//------------------------------// // Dear Diary... // Story: That Crushed Feeling // by MittenPatty //------------------------------// November 23 Ever wonder why they call it a crush? You're not breaking anything, so what's the deal, right? Well, I had to learn the hard way. They call it that because that's how you feel. CRUSHED because you know you'll never be with them. It sucks to know, but that's the truth. ( Unless you're Diamond Tiara, then you can have whatever you want. ) My name is, well you'll figure that out in a matter of seconds. "Honey Dill," I go to Ponyville High, and believe me, It's one of the worst schools ever. "Honey Dill," The teachers are really strict. I mean, one time, I- "HONEY DILL!" I jumped and slammed my diary shut. Wait, scratch that. I jumped and slammed my JOURNAL shut. Much better. Now, where was I? "Ms. Dill, could you please just answer the question?" Mrs. Sparkle tapped her hoof on the floor and raised an eyebrow. I gulped. Everyone is watching me, even HIM! I turned to the blackboard and read the equation. 2(x+15)= 60. I reached for my calculator. Mrs. Sparkle groaned. "Come on, Honey, this is just review!" several snickers fluttered about the room, causing my cheeks to glow bright pink. Holding my breath, I gave my answer. "Is it 15?" I asked weakly. The alicorn sighed with relief and wrote the number on the board. "Correct, now who can tell me the square root of 625?" I exhaled and hung my head. That was so embarrassing, I even saw him laugh! "Hey, you okay?" I looked up to see Sweetie Belle with a concerned look on her face. I smiled. "Yeah, I'm fine." The white unicorn is one of my greatest friends, along with Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Babs Seed. I met them back in 7th grade, when Babs and I moved from Manehattan. Neither of us had our Cutie Marks, so she immediately introduced me to the other three. Just like that, I was a Crusader. Of course we have our marks now, but you wouldn't BELIEVE the kind of things we did to get them back then. I sat up in my chair to see Pop Rock glancing over his shoulder at me. My heart skipped a beat. I waved sheepishly, only to be scolded by the teacher. Again. Finally, 3rd period was over. I quickly gathered my things and looked over to his desk. Wait, where'd he go? A familiar laugh sounded behind me. A cute one, too. I spun around to see him chatting with Pipsqueak, already out the door. My ears drooped in disappointment. Suddenly, I felt a tap on my shoulder. "Ready to go?" Sweetie Belle looked excited to leave, probably because lunch was next. I grinned. "You bet." we skipped out of the classroom, only to run into two of our other friends. "Babs! Scoots!" we talked the whole way down the hall about cool videos and fan art. Separating, I went over to my locker and entered the combination. The door flew open. Man, my locker's a mess. Shoving my binder and folder inside, I grabbed my lunchbox and trotted over to the others. "Where's Apple Bloom?" I asked, looking around for the yellow Earth pony. Scootaloo hovered past me. "She has lunch after us," she replied. "With Twist." I shrugged and followed the others down to the cafeteria. I sat munching on a daisy sandwich, watching him from across the room. That's not creepy is it? I haven't had a crush on somepony in like, seven years, so I don't really know what to do. I liked some colt in 2nd grade back in Manehattan but this was totally different. "What's up?" Babs slapped on the back, almost making me choke on a dandelion. She sat down next to me, opening her lunch bag. She had a sly smile plastered on her face. "So, I've got a new crush." she implied and took a bite of an apple. I rolled my eyes. "Another one?" I asked, not surprised. "You have a new one every week!" she scoffed and waved me away. Suddenly, the Earth pony gasped and pointed to a nearby table. "There he is!" she squealed. I watched as Featherweight got up to throw his trash away. She likes HIM? I wrinkled my nose in disgust. "Okay." I turned back to my food. "The guy I like is way cuter though." My eyes widened as I realized my mistake. Almost instantly Babs was on top of me, spouting off stupid questions. "Who? What!? When? Where?!" I sighed. No use hiding it now. "FINE!" I shouted, shoving her away. "I'll spill, but only if you promise not to tell." The brown mare pretended to zip up her lips, then throw away the key. I narrowed my eyes, unsure of whether I should trust her. Seeing I wasn't satisfied, she picked up the imaginary key and started doing weird arm movements while holding it. I burst out laughing. "What are you doing?" I giggled. Babs stopped her stupid dance and smiled. "I'm sacrificing it." she replied smugly. "Now who is this handsome stallion?!" Defeated, I took a deep breath and pointed to his table. The Earth-pony beside me squinted. "Purple unicorn?" she asked. "Yup." "Brown eyes?" "Yup." "Emo haircut?" "Hey!" I gently slapped her leg. "It's not emo, it's kind of like a Beiber due!" Babs crossed her arms. "And you find that attractive?" she asked, unimpressed. I hung my head. "Well, sorta..." The pink-maned pony pat my shoulder. "I'm just kidding," she reassured. "I just think he looks, dark that's all." I lifted my head and smiled. Just then, a familiar voice called from behind. "What's up, gals?" Scootaloo flew over with Sweetie Belle not far behind. They set their lunch trays on the table and sat down across from Babs and I. We greeted them with a, "Sup." "I'm so bucking HUNGRY!" the Pegasus exclaimed and chomped into a burger. We all laughed as the orange mare dug into her food. She was done before Sweetie even started. Lunch ended, and everypony poured into the halls. We squeezed through the mass of bodies and tumbled onto the floor. Grumbling, I brushed myself off and got back to my feet, the others doing the same. As we walked towards our locker bay, Sweetie Belle squealed and galloped over to a brown Earth pony. Button Mash gasped as he was knocked over by his girlfriend. The two barreled into the wall. Scootaloo giggled, along with a few ponies passing by. I trotted over to help them. "You guys okay?" I asked. The white unicorn nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine," she replied softly and turned to BM. "I'm sorry for running into you like that, it's just that I haven't seen you all week." Button smiled and rustled her mane. "Eh, don't worry about it." The two shared a hug before departing in separate directions. I wonder if I'll get a special somepony. I hope it'll be Pop Rock... The rest of the day seemed to fly by, 4th and 6th period speeding past. Before I knew it my hooves were trotting towards by bus. 34, 16, 69, AH HA! I stepped into bus number 7 and sat down in the front. I never sat in the back, because all of the popular cool kids sat back there. Including, Diamond Tiara. She rides my bus, and it is such a PAIN for her to sashay in like she owns the place. I mean,seriously? It looked like she wasn't here yet, meaning had some time to do my homework. Yes, I do it on the bus. Don't ask why. Unfortunately, the second I open my binder the pink brat bounds in wearing a designer bow from Sapphire Shores new line. "Hello, everypony!" she chirped. Glaring down at me, she smirked. "Loser." she fake coughed and made her way to the back, but not before swatting me in the face with her over-conditioned tail. I sighed. This is going to be a loooong trip.