//------------------------------// // 2 The Equestria of Tomorrow // Story: The Future of Equestria // by The Parliament of Flies //------------------------------// Twilight opened her eyes slowly, her head pounding as she tried to remember what had just happened. As the previous events snapped back to her; she quickly snapped back to reality and looked around her for her friends. She found no-one. She checked her surroundings and her jaw dropped. She was on the side of some kind of building, but everything was different. Everything was white; not a stain on anything. There were ponies walking down on the ground below her, all were shades of grey and white, matching the scenery. She saw some hovering things with ponies in them which reminded her of the chariots they had back home, except they ahead no wheels, they were shaped more like a pod and they needed nothing to help them fly. She stood up, finding this all difficult to take in. Her breathing became faster and faster as she began to panic. What could have become of her dear friends? Were they ok? Did they even get sent here as well? Her thoughts were interrupted by the sounds of sirens; the sound piercing her ears and making her head ache all the more unbearable. That was when another filly, an earth pony with white fur and a black and purple spiked mane with the cutie mark of a Phoenix landed next to her. The strange filly's eyes widened as she saw Twilight. "What is this? How do you still have your colours? Not to mention those wings, that horn and that cutie mark! Who are you?" The filly continued eye her with suspicion, them her attention was drawn away from the Princess and to the sirens; which seemed to be getting closer and closer. "Never mind, we'll talk about it later. Come with me." She ran and leapt onto the next building, gracefully soaring through the air and landing without any damage to her person, Twilight could tell that she had skill with climbing in all it's forms. She snapped out of her dazed and kicked herself into gear; flying clumsily to the next building using her wings. The strange filly led Twilight from rooftop to rooftop, it seemed to last forever. Them finally the sirens died down and they arrived at an abandoned building; far away from the other buildings. They went inside and the strange filly moved to the centre of the room where she lit a fire and sat beside it. "C'mon, sit down. I've got a lot I wanna ask you." Twilight paused for a moment; trying to figure out what was going on here. When she found that she didn't have sufficient information to understand the situation she joined the strange filly by the fire, hoping she could get some information from her. "So, now you have some explaining to do. How did you keep all of your..." She motioned to her body with her head. "Y'know." "I'm sorry, I'm not sure I do know. I'm not from here; wherever here is. I've never seen this place before in my life. I was just showing my friends a new potion I'd made and then it turned into some kinda portal. We were all sucked into the portal and then I woke up on that building you found knew on. What's with this place anyway? It's nothing like Ponyville." The other filly froze. "D-did you just say Ponyville...?" Twilight nodded. "But that's impossible! Ponyville and all of it's inhabitants where destroyed fifteen years ago, at the beginning of the Fall of Celestia." "The Fall of Celestia? Did something happen to her?" "Yeah, something awful. When Celestia found that the wielders of the Elements of Harmony had gone missing, she kinda went crazy. She had her royal guard burn Ponyville to the ground and then began turning everything bland and white. She built a terrible machine which saps a pony of their horns, wings, colours and cutie marks. Turning them into bland zombies. She them uses the energy she gets from that magic to power herself to unimaginable proportions. Do you know anything about that?" Twilight said nothing for almost a minute; amazed that Celestia was capable of such a thing. She then regained her composure and spoke again. "Back where I'm from everything's normal. I'm one of the wielders of the Elements of Harmony and we all just got sucked through a portal and arrived here." The mysterious filly gasped. "Does that mean you're from the past then? You must be on the very beginning of the Fall of Celestia. You going through that portal and coming here, to the future, is what drives Celestia over the edge. We've got to find your friends and get you back to the past to prevent all this from happening." "How are we going to do that though? This place seems big." "This place is Canterlot. It's swarming with cops; the royal guard robbed of their colour and cutie marks and reduced to emotionless thugs which enforce Celestia's crazy laws." "Is there anyone else who managed to keep some of their cutie marks and stuff?" "There's two others that I know of; my friend and fellow anarchist Golden Shine. We try and mess with Celestia's plans together. Plus our friend Gear Shift, he helps us with computers and intel and stuff." Twilight pulls a confused face, and the mysterious filly pauses for a moment, before realising why she was confused. "Oh, there's no more magic. It's been replaced by this stuff called technology. It's a long story. Uh, anyway I'm Del Vira, it's nice to meet you." She offers a warm smile and Twilight smiles back. "I'm Twilight Sparkle, it's nice to meet you too!"