//------------------------------// // Only as strong as it's weakest link Edited // Story: Super nova // by Frostbite4 //------------------------------// "So Twilight have you learned something today?" Spike asked as he walked beside twilight with his water gun slung over his shoulder and heading towards their home after the events earlier in the day which led to twilight getting schooled by spike. "Hey Spike when did you get a water gun and hide it, Without me finding it." Twilight asked as she stopped about 3 blocks away from their home and looked at the drake with a questioning look, which caused Spike to stop and turn around slowly with a embarrassed look on his face. "Well you see Twi I ummm asked Flash Sentry if he had a water gun and funny thing is he had one and let me borrow it for a while." Spike answered as he backed up a bit and out of nowhere Pinkie pops and puts a helmet on spikes head before vanishing from behind Spike who was so confused that he could only say two words da buck. After a while Spike came out of his trance and looked up at Twilight who looked like she was about to explode like a balloon of anger. Spike then stared backing up away from the mare then turned tail and ran for the hills or in this case the library. After sprinting the few blocks to the house Spike abruptly stopped in his tracks when he saw a small figure laying on the ground in front of the libraries doors. After a moment of shock Spike ran as fast as he could to the downed figure as he got closer he could see that the figure wasn't a pony but...... A dragoness, and a dragoness that looked almost the same age as him with white scales and light pinkie and purple scales going down her back and the same color ear fins, to Spike the dragoness looked a lot like Sweetie Belle but as a dragon version. Spike looked down at the dragoness for a moment before bending down and gently picking her up off the ground and taking her inside the house and setting her down on a couch and putting a pillow under her head, when spike got a better look at the unconscious dragoness he could see that she was badly banged up as if she was in a war. Spike looked over her for a little longer to make sure she wasn't badly hurt before walking towards a cabinet in the kitchen and taking out a first aid kit, as he did that Twilight teleported behind him as he grabbed the kit. "Spike why would you ask fla-" Twilight was caught off with a wing covering her mouth as Spike turned around retracting his wing and explaining to the mare about the dragoness which made Twilight turn around to see the dragoness laying on the couch who was now trying to get up, as soon as Twilight saw that she was the temporarily blinded by a purple and green blur fly by her towards the dragons. When Twilights vision cleared she saw Spike kneeling down by the couch with the dragoness talking to him. The only words Twilight caught was the name of the dragoness which was Sally before the dragoness fainted. _Canterlot the next morning_ The thing about being unconscious is that it is very dark, really boring, and you don't dream so that left Nova one option which was to think of things to think about but the only conclusion his mind came to was that dragoness that knocked him out, as he tried remembering what happened before he blacked out. As he thought he remembered seeing Luna's horn glow then the dragoness flying at him. After what felt like decades of thinking nova started to feel his séances coming back to him and he felt like he had control of his body. As a test Nova tried opening his eyes which as expected opened and as his vision cleared he saw that he was in a small dark room that had a little bit of sunlight coming from a window on his left. He then sat up and looked around taking in his new surroundings before getting out of the bed. He somehow was put in right as he got out of the bed a thought came and hit him like an anvil to the head. Nova quickly placed his hand on his eyes to find his sunglasses missing, he then checked his sword (which he named it dawning blaze or blaze for short) was missing from his sheath that used to be on his back. Nova quickly looked around the dark room not able to find his signature sunglasses he then walked over to the door, before he opened the door Nova saw a coat rack with different varieties of hats beside the door, after a moment of looking for the right hat to hide his eyes under( which was a plane black hat), he then walked out of the room. After what seemed like forever, Nova finally found the dining hall, as soon as he tried to enter he was met with multiple lances, swords and horns aimed at him which made him step back for only a brief moment before he looked at the guards straight in the eye as the guards tried to look the drake straight in the but couldn't and started looking away and started to shake from the drakes soul burning Stare. "Let me pass right now or else you'll see what a truly pissed off drake will look like." Nova got