//------------------------------// // Chapter 1 // Story: Elder Scrolls V: Dovahshy // by RainbowDangerDash97 //------------------------------// Fluttershy opened her eyes slowly, as she heard a ringing from her bed-table. She groped around beside her, before grasping hold of a boucy alarm clock. She clicked it off, and closed her eyes for an extra bit of rest. Almost as if she were purposely disturbing the girl, rather short stout girl jumped in. "Hello, Fluttershy!" she cried out. "Wakey Wakey! I've got another morning of guard duty, and unless you want to go alchemy ingredient-hunting, then you'd better hurry!" Fluttershy shook her head, rubbing her eyes. "Five - five more minutes," she muttered, as she pulled up the the silky yellow blanket, ducking under it, and cuddling into a comfortable ball. "Oh, you're such a lazy-head," Pinkie Pie grumbled. She stepped over to the bed-side, and shook her friend violently. Fluttershy, who was a very delicate girl, got up at once, feeling sick and dizzy. "Come on," Pinkie Pie said, grabbing her friend by her skinny wrist. "You need to toughen up, Fluttershy. I mean - no-one survives in Tamriel by being a doormat." Fluttershy got into her armour, which consisted of a long yellow dress, with shoulder guards, and bits of metal here and there. You never know what might attack you in the forest. Pinkie Pie made a sudden gasp, as she got out of Breezehome. "Look, Fluttershy!" she cried out. "Have you seen those warriors from Hammerfell? They've got curved swords!" Her voice lowered into a spooky whisper. "Curved. Swords." Fluttershy playfully shoved her guard friend out of her way. "Yeah, baby!" Pinkie Pie shouted. So loud the whole of Whiterun heard her. "That's the way to roll! Haven't you heard? When somebody tries to block - show 'em that you rock." "Oh my..um...I'm sorry," Fluttershy muttered. "I was..." "Ugh..there you go again!" Pinkie Pie laughed. "Hey, if you ever want a lesson of assertiveness - you should visit the Companions! You know 'em! Wind District? Oh, and that reminds me - had any adventures lately?" Fluttershy blinked a few times. "Oh, no.." she whispered. "Oh, I used to be an adventurer like you," Pinkie Pie replied. "Then I took an arrow to the knee." Fluttershy gasped. "Oh, you poor poor thing!" "Nah, didn't hurt a bit," Pinkie laughed, tossing her head of pink cotton-candyish hair. "Every guard has to do that in order to become a guard, silly!" Fluttershy stared on, horrified. "Aww..would you look at that?" Pinkie Pie carried on. "I've got guard duty again! D'oh! See ya later, Fluttergator!" Fluttershy waved at her. "Um...I hope you --" "Don't be a Lars BattleBorn!" Pinkie Pie giggled. "I'll be alright. Bye now!" Fluttershy watched as her friend ran away, waving back, and putting on her Whiterun Guard helmet. "Doormat? Lars Battleborn?" she asked herself, pondering over her friend's words as she walked back to her home. Meanwhile, Lars Battleborn came up to her. "Fluttershy! Help me! Sweetie Braith is bullying me!" Fluttershy's eyes blazed with fury. "Sweetie Braith! How DARE you bully my friend!" Sweetie Belle shrunk back, before remembering herself, and stepping up again. "Boys, girls, dogs, elders. There's nobody I won't fight!" Fluttershy whispered, "I..um.." Then, she remembered what Pinkie Pie had told her. In the background, the guard could be seen eating a sweet roll, and giving her friend an encouraging look. Fluttershy gulped, and opened her eyes very wide. A weird force came out of them, and they seemed to be shooting at Sweetie Belle. The girl shrunk back once more. "Y-yes, Fluttershy." She backed away, before completely running away. Fluttershy shut her eyes at once. She felt terrible! "Woohoo!" Pinkie Pie cried out. She clapped wildly. "That was great, Fluttershy! You really stood up to that girl!" The girl (who Fluttershy mistook for a boy) crawled up to her hero, whispering, "Thanks, Fluttershy. Oh - and call me Scootaloo. Everyone does." Fluttershy nodded slightly, smiled pleasantly, and left at once. "I'm not a doormat! I'm not a Scootaloo!" she shrieked. She gave a happy squeal, and ran back home, satisfied.