decided to stay out of the light, yet an internal voice told her to bask in it. She looked at the creatures trying to surface information on them that she knew wasn’t there. “Ahhh, Ms. Twilight. Welcome to our home. I bet you’re wondering who…what we are?” Twilight simply nodded. “We are Why-wolves. Creatures possessed by the spirit of Inquiry and…Blood Lust!” The alpha wolf hunched over, put guttural emphasis on the last two words, and drooled. He then became aware of himself and immediately stood up, and readjusted his suit. “Of course, the latter only comes if we don’t have enough control over ourselves, or if there isn't enough Obnoxygen in the air.” Twilight scrunched her face, “Obnoxygen?” “It’s a pungent, invisible gas created by obnoxious creatures.” Replied the smaller wolf with his head lowered. Twilight, unsure whether these creatures could be trusted, stepped into the moonlight circle; unable to control her urge to do it. Almost instantly, her shoulder stopped aching. An internal voice starting speaking to her, “You are the Alpha female. Now, go forth and increase your knowledge. You are the Alpha female. Now, go forth and increase your knowledge.” The alpha male wolf began to crack a smile. He watched in joyful silence as the Element of Magic transformed into a Why-Wolf. Twilight’s fur turned into a dark purple color, her eyes went yellow but were instantly covered by glasses. Her gray suit, which included a skirt, seemed as if it was being sewn around her more slender, female Why-wolf form. When she finished transforming, the why-wolf Twilight straightened her lavender. “Gentlemen, How do you do on this fine night?” she inquired. “We are doing just fine, Twilight.” Replied the Alpha male. Caramel only stood there shamefully as he watched Twilight conversed with the alpha male. They were talking about subjects beyond even Caramel’s Why-wolf knowledge. Everything seemed to be running smoothly until Twilight smashed the Alpha wolf into the ground. With her hand around his throat she roared, “Do you not agree with my research of the ‘Philosophical Explorations of the Ancient Griffon Empire ruled Blood Feather the Third’.” “The Ancient… Griffon…Empire…” choked the Alpha male, “Was a warmongering…ignorant …third world empire who tried, and failed to take over Equestria…on numerous equations. There was no time for them to be Philosophical…” Why-wolf Twilight’s grip tightened. Her anger only grew when the Alpha wolf kept disagreeing with her. The voice in her head only fueled her anger, “You are the Alpha female. You know all. You are right.No one disagrees with you. Now, go forth and increase your knowledge.” She lifted the male wolf into the air, and threw him outside the moon light circle. Slowly, he turned back into an unconscious, red stallion. Twilight then walked to Caramel, breathed heavily, and looked him in the eyes. Instinctively, Caramel crouched, flattened his ears, and put his tail in between his legs. Twilight, happy with the show of submission, turned, and ran for Ponyville. __________________________________ “What in the hay is going on here?” asked Applejack. She rushed into town only to see ponies running around in confusion and stained with fear. “I don’t know, darling, but all the noise woke me from my beauty sleep.” Said Rarity. “It also woke the animals.” Added Fluttershy. “It almost seems like the town was attacked by some werewolf like creature, who’s name is a play on the fact that the “were” in werewolf sounds like the interrogative word “where”…so…we have probably been attacked by a what-wolf, who-wolf, where-wolf, how-wolf, or even…a why-wolf!” Theorized Pinkie Pie. An awkward silence rose In between the group when Pinkie Pie finished speaking. The silence was quickly filled with screams of terror as Octavia, carrying her cello, ran away from her house. Unfortunately, a music stand flew from the house, and collided with her head, instantly knocking her unconscious. The ponies went to help, yet stopped when out of Octavia’s house came a werewo- “Not a werewolf…A WHYWOLF!!” yelled Pinkie Pie. “Who are ya’ talkin to, Pinkie Pie?” Applejack asked, pulling Octavia out of harm’s way. “The author…oh never mind. We have to stop it!” replied Pinkie Pie. The whywolf straightened her tie, and then returned to hollering about Pitch Perfect’s revolutionary arrangements. Without hesitation, the ponies jumped into actions. Pinkie distracted the creature with her physic breaking antics. This caused the whywolf to explode with equations, and anatomy lessons to disprove Pinkie Pie. When it was distracted, Applejack threw her lasso. It caught onto the creatures hands. The wolf now looked at the lasso not, and began to criticize the “rudimentary, and simple knot.” The whywolf kept spewing useless information as it tried to break