Unintended Consequences

by Daedalus

Crisis Crossover (Part 1)

It had been a few weeks since Equestria's Mightiest Heroes banded together, and the team was now in Manehattan in civilian guise to sign Apple Core(remember that?) to a label for wider distribution. The She-Hulk and Black Widow, though, were on a lunch date. Let's check in on them, shall we?
Our two heroines were sitting out side and eating lunch when the spy asked, "So how are you adjusting to all this? It's been weird for me, since this really isn't what I'm used to."
This got a reply of, "It's been weird for me, too. My voice sounds different, m'neck hurts from having to look down all the time to talk to ponies, but...Honestly, I like bein' the She-Hulk more than bein' Apple Bloom. I feel like I c'n actually do things, y'know? And I really like that feelin'."
"I get that same feeling. I still don't like that transition from pony to human, but I'll just have to deal with it, I guess."
Their conversation continued for some time in a much less interesting vein until a flaming rock fell out of the sky and hit the two women.
Meanwhile, back at the Hall of Justice with the rest of the team...
The other members of the..Pony Avengers? I got nothing...noticed at the same time as the previously mentioned flaming rock the Sensational, Spectacular, Amazing Spider-Man fall out of the sky and land right in front of them. He just managed to raise his head, look at Scootaloo/Ms. Marvel, and weakly ask, "Care-Bear? When'd you get here?" before passing out.
The reaction was unanimous: "Well...this'll be interesting."

To Be Continued...