//------------------------------// // Talk // Story: Diamond Shield's Life // by FSHYLOVER //------------------------------// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Twilight Sparkle smiled as she arranged her books, and it looked organized. Spike was dusting a few things on the balcony while Owlowiscious was organizing the scrolls to a nice pyramid shape. Until a knock was heard, Spike dropped the duster and sped up the door. He opened and and a pink pegasus pony appeared. "You must be..Princess Twilight Sparkle?" asked the pink pony. "Yes, yes i am.." answered the princess. "Can we talk?" Diamond Shield said, as she removed her hood. "Uhm, yes." said Twilight, finally smiling and all her worries were gone. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "So about this case, i have a mother who got killed." said Diamond. "The murderer added blood on my little sister, and thought it was her. But it wasn't her. She loved mother so much, i know she wouldn't do that. I wish you could tell the police ponies to re-investigate? I know it isn't her.." "I understand." said the purple alicorn. "So, do you have any other suspects?" "In fact, i do. It's him." Diamond Shield shows a picture of Storm Cloud. "I see. It can be him. He has done serious crimes before...." "Wait, what?" Diamond Shield gasped. "Yes. Before you knew him, he was stealing gold, bits, and he has atleast done 5 murder crimes, and this is the 6th time. He also sent a whole school to the hospital because of the poison he put in his snacks. Atleast the fillies survived." said Twilight Sparkle, while reading an old newspaper. "Is there anything you, we, i can do?" asked Diamond Shield. "Yes, there is. I can tell the police ponies to re-investigate. Have you investigated before?" asked the purple alicorn. "Yes. And i have smelled his scent. I'm a great smeller. It is clearly him." said the pink pegasus. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - After lots of sobbing and comforting, there was another knock at the door. Spike again sped up to the door and opened it. The rest of the mane six was there. Diamond Shield was suprised on how Pinkie got out. "Pinkie? How did you get out?!" she gasped. "Wait, you trapped her?" suggested the cyan pegasus, Rainbow Dash. "No. This guy--" Diamond Shield shows the picture. "--trapped me, made me a slave and put us in a dark underground place with Pinkie Pie." "Ah'm honest 'round here, but that pony's gonna get a'buck on his face." said Applejack. "Just like you did, silly!" said the hyper pink pony, while bouncing around the library. "You had a break and you would never come back?" asked Diamond Shield. "Exactly!" Pinkie Pie grinned. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The 7 mares with their pets were having a picnic not far away from Fluttershy's house. Butterflies were flying, bees were pollinating, dogs were barking, cats were meowing, birds were tweeting, and grasshoppers were hopping. "And he was like-- nOOOooOooOooOooOO! And i was like YeEeEeEeEeEEeEEEeEEEeeeSs! And i slapped him in the face, with a chair, that has super glue, underground." said Rarity, very proud on how her friends were suprised on "what she really did." "Sorry, Rares. But that ain't real. How can 'ya know that 'ya slapped him'undahground?" asked the orange farm pony. "The area was like that. I'm not lying! The only lie i said was the super glue part." said Rarity, with an aggressive tone in her voice. "Haha! You totally fell for that. The area was a big billboard on the floor! Rari is lyin! Rari is lyin!" teased Pinkie Pie, while bouncing around Rarity. "Alright, i get it. So Diamond Shield, where do your parents live?" asked the fabulous marshmallow unicorn. "Canterlot." answered the pink pegasus pony, while munching on her sandwich. "Canterlot?!" said the other 6 mares.Rarity spit out her tea, Applejack dropped her apple pie slice, Fluttershy hid her face, Rainbow Dash flew away in suprisement, Twilight dropped her tea cup, Pinkie Pie spilled the frosting of her cupcake. "What? Does it sound royally or something?" said Diamond Shield in curiosity while still munching on her sandwich. "What royal pony are you related to?" said Twilight in awe, hugging her tight. "Well, my mother is related to Prince Blueblood, and Cloudia, my other little sister is related to Shining Armor.. If Guards have anything to do with it, i am a Crystal Empire Guard, but my schedule isn't tight." said Diamond Shield, still munching on her sandwich. "What?! Does that mean I am related to you?!" gasped Twilight and hugged her even tighter. "Okay, yes." said Diamond Shield, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "Why isn't she coming BACK?!" said Storm Cloud, slamming his hoof onto his desk, spilling some of his coffee, but not hurting him. He is a strong stallion. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "Zzzz.." snored Shine Cloud.