//------------------------------// // A Small Mistake and A Long Stay // Story: Diamond Shield's Life // by FSHYLOVER //------------------------------// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Shine Cloud, Black Cloud and Diamond Shield were eating cereal breakfast, and suddenly heard a sound like *DING DONG!* "I'll get it!" said Black. "Oh, it's the police. Come in, take a seat." he smiled. "So what brings you here, Mr. Police?" said Diamond. "We may have found a pony who may murdered your mother." the police replied. "Really?! Who is it?" said Diamond with a large,wide grin on her face. The police shows a picture. "WHAT?!" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "Why would you think it's Bloomia? The MURDERER WOULD DO THAT SO HE OR SHE WON'T GET CAUGHT" shouted Diamond. "Calm down, calm down. The police will find the murderer in no time." said Shine Cloud, trying at least to calm down Diamond. "Alright,you stand a chance, Mr.Police. I won't beat you up yet." mumbled Diamond. "You know that you can get arrested for that, right?" said the police. "Wait..how did you hear that?" questioned Diamond, but the police had disappeared. The 3 ponies looked around, then saw the police's face on the window with a poker face, but bigger eyes. After he fully disappeared, Black whispered, "Wow. That guy is creepy." The two other mares nodded. "AND I'M STILL GOING TO ARREST BLOOMIA!" shouted the police from far away. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Shine Cloud saw Diamond Shield sobbing. "Hey, whats wrong?" she said. "Come on, it's okay, we can find the murderer in no time! How about we go for ice cream. Black?" "Oh of course i would love to!" replied Black, with a twirl like a ballerina. Diamond giggled. "Alright, i'm coming." she said with a weak smile in her face. The 3 ponies trotted up to the ice cream bar. "I didn't know there was an ice cream bar!" said Black Cloud. "Oh of course, because it's new!" exclaimed Diamond. "Wait, how do YOU know?" replied Black. "WELL DUHH! THERE'S A BANNER RIGHT THERE THAT SAYS GRAND OPENING!" shouted Diamond, pointing at the banner with her hoof. "You two, stop that. The ponies inside are going to find us weird." said Shine Cloud. Shine Cloud opens the glass door, waits for the line and asks Diamond's and Black's flavor. "I want strawberry." said Black Cloud, drooling. "Vanilla, please." said Diamond. "And i'll take Chocolate." Shine Cloud finished up the request. They took their seats. "I never saw an ice cream bar, and an ice cream bar like this." said Black Cloud while waiting for the ice cream. "This is the best one. They put the ice cream in a cone cup that actually looks like a cup, they add syrup on top with the same flavor, and all ice creams have cherry on top." said Shine Cloud. "Order up!" exclaimed the waiter, Multicream. "Hello, Multicream! Do we have our orders yet?" said Shine Cloud with a grin. "Yup!" Multicream spun the round tray, but not a single splat of the ice cream fell. She quickly put the ice creams on the table. There was a bell, and Multicream sped up to the bell place. "Me!" "Wow, this really looks like a cup!" exclaimed Black Cloud. "Wow, i love this bar!" said Diamond Shield. "It's actually the only one i saw here." suggested Shine Cloud. Diamond Shield saw Black Cloud licking his ice cream seductively, then she looks at her hooves and slaps Black Cloud while her wings are straight. "Hey! What was that for?!" shouted Black Cloud. "N-nothing..." mumbled Diamond Shield. Shine Cloud observed, and she noticed why. She giggled. "I get it, Diamond." "Wh-what?!" said Diamond Shield hiding her straight wings, blushing. Shine Cloud winked at Black Cloud, and got what it means. Black Cloud gets his face near to Diamond Shield, but she could not do it. She punched Black Cloud. "S-stay away fr-from me!" she screamed. The ponies in the bar noticed, and laughed at Black Cloud's black eye. "HA HA HA HA HA! HA HA HA HA!" Storm Cloud walked in, and he noticed too. "BLACK-INCEPTION! BLACK CLOUD WITH A BLACK EYE!" "HA HA HA HA!" Black Cloud was sweating, wanting to pee himself because of all the laughter. Storm Cloud walked up to Black Cloud, and held him by his neck. He noticed his strawberry ice cream. "She's mine." whispered Storm to Black. Storm Cloud punched Black. One of his tooth fell out. Then he threw him to a simple Ice Cream maker. Then he slapped him several times and kicked him. He took pictures with Black. Then, he made Black Cloud to a ball. "Volleyball any pony?" smirked Storm Cloud. Diamond Shield was sweating, hiding under the table. Shine Cloud joined her, talking girl stuff with her. "Wh-why is h-he do-doing th-this?" sobbed Diamond Shield. "Shhh, shh shh.." hushed Shine Cloud. "It will be over." Another strong pony joined Storm Cloud play volleyball. Then Black Cloud un-balled himself, then Storm Cloud stomped on him. "Give me the way." said the strong pony. The strong pony did the same thing like Storm Cloud did to Black Cloud. He beat him up. The mare ponies in the bar were terrified, but the stallions were shouting with joy. Black Cloud at least mumbled.. "S-stop...this...h..he...help...mee........" Storm Cloud continued with his strong pony buddy beating him up. After 15 more minutes. they took one last stomp and walked away. Storm Cloud looked back, took a glare at Black Cloud, and stick his tongue out. "S-see, i told you it would be over." whispered Shine Cloud. Diamond Shield then opened her eyes, and ran to Black Cloud. "B-Black Cloud! A-are you okay?!" said Diamond Shield. "I-i...don't...kn-know..." mumbled Black Cloud. "Bring him to the hospital! shouted Shine Cloud. Some mares helped, and weak stallions did. Some ponies saw and helped . Black Cloud closed his eyes. He woke up at the hospital. "Is he awake?" whispered Diamond Shield. "Yes." said Nurse Redheart. "Is he going to be alright?" whispered Shine Cloud. "Yes, but it will take about 5 or 6 weeks for him to recover. He was beat up very hard. Infact, he got beat up for 45 minutes." said Nurse Redheart, while reading the list. "..Hu..Huh?" mumbled Black Cloud.. "Hi, Black Cloud! Uhm..We're here!" said Diamond Shield, not knowing what to say. After an hour, they decided to leave. They put food and get well soon cards. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -