Clock, and a Pony

by Mr.Clock

The Uncanny Apples!

The orange Pony takes another good look at Clock, before noticing something was up. " Where did you come from?" She says, while walking a bit closer to Clock, while Clock starts to get on his hands, and knees. He manages to say, " I'm just a normal ol' pony, ya'know? I got lost, and stuff. Now excuse me while I go, and.. uh do stuff!" She moves closer, seeing Clock in a costume. " What are you wearin'? Is that one of those things Lyra was talking about?" She questions Clock, while he walks away from AppleJack. Clock Responds with, " I..uh.. made it myself! I heard it was NightMare Night?" She looked at him a bit weird, and said, "Sorry, pardner, but you just miss it! It was a couple of days ago, in fact!" She tells Clock.

Klolc gets a bit tired of this whole charade, and decides to break it all, by standing up. " Enough of this, this is embarrassing! I will not crawl on my knees at all! Why would you ever think this was going to work, anyway?" Clock responds to himself with, " Well, I thought it was kinda working, before you blew it up!" Klock gets a bit peeved from being blame, and stars to yell, " Well, excuse me for not wanting to be on the ground! Only dirty anima-, I mean, uh, WE GOTTA GO!" Clock starts to run the other way, away from AppleJack, while she just stands there not actually knowing what to say aside from, " Erm."

Clock ran so far, that he didn't even know where he was running to, until he came across PonyVille. " Well, this is a bit strange." Clock said to himself, yet Kcolc responded with, " Strange? We are in a different dimension, and the only thing you can say is that is STRANGE?" Clock is quite tired of his bothersome yelling, and tunes him out. " I know what you are doing, because I AM YOU!" Kcolc yells at himself. Clock was searching through one of his portal thingies. Clock wonders for a second why he didn't go through one, before realizing that these things can led him anywhere, while he pulled out a Cupcake, and just stared at it for a second.

He wondered if Applejack was going to chase him, or not, but went on his merry business. He then noticed a pink pony staring right at him, and it said, " Are you gonna eat that?" Clock stop for a second and just stare at the pink pony. He know Pinkie Pie, too, but he is afraid Kcolc might be a tad rude to her.