the knot. Rarity, seeing an opening, levitated a piece of scrap wood, and hit the wolf on its head. The whywolf was dazed, yet snapped back into conscious, and finally freed itself from the rope. Using her mental excess, the whywolf corralled the ponies into a small area. “You see, it was only a matter of time before this happened. The prey would be cornered by the hunter. I find it quite funny that you tried to fight this natural course of events.” The whywolf condescended as she licked around her snout, “but I shall applaud, and tell your story as you digest in my…ugh…what is that smell?!” In that instant, a blue blur came in from the sky, and knocked back the whywolf. “Leave my friends alone, werewolf.” “I’m not a werewolf. I’m a whywolf! A creature possessed by the spirit of inquiry and blood lust.” The creature explained while covering its nose. The ponies looked at Pinkie Pie who only smirked at the fact that she was correct. The blur, Rainbow Dash, returned to her friends and checked to make sure they were alright. Of course, they were shaken, but not harmed in any way. The only problem was that Fluttershy shook uncontrollably from fear. It took a team effort to calm the yellow mare. Still, even surrounded by friends, she shook. The whywolf, dazed and confused, stumbled trying to find its footing. Unfortunately, she couldn’t. The blue blur was producing excessive amounts of Obnoxygen. Amounts so high that a pack of whywolves wouldn’t dare come anywhere near this town. To ensure its own survival, the whywolf concluded only one logical course of action-to annihilate the blue blur. “Are you guys alright?” asked Rainbow Dash. “Yes…thank goodness you arrived.” Rarity answered, “Celestia only knows what could have happened if you haven’t of showed.” “Luckily, your friendly, neighborhood Rainbow Dash heard your screams of terror.”Rainbow Struck a proud pose. The whywolf slowly rose behind her, yet passed out when the Obnoxygen levels suddenly increased, “Look at that. Didn’t even have to lift a hoof to take it down.” __________________________________ Twilight moaned as she awoke from a weird dream. Something about her being a how-wolf. She couldn’t remember. It wasn’t important. All she needed was a glass of water. She hesitantly opened her eyes to allow the light to slowly flood in. With her eyes fully opened, Twilight saw her friends surrounding her; each wearing an expression ranging from shock to awe. Twilight went to greet her friends,yet couldn’t. Her arms, and legs were both tied to a single chair. “Hey guys…mind telling me what’s going on?” She questioned. “How about you tell us?” Applejack replied showing Twilight a pair of glasses and a lavender tie. Instantly, Twilight realized her dreams were actually reality. Her breathing quickened as she started to panic. Instinctively, her friends backed away. The tied mare’s mind shattered. Her whole world was now coming apart. No one would respect, or listen to her now that she was some kind of monster. Her hard earned life was now over… No, there had to be a cure. A potion,spell, herb, or even a Pinkie solution would help…something. “So Your Friend is a Whywolf?: A reference Guide.” Pinkie mumbled as she carried a book into the room. The mane six, except for Twilight, all went to look at the book. Desperately, they looked for a cure. Each one mumbling a silent phrase as they read. The mumbling grew louder and louder until an eerie silence graced the room with its presence. Twilight, who didn’t like being left out, asked what they had discovered. When she was met with more silence, Twilight hopped the chair closer to her friends. “I asked, what does the book say?” Applejack turned to face Twilight. A fake smile was plastered on her face, “Well, it says nothing all too bad. It even has a cure for ya whole whywolf situation…” “That’s great news! What do we have to do?!” “Not we…you,” Applejack corrected,” You…have to fail a test…” “M-maybe, you read it wrong. P-perhaps, there’s another cure. I mean, How could failing a test cure somepony?” Rationalized Twilight as her friends lifted, and carried her into the living room. Still partially tied, Twilight was seated in her living room with a test in front of her. From the corner of her eye, she could see the test. It wasn’t hard, maybe too easy. Too easy for her to fail. Through her constant struggles, Twilight began to doubt the legitimacy of the book. IT was just a bunch of old theories and beliefs, yet her friend’s believed. Twilight sighed and accepted her fate. The situation can go one of two ways. 1. She fails a test, and stops being a whywolf. 