//------------------------------// // Not a Pleasant Meeting // Story: Free from the Chains that Bind // by Sillyponyme //------------------------------// Sweetie Belle walked up to Silver Spoon with a smile on her face. Silver Spoon could only guess that she had been fired thinking that Sweetie would be happy to see that and the Princess had no good reason to keep her around anyway. What good was she if she couldn’t talk about her problem that was clearly affecting her job; that was already pathetic enough as it was? All this for only a few bits, nopony in their right minds would work for this kind of money with the problems that she had. She turned her head away from Sweetie who seemed overly happy. It was clear to Silver Spoon that the mare in front of her was just trying to rub salt into her wounds. She couldn’t blame her, she had done some terrible things but that didn’t mean that she couldn’t go dignified. Silver Spoon stood up straight and lifted her head high ready to accept the news. “So there is good news and some bad. You only have this week to come clean, bad news; you may not have the whole week.” Silver Spoon wasn’t sure if she should hit herself in the face or hit Sweetie but still, the mare in front of her was trying to help. Silver Spoon couldn’t possibly understand why but she was. “Come on, I’m taking you to the club house.” Without a chance to speak, Silver Spoon was dragged off toward the clubhouse. Once Silver Spoon arrived, she had to admit that she was happy about it. The whole way to the old clubhouse was full of angry and happy stares. She understood why others would give her angry looks and she could only guess why some were smiling. Those that smiled had to be thinking that she was going to get beat up or something bad would happen to her. Silver was happy to be secluded, away from the public. Unfortunately, it wasn’t going to stay that way for long. Sweetie had left shortly before Silver Spoon arrived leaving her to walk in by herself. That clubhouse was cute and it definitely could use some fixing. There were pictures of the main six all over the room. Most of the pictures were of Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack. There was no surprise there; they were the older sisters except for Rainbow Dash. She was more of a role model as far as Silver Spoon knew. Some of the pictures hung loosely on the walls determined to fall off. There was some tape keeping up some and nails keeping up others. It was hardly fashionable but it was a little like her. The little clubhouse looked bad but was special. The only difference that Silver Spoon could see was that she wasn’t special. How could she be, her life was a lie, her cutie mark was a lie. “What the hay is she doin here?” Silver Spoon knew that voice and she wasn’t going to be happy in the next few moments. “Be nice Apple Bloom, she is terrified right now.” Sweetie defended Silver Spoon and it was a shock to them all. “Why should we, you know she can’t be trusted.” Scootaloo was clearly unhappy and she didn’t want to listen. Sweetie couldn’t blame her after all that has happened. Scootaloo looked directly at Silver Spoon. “Why don’t you just leave everypony alone, you’re not wanted here?” Silver Spoon knew she wasn’t wanted but she wasn’t going to let the orange pony tell her the obvious. “I get it ok; I’m not wanted by anyone. I had to convince Princess Twilight to give me a job which by the way is nothing short of pony feathers in weight. I get paid so little that a rat wouldn’t be able to feed itself. I…I…never mind, I’ll just do something.” Silver Spoon started to walk out but Sweetie blocked her path. “Oh no, I didn’t convince Twilight to give me time to give you time just for you to walk out on this opportunity. I admit that I’m not sure if you can be trusted but I can’t expect you to trust me if I don’t trust you first. I believe that if Fluttershy could reform Discord by being his friend than I can sure as hay be a friend to you and get the same results.” Sweetie Belle stuck her hoof out to shake but Silver Spoon pushed her hoof away. “Who do you think I am, some; I better go.” Silver Spoon pushed Sweetie Belle away and ran past her. She ran and ran ignoring the many glares and unhappy faces. It wasn’t fair, why did she have to be picked out by Diamond Tiara? Silver Spoon let tears fall down her cheeks. She arrived at the library and barged in with tear stained cheeks. “Why did it have to be me?” “Why did what have to be you?” Twilight asked as she came from out of the kitchen. She had just finished eating lunch and was ready for Silver Spoon to do some more work. She was going to send Spike out to get her employee but Silver Spoon saved her some time. Twilight couldn’t deny that she was hesitant but she had made an agreement with Sweetie Belle to keep Silver Spoon for as long as possible. “Are you ready to talk?” “I want to but I