into the personal space of a guard that looked like the squad leader, " do I make myself clear." Nova said in a questionable voice while getting right into the squad leaders face, who looked like he was about to go into shock turned his fellow guards and ordered them to step aside letting the drake pass through the doors. As soon as he passed throughout the doors his nose was attacked by a tune of different mouth watering food, Nova looked around and found a fair sized fancy polished wood dining table filled with all kinds of different foods from waffles too omelets, to a bunch of different kinds of cooked gems. As Nova looked he saw that there were three occupants at the table, two were obviously princess Luna and princess celestia, but the third occupant Nova didn't recognize but he could tell that it was the same dragoness that tackled him. After a awkward moment of standing in the door way nova finally snapped out of it and walked over to the table pulling the lip of the hat down hiding his eyes from the three females. Right as Nova came near the table he was met with Luna tackling him to the ground and hugging him. "What in blazes is it with me and getting tackled by females like for peat sake personal space much." Nova said in his head as he pried Luna off of him, getting up and sitting down across from the dragoness who's scales were green with light green ear fins and orange scales going down her head and back. As he sat down he noticed that she kept her gaze fixed on her plate of gems as she kept shuffling inconvertibly and glancing up at him as he sat right across from her slowly and delicately eating some gems before scowling at Luna who was sitting beside him on his right while Celestia was sitting on his left at the head of the table. "What," Luna complained insistently as if she didn't do anything wrong and giving him big puppy dog eyes and quivering lip that if he was someone else it would of melted his heart but not this drake, he knew way better then to fall for that trick again. "Luna shades, sword, in hand now please," Nova deadpan as he looked her straight in the eye with narrowed and determined eyes that would scare even a Skeleton out of its bones. After a few moments of the staring contest Celestia finally broke the silence. "Oh for the love of... Here just take them I give up, brother I have no clue why these sunglasses are so special to you but I don't even care anymore just take them," Celestia yelled as she gave up trying to fight her little brother and levitated the shades and sword to him which he yanked out of the magical grip a frantically put on the shades and chucked the hat out and open window, he then looked at the sword still in his hands. "Good to have you back blaze" Nova said as he slung the sheathed sword behind his back. "Who's blaze?" The dragoness finally spoke up "My apologize, I don't think we were properly met, my name is Prince Nova Blaze of Everfree, what is your name, I'm sure you have one because a beautiful dragoness sulu as yourself should have one." Nova said as he heard the two princesses giggling like little school fillies, "why is it that I was the youngest in the family but still the most mature one" Nova complained in his head as he glared daggers at Luna then Celestia from under his visor, he then looked at the dragoness waiting for an answer and found that she was blushing intently. " My n-name is Jewel" the dragoness said as she looked away and her face blushing even more. "I-"Nova was cut off when a loud explosion was heard outside which got everyone's attention, "GUARDS what in Tartarus is going on out there." Celestia yelled and not a second later and a platoon of royal guards and a small squad of elites barged in and circled around the two princesses and dragoness. "Elites, form up on me now" Nova ordered the soldiers but they did not listen instead they held their position. "Oh for the love of- " Nova was cut off by Celestia. "Flash Sentry you and your elites are under the command of my brother, you will listen and take orders from him". A moment of silence then Flash and the rest of the elites formed up in front of Nova in equal and even rows with Flash in the front of the squad. "Sir we are very sorry for not listening to your orders sir, we will follow you to the depths of Tartarus if we have to isn't that right." Flash said in a commanding tone and was met with ooh-ra and stomping of hooves. "We are heading moving out right now to find out what's going on out there." Nova ordered and led his squad to the doors to the city. When they opened the doors they were met with war torn city with Changelings and shadow demons working together against the royal guards who's lines are being pushed back towards the castle and towards them. "Ok soldiers let's help out the guards and-" Nova was cut off by a beam of green light hitting him in the side knocking him out and the last think he saw was changelings and shadows overrunning the castle before he blacked out.