2. She fails a test, and stays a whywolf. Unfortunatly, in both instances, she fails, and it will be forever on her conscious. “Alright…Twilight. All we need ya to do is mark all the wrong answers,” Applejack lowered Twilight onto the coach, “Easy enough?” “Of course, she knows all the correct answers, so marking the wrong ones should be easy!” Rarity levitated a pencil in Twilight’s hoof. “Come on, Twi! Fail…fail…fail...fail,” Rainbow began to chant. The rest of Twi’s friends joined in. Twilight enveloped then pencil in her magic, and began the test. She took a deep breath and looked at the first questions, “Which Princess raises the Sun?” IT was an easy question. Instinctively, Twilight went to mark Celestia, but stopped. She had to get them wrong. The pencil hovered over Luna’s name. Slowly, it descended onto the corresponding bubble. “You are the Alpha Female; you do not get questions wrong. Crush those who want you to. Wrong answers equal weakness. We never show weakness.” The pencil then went back to Cesletia’s bubble, and marked. “YO! Twilight! Stop being an egg head,” Rainbow said hovering over Twilight, “You go to get them wrong.” No one was prepared when a female, guttural growl exploded from lavender pony, “I will not show weakness!” __________________________________ Caramel-whywolf ran through the woods chasing a rabbit. Not for food, but for knowledge. This rabbit seemed to have knowledge that surpassed it bretheren. With short observation, Caramel concluded that this rabbit was devious, not by nature, but by choice. With a quick, and stratigic run, he cornered the rabbit. He took out his notepad to take notes, yet a howl caught his attention-The howl of the Alpha female. She needed help, and it was his job to provide it. It let out a confirmation growl. Less powerful, yet still loud, and ran to help. He ran non-stop until he arrived to the hollowed out tree in which the howl of the Alpha wolf originated. Piles of explode tree lay strewed out around the area. He didn’t know what was happening, but using his excellent deducing skills, he managed to discover a trail. He immediately followed, and discovered his Alpha female had cornered five ponies, and had a test in her hand. Within that second, he figured out what had transpired. “You think you can get the Alpha female to fail a test! Hogwash! We whywolves are too intelligent to fail such a simple-minded test,” The Alpha Twi-Wolf condescended. She looked at Rainbow Dash who was cowering, yet trying her hardest to show bravery, “Where’s all that obnoxygyn,hmm? A few hours ago you were drowning me in it, but now…now you’re not producing it at all!” “I-i-i-i-i…I’m not scared of you!” Rainbow backfired. “Oh really?” Alpha Twi-Wolf made sure to show her sharp teeth, “Once I’m digesting you five, I think I’ll go teach some “Fundamental Magic Equations of Theoretical Relevance to one of my underlings”.” In that instant, something inside Caramel opened. His hatred for “Fundamental Magic Equations of Theoretical Relevance.” Slowly, his pony mind began to surface, and he began to change back to his original form despite the moon’s light. He had to hurry, and save the Mane Six including wolf Twilight. He ran towards the alpha female, who was lowering Fluttershy in her mouth.With a hard tackle, both why wolves fell to the ground, and fought in heap of blue fur. Fluttershy, luckily caught by Applejack, went into a fetal position not ready to speak. “Leave them Alone!” Caramel yelled in his pony voice. He grabbed a pen from his pocket protector, and forced into Apha’s paw, “This is for the best.” “What are you doing?!” Alpha Twilight hissed before smiling, “Oh…realization of your wolf-state. A rare occurrence. Unfortunately for you, your strength is fading." “I can still stop this,” Caramel struggled to keep Alpha Twilight at bay, “Plus, I hate those Magic Equations!” Caramel grabbed the test, and forced Alpha Twi’s paws onto the paper. Forcefully, he made Wolf-Twilight mark every wrong answer despite the fact that he was also being hurt in the process. After must struggle and retaliation, Caramel marked the last answer. The group was unsure if it was the why-wolf Twilight or the actually Twilight who screamed through the entire process or why two Why-wolves were fighting. Caramel snatched the test, and tossed it to the still frightened Mane five. Just in time, too. Caramel had finished reverting to a pony which made it easier for Alpha Twilight to throw him off. Rarity, the most functioning of the group, grabbed the test, and examined it. “She failed! She failed!” Rarity cheered. The words seemed like silk on everyone’s ears, except Twilight’s. To her, they were pure acid. She fell backwards, and contorted into unnatural positions. The sound of bones cracking back into place, flesh ripping, and agony filled the air. Yet, they didn’t last long. Within, a minute of Rarity’s words, The Alpha Why-wolf was long gone, and in her place was The Element of Magic-Twilight Sparkle. (Con't in Epilogue)