can’t ok, why do you care anyway? Just give me the next errand from Tartarus.” Silver Spoon kept her head turned away from Twilight so her tears wouldn’t be seen. “Fine but remember that you are on thin ice right now. I don’t want to see you there and you don’t have to be if you will just talk to me.” Twilight waited for an answer but didn’t get one. “I have the next job for you, one that you should enjoy well enough. Filthy Rich was supposed to receive an order he made a few weeks ago but instead of going straight to him, it came here instead thanks to Derpy.” Twilight couldn’t help but chuckle as she thought of the mail mare. She quickly stopped and continued to speak with Silver Spoon. “Go deliver it to him and then go ahead and head home. The box is ready to be delivered; you just need to take it.” Silver Spoon nodded and turned to leave. “Remember Silver Spoon, if you don’t talk to me, you will be let go.” Those were the last words Silver Spoon heard before the door shut behind her. In front of her was the ‘to be delivered item’ all ready to be delivered. She couldn’t do much about what was next. She would be talking to the next worst pony to the elements of harmony. Filthy Rich was the father of Diamond Tiara and a stallion that was oblivious to everything going on around him. That would have been helpful had it not been for what Diamond had told Silver Spoon that night that she had left. ‘My father will hear about this, mark my words.’ That was it and it terrified Silver Spoon. What would Diamond Tiara tell her father? Silver Spoon had so many thoughts running through her head that she had arrived at the designated house before she knew it. With a deep breath, Silver Spoon knocked on the door and waited. The pony that answered wasn’t the pony she was expecting to see. “What are you doing here you traitor, come back to grovel?” Diamond Tiara was very smug about it and it dug at Silver Spoon like a knife. She hated her smug attitude and everything else about her. Silver Spoon wanted nothing more then to slap the smug look off Diamond Tiara’s face but she forced restraint. Silver spoon couldn’t let anything happen that would get her in deeper manure than she was already in. “Your father ordered a package that ended up at Princess Twilights.” Silver Spoon moved out of the way to reveal the package. It was as big as Big Macintosh; luckily it didn’t weigh as much as the stallion. Diamond Tiara glanced at the box and nodded. “So be it but don’t forget Silver Spoon, I have complete control and if you say a thing to anypony, you will deal with me personally.” Diamond Tiara turned and walked away and called for her father. “It’s about time, that crazy mail mare just can’t seem to get anything right.” Filthy Rich chuckled whole heartedly until he saw the pony at the door. How dare Silver Spoon show her face here after what she did to his little girl. “Who do you think you are? I can’t believe you would have the indecency to show yourself here at my home after what you did. How dare you try and force my daughter into a relationship with a stallion.” Filthy Rich didn’t need to say anymore, he assumed that Silver Spoon knew the rest. Why shouldn’t she, Diamond Tiara told him everything. Without a word, he pushed past Silver Spoon and retrieved his item and disappeared inside. “Yeah, that wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be but it still wasn’t pleasant.” Silver Spoon turned to walk away when the door opened back up. She didn’t need to turn around to know who opened the door. “What do you want Diamond Tiara?” “I think you would like to know what it is you did to me.” Silver ignored what Diamond Tiara had said and started to walk off but stopped without knowing why. “You just couldn’t help yourself, you wanted me to be like you so badly. I mean who could blame you Silver Spoon. You got pregnant and then aborted the baby and wanted me to experience the same feeling of intimacy.” Diamond Tiara slammed her head into the wall. “Daddy, it’s Silver Spoon!” Blood dripped from the cut on her head. “She hurt me!” Silver Spoons eyes widened and then she took off. Silver Spoon could hear Filthy Rich threatening her as she ran but she didn’t care. She couldn’t stay there and now what would happen to her. Once word got to Twilight that she slammed Diamond Tiara’s head into a wall, Silver Spoon would most definitely lose her job. She did the only thing that she could think of and ran home crying the whole way. Her life, her parents’ life was over and it was all because of Diamond Tiara. Silver Spoon wanted so much to do something but she couldn’t, she wouldn’t. Diamond Tiara would have her head if she said anything. Once Silver Spoon arrived home, she got under her covers and cried herself to sleep hoping that it was all a dream but that thought in itself was a dream. Silver Spoon knew that and yet she still wished that it was a dream.